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Microsoft validation during migration

During the migration process for Microsoft, data is migrated from the customer system to the AppDirect platform. We validate the Microsoft information to ensure that customer accounts are valid before migrating them to the AppDirect platform.

We validate the following Microsoft data:

  • Microsoft Tenant ID
  • Subscription quantity
  • Domain
  • Country code
  • Microsoft Subscription ID
  • Microsoft subscription status
  • Microsoft Commerce ID

Complete the following procedure to validate Microsoft customer account information before migrating it to the platform.


Microsoft validation during migration must be enabled on the marketplace. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to enable Microsoft validation.

To validate Microsoft information during migration

  1. Create and import your datasets using Create migration datasets. Choose the following files:
    • Microsoft Customers
    • Microsoft Subscriptions
  2. During import, data is validated with Microsoft.
  3. Download migration reports. See Download migration reports.
  4. Download the report to view errors.

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