Set up G2 credentials
❗ Important: To use this feature, your marketplace must be configured with a compatible storefront theme, such as the Plaza theme. The Storefront Builder is currently in Early Availability status. Features in Early Availability status are only available in production to a limited number of customers based on fit with specific use cases. If you would like to use the Reviews Aggregator described here during the Early Availability phase, contact your AppDirect technical representative.
You must meet the following requirements before you complete the steps described in this topic:
Set up a G2 account and have your G2 access token available.
Use the procedure described in Create API clients to create an API client and to get the consumer key and consumer secret that are required to access your G2 account from the marketplace. Because you need the consumer secret to set up your G2 credentials as described in this topic, be sure to save your consumer secret to a safe place immediately after you create the API client.
Purchase the Reviews Aggregator product in the marketplace. For more information, see Enable the Reviews Aggregator.
Configure your marketplace credentials by following the procedure described in Set up marketplace credentials.
Setting up your provider credentials
After you set up your marketplace credentials, you need to set up credentials for each review provider that you want to utilize.
To set up your G2 credentials
📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
Go to Manage > Marketplace > MyApps, then click on the Reviews Aggregator tile.
📝 Note: If you haven’t already set up your marketplace credentials, a warning advises you that you need to do so. These credentials are necessary to ensure that the aggregator can send review data to your marketplace. Complete the steps in Set up marketplace credentials before you proceed to the next step.
Click the list icon in the top navigation bar, then click Provider Credentials. If you had already exited the application before you set up your G2 credentials, on your MyApps page, click the Reviews Aggregator tile. A warning advises you that you need to set up provider credentials. Click the Provider Credentials button
Enter your G2 token, then click Test Connection.
Click Save. Your provider credentials are saved. The G2 tab appears in the top navigation, and you're ready to map your products to products in the G2 system. For more information, see Map marketplace products to G2 .
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