Change opportunity owners
📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
The Opportunities feature is enabled when a New Lead or Purchase button appears in the upper-right corner of the page at Manage > Marketplace > Orders.
❗ Important: Only AppDirect can enable the Opportunities feature. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request it.
Opportunity owners can manage opportunities and sales that result from the opportunities are attributed to the owners.
Users who create opportunities are the default opportunity owners. However, Marketplace Managers and Reseller Managers can change who owns opportunities.
When Marketplace Managers and Reseller Managers change the owner of an opportunity, all products on the opportunity are removed. The new owner can then add products to the opportunity.
Reseller owners
For a Reseller to own an opportunity and sell products to a customer, the Reseller's company must be linked to the customer's company.
When Marketplace Managers and Reseller Managers change the owner of an opportunity to a Reseller whose company is not linked to the customer's company, the platform automatically links the companies.
Some of the features and options referenced in this topic might not appear, depending on marketplace, role, and company configuration.
To change opportunity owners
- Go to one of the following locations:
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME | Opportunities. All opportunities that you have permission to view appear.
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME | Companies > Company name > Billing. All opportunities that were created for the selected company appear.
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME | Companies > Reseller company name > Assisted sales. All opportunities that were created by the selected company for its customers appear.
- Click an opportunity that is in Open or Pending Review status.
- Click the Owner field.
- Select the sales agent who you want to own the opportunity. The name of the selected agent appears in the field and the Remove products and save changes dialog appears.
- Read the confirmation dialog so you understand the impact of the change.
- Click Confirm and Save. The new owner is saved and there are no products on the opportunity.
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