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Map marketplace products to G2

Important: To use this feature, your marketplace must be configured with a compatible storefront theme, such as the Plaza theme. The Storefront Builder is currently in Early Availability status. Features in Early Availability status are only available in production to a limited number of customers based on fit with specific use cases. If you would like to use the Reviews Aggregator described here during the Early Availability phase, contact your AppDirect technical representative.


  • Complete the steps described in the Set up G2 credentials topic before you complete this procedure.
  • Make sure that you have the marketplace product ID (the UUID) for every product that you want to map. To get a product’s UUID, run a Marketplace Products report. The report includes the UUID for every product listed in the report, for more information, see Create customized reports.
  • Make sure that you have the G2 product ID for every product that you want to map (this is a different product ID than the one used on your marketplace).

After you purchase the Reviews Aggregator application, you need to map your marketplace products to the same products in the G2 user interface. This important step ensures that G2 reviews that are added to a product profile on your marketplace are associated with the same product that you offer.

You can map products individually, which can be time-consuming, or you can create and upload a CSV file that maps multiple products at the same time using batch upload.

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

To map individual products
  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > MyApps, then click the Reviews Aggregator tile. The Review Syndicator page opens.
  2. Click the G2 tab if you have more than one provider configured.
  3. Enter the marketplace product name.
  4. Enter the marketplace product ID (UUID). To get a product’s UUID, run a Marketplace Products report. The report includes the UUID for every product listed in the report (see Create customized reports [Insert link for topic] for more information).
  5. Click Add. A new row is added to the list of mapped product names. The provider fields are empty.
  6. Add the provider name (the name that G2 uses for the product).
  7. Add the provider ID (the product ID that G2 uses for the product). After you enter the provider name and product ID, two options appear in the Actions column—Discard and Bind.
  8. Click Bind to bind the marketplace product to the same product in G2 (or Discard to remove the product). If you click Bind, the status changes to Ready, which means that the system is ready to complete the mapping between the two products. Three options (Start, Delete, and Reset) appear in the Actions column.
  9. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Start—Starts the mapping process. While the process is underway, the status momentarily changes to Starting. When the process is complete, it changes to Running. The mapping is complete, and G2 reviews for the products that you map are displayed on the product profile page on your marketplace.
    • Delete—Deletes the mapping.
    • Reset—Returns the mapping to the Ready stage (mapping is no longer in effect, but you can click Start to restart the binding process)
  10. (Optional) You can add individual products to the list and choose to start them all at the same time instead of individually. Click Start All after you've added all of the products. The status for every row changes to Starting and the action changes to Waiting.

After the status for a row changes to Running, the mapping is complete, and G2 reviews for the products that you mapped are displayed on the product profile page on your marketplace.

To map multiple products using batch upload
  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > MyApps, then click the Reviews Aggregator tile. The Review Syndicator page opens.
  2. Click the G2 tab if you have more than one provider configured.
  3. Click the list icon, then click Upload Batch Products.
  4. Click Download Template. The template defines the format (CSV) and columns that you need to use for the file.
  5. Enter the required information in the template.
  6. Click and drag the CSV file into the batch upload window.
  7. Click Upload Batch Products. A message notifies you that the batch was uploaded successfully.
  8. Click X to exit the batch upload page. The G2 Review Syndicator page opens, with the list of all of the products from the upload that are ready to map, and products that were previously mapped.
  9. The status of the products that you uploaded is Ready, which means that the system is ready for you to complete the mapping between the two products.
  10. (Optional) Click Start All to complete the mapping of all products on the page. To do individual mapping, proceed to the next step.
  11. (Optional) Complete the mapping individually for each product. Do one of the following for each product row:
    • Click Start—Starts the mapping process. While the process is underway, the status momentarily changes to Starting. When the process is complete, it changes to Running. The mapping is complete, and G2 reviews for the products that you map are displayed on the product profile page on your marketplace.
    • Click Delete—Deletes the mapping.
    • Click Reset—Returns the mapping to the Ready stage (mapping is removed, but you can click Start to restart the binding process).

After the status for a row changes to Running, the mapping is complete, and G2 reviews for the products that you mapped are displayed on the product profile page on your marketplace.

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