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Download products in bulk

As a Marketplace Manager you can create a downloadable product file, in CSV format, that contains Staging Catalog product data.

To download product section datasets

πŸ“ Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Products > CATALOG | Product Uploader.

  2. Click Download Catalog.

  3. From the Select a section to update drop-down, select one of the following:

      • Editions: Consists the Product UUID, the edition UUID of the product, the edition code, name, feature title, description, and locale in which the edition of the product is available.
      • Product Editions: Consists the Product UUID, the edition UUID of the product, the edition code, name, feature title, description, and locale in which the edition of the product is available.
      • Product Basics: Consists information such as Product UUID, name, type, descriptions, vendor details, splash title and description, embedded videos if any, and support phone and email details.
      • Product Benefits: Consists the product reference id and the benefits associated with that product.
      • Product Custom Attributes: Consists product id, reference id, name, and the attribute details such as attribute key, label, value, and so on.
      • Product Features: Consists the product reference id and the description of the features associated with that product.
      • Product Feature Characteristics
      • Product Images: Consists image details like the product reference ID, locale, product name, image identifier, image type, and image name.
      • Product Medias: Consists of media related details of the products.
      • Edition Pricing: Consists information such as the product and edition UUIDs, the trial period details, revenue model, whether the edition is restricted, if the edition can be upgraded, downgraded, or canceled, and the included items amount.

      • Marketplace Prices: Consists of information such as, vendor id, name, product id, UUID, and name, edition UUID, name, and code, pricing plan UUID, billing frequency, service length, contract and flat fee details, and unit details such as unit price, minimum and maximum units, unit currencies. The contract prices, flat fee prices, and unit prices include the commission or discount charged on top of Vendor list price.

      • Price Books: Consists of information such as, pricebook ID, name and start date, product and edition reference IDs and names, pricing information for contract fees, flat fees and setup fees and so on.

        πŸ“ Note: Currently only updating of Prices in a Price Book is supported.

      • Pricing Plans: Consists of information regarding the product, editions, contract terms, usage options, and pricing details for each.

      • Vendor List Prices: Consists of information such as, vendor id, name, product id, UUID, and name, edition UUID, name, and code, pricing plan UUID, billing frequency, service length, contract and flat fee details, and unit details such as unit price, minimum and maximum units, unit currencies. The contract prices, flat fee prices, and unit prices are the Developer list prices set by the Developers, this is the price that they recommend marketplaces charge for the products.

      • Wholesale Prices: Consists of information such as, vendor id, name, product id, UUID, and name, edition UUID, name, and code, pricing plan UUID, billing frequency, service length, contract and flat fee details, and unit details such as unit price, minimum and maximum units, unit currencies. The contract prices, flat fee prices, and unit prices include the commission or discount charged on top of Vendor list price set by the reseller.

      • Product Integrations - Consists of information such as product reference ID, locale, product name, product integration id, subscription create notification URL, Product Settings Validation URL and other integration related fields.

      • Product Integration Credentials - Consists of information such as, Product reference Id, product name, product integration Id, outbound credentials, token endpoints, client Id, client secret, scope, username and password.

      πŸ“ Note: Currently only the outbound credentials bulk update is supported. Also, in the Integration Credential .cvs file the Client Secret and Passwords are not downloaded due to security reasons.

      • Category - Consists of information such as, product Id, product reference Id, product name, category Id and name, status of the category whether the category is selected for the product or not, sub-category id and name, and sub-category status that displays which sub categories are selected for the product.
      • General - Consists of information such as, product Id, product refernec Id, status of the product if it is visible on the Network or not, status of the child product if it is visible or not, status of the product if it is visible on the marketplace or not, and whether the product is available for the reseller or not.
      • Product Line - Consists of information such as, product Id, product reference Id, product name, line id, product line name and the status of the product whether it is associated with a product line or not.

      πŸ“ Note Currently these options are not enabled by default. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request it.

  4. Check the Use production catalog data instead of staging catalog checkbox to download the production catalog data, or leave it unchecked to download the staging catalog data.

    πŸ“ Note: Currently this checkbox is enabled when downloading the Wholesale and Marketplace prices datasets only.

  5. Click Download. The product file is created and displayed in the Activity Log.

  6. To download your file, go to the Activity Log, and expand the required activity row. The expanded section displays the total number of products that are in the file, number of products successfully downloaded and the number of products failed to be downloaded.

  7. Click the download icon for Product Successfully Downloaded. This CSV file containing the information about the successfully downloaded products is downloaded to your local machine.

    πŸ“ Note: If there are any errors in downloading, you can view the error file by clicking the download icon for Products Failed to Be Downloaded.

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