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Create and validate the data files

Important: Microsoft Azure Global CSP integration has been deprecated. Deprecated features are only available to existing AppDirect customers who already use them. If you are a new customer, you cannot use this feature. For more information about deprecation, see Product lifecycle phases.

Complete the following procedure to import externally created orders into your marketplace. Inform AppDirect when your dataset is validated and ready for migration. If a batch is migrated with errors, fix the errors and resubmit for validation.

To create and validate the data files

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > Integration | Migration > Create Dataset.
  2. Enter a {Batch Name}.
  3. Click Choose File next to the data type that you want to import, navigate to the CSV file, and then click Open. The file name and path appear in the corresponding field. Repeat for other data types that you want to include in the dataset.
  4. Click Upload Dataset. When the upload is complete, the Data Migration page opens and displays a message stating that the batch was successfully created and sent for validation. The validation is performed automatically.
  5. When the state changes from Created to any Activated state, you can click Download Report in the Report column to download a copy of the import report. If a batch {Name} has a status of validated with errors then there was an issue with one or more of the files. In the report examine the error messages in the last two columns. Fix the errors and resubmit the batch for validation.
  6. If your batch {Name} has a status of Validated contact AppDirect and inform them that your dataset has been validated and is ready for migration. AppDirect triggers the migration to the marketplace. After migration the application status of the batch is migrated.
  7. If the application status of the batch is migrated with errors, fix the errors, and resubmit the batch for validation. If a batch has an application status activated, it has been migrated onto the marketplace.

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