Upload entire product catalog
As a Marketplace Manager after downloading and updating an entire catalog, you can now upload the entire production catalog to a new marketplace as a consolidated zip file. The zip file contains the following files in CSV format:
- master.csv - This file contains data related to Product basics, Editions, Edition pricing, and pricing plans.
- medias.csv - This file contains data related to Product Media like links for documents or video links.
- features.csv - This file contains the data related to product features.
- featureCharacteristics.csv - This file contains data related to product feature characteristics.
- benefits.csv - This file contains the data related to product benefits.
- The rest of the files are individual image files related to the various products
To upload the entire production catalog
📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
Go to Manage > Marketplace > Products > CATALOG | Product Uploader.
Click Create Catalog.
Upload your zip file containing all the datasets by either dragging and dropping the file in the provided space or click the link in the provided space and select the required file.
Click Create. Your file appears as a new line in the Activity Log. The Activity Log indicates the progress of the upload and whether the upload is successful.
📝 Note: The product file is not uploaded if the format of the file is incorrect. If there are incomplete columns or inaccurate information in the file, the file will still be processed, but with errors. The status in the Activity Log will indicate the same.
To view the files uploaded, go to the Activity Log, and click the arrow to expand the required activity row. Click the download icon to download any of the following options:
- Total Products Uploaded- This is the original file uploaded.
- Products Successfully Uploaded - This file contains the information about the successfully processed products. It also contains the post processed information such as, product IDs that are generated when a product is successfully uploaded.
- Products failed to be uploaded- This file contains the information about all the products uploaded along with the products that were not uploaded due to errors. You can fix the errors and re-upload the file.
Open the Staging Catalog (Manage > Marketplace > Products > CATALOG | Staging Catalog) to verify the product information created using Product Uploader.
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