Edit API clients
Complete the following procedure to edit an existing API client, regenerate the consumer secret, or revoke access to the AppDirect APIs.
To edit an API client
đź“ť Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
- Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > INTEGRATION | API Clients.
- Click the gear icon next to the client you want to edit, then select one of the following options:
- Edit Settings—Displays the API Client Settings dialog with the current settings. You can edit the settings (see the topics for each API client type in the Create API clients section for a description of each setting). The dialog also contains the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret fields that you cannot edit.
- Regenerate Secret—Displays the Regenerate Consumer Secret dialog that displays the corresponding consumer key. Click Regenerate Consumer Secret to generate a new secret for this key. A message appears, warning you that you should copy and store the secret in a safe location, because it cannot be retrieved after the message is dismissed.
- Revoke Access—Displays the Revoke Access dialog. Click Revoke Access to deactivate the key. A message above the table confirms that the access is revoked for the key.
đź“ť Note: You cannot re-enable a revoked client, but you can create a new client with the same name as the revoked client.
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