Property key reference
This file contains the words and terms contained throughout the user interface (UI) that customers see when browsing, comparing, and purchasing (or otherwise obtaining) products on your marketplace. The terms are organized into a table with columns for each term's default translation and associated property key.
Words and terms in the Default Translation column appear in the standard English UI. They are used by AppDirect to translate your marketplace into each language your marketplace supports. If you want to edit any UI term that appears in the Default Translation column or its default language-specific translation, you can do so by using the term and its associated property key as described in Create and manage translation keys.
- The terms in the Default Translation column of the following table are in alphabetical order beginning with symbols (for example, -, <, {, $, and so on), followed by numbers (1-9), and then letters (a-z).
- Not all terms in the Default Translation column appear in all marketplaces.
- Some terms in the Default Translation column appear in multiple rows and have different property keys. To translate all instances of a term, you may need to create an entry in the Translations table (described in Create and manage translation keys) for each instance of the term.
- Using your browser's search feature may simplify locating UI terms in the following table:
Property Key | Default Translation |
or.with.dashes | - OR - |
period.punctuation | . |
edition.tld.domain.placeholder | .domain | | | | '{0}' domain name validation failed! |
marketplace.register.duplicate.subscription | {0} |
marketplace.register.validation.error | {0} | | {0} | | {0} / {1} | | {0} / {1} for {2} or more {4} | | {0} / {1} for {2} to {3} {4} | | {0} / {1} for the {2}nd {4} | | {0} / {1} for the {2}rd {4} | | {0} / {1} for the {2}st {4} | | {0} / {1} for the {2}th {4} | | {0} / {1} for up to {3} {4} |
marketplace.title | {0} | {1} | | {0} added to your MyApps page. |
CATEGORY_NAME.Applications.pipe.PARTNER | {0} Applications | {1} |
assignments.failed.with.errors | {0} assignments failed with errors. | | {0} by {1} | {2} |
minimum.service.length.days.short | {0} day contract |
x.days | {0} Days |
days.ago | {0} days ago |
date.days.ago | {0} days ago |
App.Edition.Settings | {0} Edition Settings |
app.has.been.activated | {0} has been activated. |
opportunity.approved.success.message | {0} has been notified of your approval and is now free to sell to {1}. |
opportunity.denied.success.message | {0} has been notified of your denial. |
app.has.been.removed | {0} has been removed. | | {0} has pending subscription changes. Please contact your Company Admin. |
hours.ago | {0} hours ago |
date.hours.ago | {0} hours ago | | {0} in {1} |
meta.description.generic | {0} is a free web-based application. It allows you to use and manage business applications in one simple and secure site, from anywhere. |
meta.description.listing | {0} is a free web-based application. It allows you to use and manage business applications in one simple and secure site, from anywhere. | | {0} is currently under maintenance and cannot be purchased at this time. Please check back soon or <a class="adb-caption--link" href="{1}" target="_blank">contact support</a> for more details. |
email.invalid | {0} is not a valid email address. | | {0} is not available at this time. Please check back soon or <a class="adb-caption--link" href="{1}" target="_blank">contact support</a> for more details. |
credit.deleted | {0} marketplace credit was successfully removed. |
credit.saved | {0} marketplace credit was successfully saved. |
credit.profile.concurrent.update | {0} marketplace credit was updated concurrently. |
minutes.ago | {0} minutes ago |
date.minutes.ago | {0} minutes ago |
minimum.service.length.months.short | {0} month contract |
x.months | {0} Months |
months.ago | {0} months ago |
date.months.ago | {0} months ago | | {0} of {1} |
number.of.applications.selected | {0} of {1} selected | | {0} off | | {0} off each product |
one.time.fee.price.format | {0} One-time Fee | | {0} Platforms |
blah.products | {0} Products |
Number.Question | {0} Question |
Number.Questions | {0} Questions |
reactivation.fee.price.format | {0} Reactivation Fee |
num.results | {0} Result(s) | | {0} Review | | {0} Reviews |
star | {0} star |
stars | {0} stars |
transfer.fee.price.format | {0} Transfer Fee |
channel.user | {0} User |
company.user.count | {0} user |
company.users.count | {0} users |
validation.errors.occurred | {0} validation errors occurred. | | {0} was notified that you would like to keep using this application. |
successfully.created.user | {0} was successfully created. |
weeks.ago | {0} weeks ago |
minimum.service.length.years.short | {0} year contract |
years.ago | {0} years ago |
date.years.ago | {0} years ago |
meta.keywords.category | {0}, saas, applications, marketplace, web-based apps, business apps |
meta.keywords | {0}, saas, applications, marketplace, web-based apps, business apps |
meta.keywords.listing | {0}, saas, applications, marketplace, web-based apps, business apps | | {0}'s credentials for "{1}" have been reset and sent to {2} | | {0}/5 based on {1} review | | {0}/5 based on {1} reviews |
percent | {0}% |
percent.Complete | {0}% Complete |
per.user.per.month | /user/month | | © 2016 TRIPWIRE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | | <a>Download</a> a sample data set to get started. |
error.detail.message | <b>Error Code: </b> {0} <br><br> <b>Error Message:</b> {1} <br><br> | | <b> What happens if I cancel a subscription?</b><br />When you cancel a subscription you immediately lose access to the application. We do not provide refunds on paid subscriptions.<br /><b> What happens if I take ownership of a product?</b><br />Once you take ownership of a product, your account will manage subscription and payments. The user who originally owned the product can still use it as before, but will no longer make payments or manage the subscription.<br/><b>For more information visit the <a target="_blank" href="{0}">Help Center</a></b><br /> | | <div>The following two products can not be purchased together: <br /> <b>{0}</b> and <b>{1}</b>.</div><div> Please consider buying another Microsoft® Office 365™ product.</div> |
app.manage.assign.user.apps.instruction.html | <h2>Applications</h2>Select a user from the list on the left<br/>to manage application assignment. | | <h2>Users</h2>Select an application from the list on the left<br/>to manage user assignment. | | <strong>Success!</strong> You are now using an authenticator app as your 2-Step Verification method. | | <strong>Success!</strong> You are now using text messaging as your 2-Step Verification method. | | <strong>Success!</strong> You've added {0} as a verified phone number. |
delete.endpoint.alert | <strong>Webhook deleted.</strong> <%- \url %> |
save.endpoint.alert | <strong>Webhook saved.</strong> <%- \url %> |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELLED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} canceled the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.QUOTE_CREATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} created a quote for ${applicationObjectLink} for ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.QUOTE_DELETED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} deleted a quote for ${applicationObjectLink} for ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.PAYMENT_FAILED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} failed to complete payment ${paymentAmountLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFIED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} modified the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} purchased a subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_RENEW_REENABLED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} re-enabled the auto-renew of the subscription for ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.PAYMENT_MADE_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} successfully completed payment ${paymentAmountLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.PAYMENT_REFUNDED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} successfully refunded ${paymentAmountLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.QUOTE_UPDATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} updated a quote for ${applicationObjectLink} for ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} was unable to purchase ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} on behalf of the customer ${subjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_ACTOR | ${actorLink} was unable to update the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} on behalf of the customer ${subjectLink}. |
feed.COMPANY_ACTIVATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${companyObjectLink} has been activated by ${subjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.COMPANY_ACTIVATED | ${companyObjectLink} has been activated by ${subjectLink}. |
feed.COMPANY_CREATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${companyObjectLink} has been created by ${actorLink} on behalf of ${subjectLink}. |
feed.COMPANY_CREATED | ${companyObjectLink} has been created by ${subjectLink}. |
feed.RESELLER_LINKED_WITH_ACTOR | ${companyObjectLink} has been linked to ${companyTargetLink} by ${subjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.RESELLER_LINKED | ${companyObjectLink} has been linked to ${companyTargetLink} by ${subjectLink}. |
feed.RESELLER_UNLINKED_WITH_ACTOR | ${companyObjectLink} has been unlinked from ${companyTargetLink} by ${subjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.RESELLER_UNLINKED | ${companyObjectLink} has been unlinked from ${companyTargetLink} by ${subjectLink}. |
feed.USER_ACTIVATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} activated their account (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_ACTIVATED | ${subjectLink} activated their account. |
feed.APPLICATION_ADDED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} added ${applicationObjectLink} to marketplace (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_ADDED | ${subjectLink} added ${applicationObjectLink} to marketplace. |
feed.USER_ASSIGNED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} assigned ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} to ${userObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_ASSIGNED | ${subjectLink} assigned ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} to ${userObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_ADD_REQUEST_CANCELLED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} canceled the request to add ${applicationObjectLink} to marketplace (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_ADD_REQUEST_CANCELLED | ${subjectLink} canceled the request to add ${applicationObjectLink} to marketplace. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELLED | ${subjectLink} canceled the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_CREATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} created ${applicationObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_CREATED | ${subjectLink} created ${applicationObjectLink}. |
feed.QUOTE_CREATED | ${subjectLink} created a quote for ${applicationObjectLink} for ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.USER_DELETED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} deactivated ${userObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_DELETED | ${subjectLink} deactivated ${userObjectLink}. |
feed.QUOTE_DELETED | ${subjectLink} deleted a quote for ${applicationObjectLink} for ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.USER_SYNC_DISABLED | ${subjectLink} disabled UserSync for ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.USER_SYNC_ENABLED | ${subjectLink} enabled UserSync for ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.PAYMENT_FAILED | ${subjectLink} failed to complete payment ${paymentAmountLink}. |
feed.USER_ADDED | ${subjectLink} has added ${userObjectLink} to ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.USER_INVITED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has invited ${userObjectLink} to ${companyTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_INVITED | ${subjectLink} has invited ${userObjectLink} to ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.USER_JOINED_WITH_ACTOR_WITH_LDAPSYNC | ${subjectLink} has joined ${companyObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}) via Directory Connector sync. |
feed.USER_JOINED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has joined ${companyObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.CHANNEL_USER_JOINED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has joined ${companyObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_JOINED_WITH_LDAPSYNC | ${subjectLink} has joined ${companyObjectLink} via Directory Connector sync. |
feed.USER_JOINED | ${subjectLink} has joined ${companyObjectLink}. |
feed.CHANNEL_USER_JOINED | ${subjectLink} has joined ${companyObjectLink}. |
feed.USER_LEFT_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has left ${companyObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.CHANNEL_USER_REMOVED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has left ${companyObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_LEFT | ${subjectLink} has left ${companyObjectLink}. |
feed.CHANNEL_USER_REMOVED | ${subjectLink} has left ${companyObjectLink}. |
feed.USER_INVITATION_REJECTED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has rejected invitation to ${companyTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_INVITATION_REJECTED | ${subjectLink} has rejected invitation to ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.USER_INVITATION_REVOKED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} has revoked invitation for ${userObjectLink} to ${companyTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_INVITATION_REVOKED | ${subjectLink} has revoked invitation for ${userObjectLink} to ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.IMPERSONATED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} impersonated ${userObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.IMPERSONATED | ${subjectLink} impersonated ${userObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_IMPORTED | ${subjectLink} imported ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.USER_UPDATED_WITH_ACTOR_WITH_LDAPSYNC | ${subjectLink} is now synchronized via Directory Connector (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_UPDATED_WITH_LDAPSYNC | ${subjectLink} is now synchronized via Directory Connector. |
feed.ASSIGNMENT_REQUESTED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} is requesting access to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.ASSIGNMENT_REQUESTED | ${subjectLink} is requesting access to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.UPDATED_ADVISING_DEALER_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} modified the advising dealer to ${userObjectLink} on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.UPDATED_ADVISING_DEALER | ${subjectLink} modified the advising dealer to ${userObjectLink} on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink}. |
feed.UPDATED_PARTNER_OF_RECORD_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} modified the partner of record to ${userObjectLink} on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.UPDATED_PARTNER_OF_RECORD | ${subjectLink} modified the partner of record to ${userObjectLink} on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink}. |
feed.UPDATED_SALES_REP_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} modified the sales rep to ${userObjectLink} on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.UPDATED_SALES_REP | ${subjectLink} modified the sales rep to ${userObjectLink} on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFIED | ${subjectLink} modified the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_PUBLISHED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} published ${applicationObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_PUBLISHED | ${subjectLink} published ${applicationObjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASED | ${subjectLink} purchased a subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_RENEW_REENABLED | ${subjectLink} re-enabled the auto-renew of the subscription for ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_DENIED_PUBLISH_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} rejected publish for ${applicationObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_DENIED_PUBLISH | ${subjectLink} rejected publish for ${applicationObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_REMOVED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} removed ${applicationObjectLink} from marketplace (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_REMOVED | ${subjectLink} removed ${applicationObjectLink} from marketplace. |
feed.IMPORTED_APPLICATION_REMOVED | ${subjectLink} removed ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.REMOVED_ADVISING_DEALER_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} removed the advising dealer on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.REMOVED_ADVISING_DEALER | ${subjectLink} removed the advising dealer on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.REMOVED_PARTNER_OF_RECORD_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} removed the partner of record on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.REMOVED_PARTNER_OF_RECORD | ${subjectLink} removed the partner of record on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.REMOVED_SALES_REP_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} removed the sales rep on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.REMOVED_SALES_REP | ${subjectLink} removed the sales rep on the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.USER_REQUESTED_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELLATION_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} requested cancellation of the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_REQUESTED_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELLATION | ${subjectLink} requested cancellation of the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_PUBLISH_REQUESTED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} requested publish for ${applicationObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_PUBLISH_REQUESTED | ${subjectLink} requested publish for ${applicationObjectLink}. |
feed.APPLICATION_ADD_REQUESTED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} requested to add ${applicationObjectLink} to marketplace (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.APPLICATION_ADD_REQUESTED | ${subjectLink} requested to add ${applicationObjectLink} to marketplace. |
feed.IMPERSONATION_REQUESTED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} requested to impersonate ${userObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.IMPERSONATION_REQUESTED | ${subjectLink} requested to impersonate ${userObjectLink}. |
feed.PAYMENT_MADE | ${subjectLink} successfully completed payment ${paymentAmountLink}. |
feed.PAYMENT_REFUNDED | ${subjectLink} successfully refunded ${paymentAmountLink}. |
feed.USER_UNASSIGNED_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} unassigned ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} from ${userObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_UNASSIGNED | ${subjectLink} unassigned ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} from ${userObjectLink}. |
feed.QUOTE_UPDATED | ${subjectLink} updated a quote for ${applicationObjectLink} for ${companyTargetLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_FAILED | ${subjectLink} was unable to purchase ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFICATION_FAILED | ${subjectLink} was unable to update the subscription to ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.USER_WITHDREW_CANCELLATION_REQUEST_WITH_ACTOR | ${subjectLink} withdrew the subscription cancellation request for ${companyEntitlementObjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_WITHDREW_CANCELLATION_REQUEST | ${subjectLink} withdrew the subscription cancellation request for ${companyEntitlementObjectLink}. |
feed.ASSIGNED_VIA_USER_SYNC | ${userObjectLink} was assigned to ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} via UserSync. |
feed.USER_REMOVED_WITH_ACTOR_WITH_LDAPSYNC | ${userObjectLink} was removed from ${companyTargetLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}) via Directory Connector sync. |
feed.USER_REMOVED_WITH_ACTOR | ${userObjectLink} was removed from ${companyTargetLink} by ${subjectLink} (impersonated by ${actorLink}). |
feed.USER_REMOVED | ${userObjectLink} was removed from ${companyTargetLink} by ${subjectLink}. |
feed.USER_REMOVED_WITH_LDAPSYNC | ${userObjectLink} was removed from ${companyTargetLink} via Directory Connector sync. |
feed.UNASSIGNED_VIA_USER_SYNC | ${userObjectLink} was unassigned from ${companyEntitlementTargetLink} via UserSync. |
datepicker.weekStart | 1 |
assignment.failed.with.errors | 1 assignment failed with errors. | | 1 Day |
day.ago | 1 day ago | | 1 day contract |
hour.ago | 1 hour ago |
minute.ago | 1 minute ago |
1.month | 1 Month |
month.ago | 1 month ago |
minimum.service.length.month.short | 1 month contract |
week.ago | 1 week ago |
year.ago | 1 year ago |
minimum.service.length.year.short | 1 year contract |
1000.contacts | 1000 Contacts |
1000.emails | 1000 Emails |
address.placeholder | 1234 Main St. | | 12TB Network IO | | 12TB Network IO |
two.step.verification | 2-Step Verification |
two.step.verification.explanation | 2-Step Verification adds an extra layer of security to your account. Once enabled, we'll send you text messages containing a verification code to use each time you sign in. Message and data rates may apply. |
baas.percent.cost | 2% / Transaction / Month |
all.right.reserved.notice | 2016 AppInsights, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
mosi.domain.Only.alphanumeric.characters.are.valid | 25 characters maximum. Domain must start and end with a letter or number. Permitted characters are a-z and 0-9. |
2500.emails | 2500 Emails | | 30 day free trial |
form.o365home | 365 Home | | 415-555-5555 |
phone.number.placeholder | 415-555-5555 |
five.word.description | 5 word description |
500gb.ssd | 500GB SSD |
500gb.ssds | 500GB SSD |
main.carousel.image.dimension | 550Wx300H px |
product.added.event | A channel has added a vendor's product to their marketplace. | | A channel has requested to add a vendor's product to their marketplace. | | A Company needs to be able to be resell at least one application. |
report.summary.event | A complete report process run status summary has been generated |
refund.event | A CSR has issued a refund. |
impersonate.request.event | A CSR has requested access to a user's account and the user must approve or deny the request. |
leftronic.account.activation.event | A dashboard user has signed up. |
domain.registration.domain.canceled.event | A domain has been canceled. |
domain.registration.domain.suspended.event | A domain has been suspended. |
domain.registration.end.of.contract.event | A domain subscription contract is approaching expiration. |
few.seconds.ago | A few seconds ago |
free.trial.used | A free trial is no longer available since someone at your company tried this product before. | | A free trial is started. | | A group needs to be able to be resell at least one application. | | A link to your applications privacy policy. This will be shown to customer before they purchase the application. |
inactive.user.login.reminder.event | A long time has passed since the user last logged in. |
offline.assignment.event | A manually integrated product has been assigned. |
offline.order.event | A manually integrated product has been purchased. |
domain.registration.end.of.contract.manual.renewal.event | A manually renewing domain subscription contract is approaching expiration. |
marketplace.register.duplicate.partner | A marketplace already exists under the subdomain {0}, please try a different one. |
REGISTER_MARKETPLACE.ERRORS.BASE_URL_ALREADY_EXISTS | A marketplace has already been registered using this Base URL, please try a different one. |
active.user.temp.password.event | A new user has been created with a temporary password. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.NEW_VERSION | A new version is available for download. |
off.purchase.order.event | A one time charge was applied by the vendor to the order as an off charge or a credit. |
failed.order.event | A payment error occurred after the user completed the purchase flow. |
Payment.gateway.description | A payment gateway is a service that authorizes credit card payments. It allows for the flow of funds between bank accounts and keeps all transferred information secure. | | A payment gateway is required to process transactions. |
payment.successful.event | A payment was successful. |
personal.subscription.notice.event | A product has been purchased by a user in a company and the Company Admin is alerted to the purchase. |
asynchronous.product.purchase.notification.event | A product has been purchased with asynchronous event |
vendor.notification.event | A product has been purchased, upgraded, or canceled. | | A product has been purchased, upgraded, or canceled. |
network.application.republished.event | A product imported from the network catalog is re-published by the originating marketplace. |
invoice.event | A product invoice was automatically generated. | | A product is used in all charges. All payments and subscriptions will refer to a particular payment plan on a product. | | A product profile is created once and used to list your product on all marketplaces. |
assignment.notice.event | A product seat has been assigned. The assignee now has access to the product. |
unassignment.notice.event | A product seat has been unassigned. The assignee no longer has access to the product. |
subscription.cancel.scheduled.event | A product subscription was scheduled for cancellation. | | A product subscription was successfully canceled and the reason is sent to Ticket Support. |
subscription.cancel.event | A product subscription was successfully canceled. |
subscription.upgrade.event | A product subscription was successfully upgraded. |
subscription.order.event | A product was successfully purchased. |
expired.trial.upgrade.reminder.event | A product's free trial expired and the user hasn't upgraded to paid. | | A product's free trial is about to automatically upgrade to paid. |
free.trial.over.event | A product's free trial is about to expire. |
report.generated.event | A report has been generated for your company |
csp.connect.products.intro.text | A representative of AppDirect is in the process of completing the configuration to get the Microsoft products connected. We will let you know once this step is completed. |
reseller.profile.publish.requested.event | A reseller company has requested to publish their profile. |
reseller.linked.event | A reseller has been linked to a company. |
reseller.unlinked.event | A reseller has been unlinked from a company. |
reseller.signup.requested.event | A reseller has requested to sign up. |
sales.lead.accepted.event | A reseller manager updated the status of a sales lead to accepted. |
sales.lead.assigned.event | A reseller manager updated the status of a sales lead to assigned. |
sales.lead.denied.event | A reseller manager updated the status of a sales lead to denied. |
sales.lead.lost.event | A reseller manager updated the status of a sales lead to lost. |
sales.lead.won.event | A reseller manager updated the status of a sales lead to won. | | A reseller needs to be able to be resell at least one application. |
reseller.signup.approved.event | A reseller signup request has been approved. |
reseller.signup.denied.event | A reseller signup request has been denied. |
sales.lead.created.event | A sales lead has been created by a reseller for the reseller manager to approve or deny. |
sales.opportunity.approved.event | A sales opportunity has been approved by a reseller manager. |
sales.opportunity.created.event | A sales opportunity has been created by a reseller for the reseller manager to approve or deny. |
sales.opportunity.denied.event | A sales opportunity has been denied by a reseller manager. |
carousel.placeholder.description | A short description of the product that was entered in the profile and branding information section. |
subscription.order.single.user.event | A single-user product was successfully purchased. |
end.of.contract.event | A subscription contract is approaching expiration. |
subscription.suspended.event | A subscription was suspended by the API. |
subscription.suspended.overdue.invoice.event | A subscription was suspended by the system because of an overdue invoice. | | A temporary connection error has occurred. Please try again in 5 minutes. |
baas.payment.gateway.disabled.reason | A test gateway is automatically configured for your test environment. To set up your production payment gateway, switch to your live environment. | | A user changed primary email. |
password.changed.notice.event | A user changed their password. |
product.profile.lead.created.event | A user created a lead from the product profile. |
email.verification.event | A user has added an additional email to their account or requested to revalidate an existing address. | | A user has been created by a Sales Agent. |
new.user.event | A user has been invited by another. | | A user has been invited during Azure sync. |
suspended.application.request.event | A user has requested to be assigned to a product with a suspended subscription. |
expired.application.request.event | A user has requested to be assigned to a product with an expired free trial. |
application.access.request.notice.event | A user has requested to be assigned to a product. |
application.purchase.request.notice.event | A user has requested to purchase a product. |
account.activation.after.migration.event | A user has signed up after being migrated. |
branded.account.activation.event | A user has signed up while purchasing a product. |
account.activation.event | A user has signed up. |
subscription.adoption.event | A user has taken ownership of a product from another user. The new owner receives notice that the ownership change was successful. |
adoption.notice.event | A user has taken ownership of a product from another user. The previous owner receives notice of the ownership change. |
question.asked.event | A user in the marketplace has asked a question about the vendor's product. | | A user in the marketplace has reviewed the vendor's product. |
password.reset.event | A user or CSR requests to reset their password. | | A user primary email address change has changed in an external users repository. |
inactive.user.purchase.reminder.event | A user registered but hasn't made any purchase |
vendor.approved.event | A vendor has approved your request to add their product to your marketplace. |
vendor.add.request.event | A vendor has requested to add their product to your marketplace. |
application.published.event | A vendor requested to publish their product and the channel admin has accepted the request. |
publish.denied.event | A vendor requested to publish their product and the channel admin has denied the request. |
publish.request.pending.approval.event | A vendor requested to publish their product to the channel and status is pending approval |
quote.status.aborted | Aborted |
About | About |
about | About | | About Us |
Accept.Lead | Accept Lead |
Accepted | Accepted | | Accepted email format: a single column plain text file less than 2MB in size, with one email per line and 2,000 lines. |
Accepted.Leads | Accepted Leads |
Accepted.Referral.Leads | Accepted Referral Leads | | Accepted Sales Lead Assigned | | Accepted Sales Lead Lost | | Accepted Sales Lead Won |
MyApps.tile.button.ACCESS | Access |
system.admin.role.description | Access all data and manage users within the company. | | Access all data and manage users within the company. |
Access.Point | Access Point (AP) |
Access.Points | Access Points (AP) |
alert.APICLIENT_REVOKED | Access revoked for {0}. |
marketplace.trial.expiration.notice | Access to your marketplace is prohibited. Upgrade now to get your marketplace ready for customers! |
Access.Token.URI | Access Token URI |
Account | Account |
account | Account |
account.and.login.background | Account & Login Backgrounds |
account.details | Account Details |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PENDING_REMOTE_CANCELLATION | Account is being canceled. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PENDING_REMOTE_CREATION | Account is being created. |
reseller.signup.success.title | Account successfully created |
ImportableApplicationCategory.ACCOUNTING | Accounting |
NotificationTemplateCategory.ACCOUNTS | Accounts |
Accounts.Receivable | Accounts Receivable |
pb.acknowledge.notification.api.url | Acknowledge Notification |
Action | Action |
Actions | Actions |
Activate | Activate |
activate.suggested | Activate |
Activate.Account | Activate Account | | Activate Account | | Activate Account after Migration | | Activate Account Created by a Sales Agent | | Activate Account with Product |
interaction.ACTIVATE | Activate App |
form.daily.billing.feed | Activate daily and monthly billing feed | | Activate Dashboard Account |
activate | Activate Order | | Activate Payment Gateway |
activate.subscription | Activate Subscription |
Activate.your.Account | Activate your Account |
Activated | Activated |
migration.status.activated | Activated |
migration.status.activated.with.errors | Activated with errors |
migration.status.activating | Activating | | Activating your account will allow you to toggle between your test and production environments. |
Activation.Date | Activation Date |
active | Active |
Active | Active |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.ACTIVE | Active |
Add | Add |
ADD_ITEM_TPL | Add {0} |
add.a.feature | Add a feature |
add.feature.detail | Add a feature to give customers more details around your product offering. You can add slogans, detailed descriptions, bullet points and screenshots to illustrate each feature | | Add a new authorization rule |
Add.a.Phone.Number | Add a Phone Number |
add.a.product | Add a product |
add.product | Add a product |
Add.Addons | Add Addons | | Add an edition |
Add.and.edit.authentication.settings | Add and edit authentication settings below. With Password Vault, you can either preset values for these settings or allow users to set it themselves the first time they access the application on MyApps. |
edit.editions.addons.add.description | Add another addon to your product. |
edit.editions.editions.add.description | Add another edition plan to your product. |
Add.Another.User | Add Another User | | Add app screenshots. |
add.applications | Add Applications |
Add.Apps | Add Apps to Password Manager |
Add.Benefits | Add Benefits |
add.categories | Add Categories |
plafform.custom.field.button.add.multi_select | Add Checkbox |
platform.custom.field.header.add.multi_select | Add Checkbox List |
Add.Company.Custom.Attribute | Add Company Custom Attribute |
credit.add | Add Credit |
Add.Custom.Attribute | Add Custom Attribute | | Add custom fields to your platform |
Add.customers | Add Customers |
Add.Degree | Add Degree |
Add.Device | Add Device |
edit.editions.resources.add.description | Add documents and videos of your product. |
Domain.transfer.add | Add Domain | | Add Domain to Order | | Add domains from the search on the left | | Add Dropdown |
tld.add.dynamic.pricing | Add Dynamic Pricing |
Add.Editions | Add Editions |
add.educational.experience.placeholder | Add educational experience to help your colleagues learn more about you. |
Add.Email.Address | Add Email Address |
Add.Emails | Add Emails |
Add.Experience | Add Experience |
Add.Feature | Add Feature |
add.featured.logos | Add featured Customer Logos | | Add Featured Reviews | | Add Featured Reviews from popular media sources | | Add featured reviews. |
Add.Features | Add Features |
platform.button.add.field | Add Field |
platform.custom.field.header.add.file | Add File Upload |
add.footnotes | add footnotes |
Add.Footnotes | Add Footnotes |
edit.editions.footnotes.description | Add footnotes about your subscription plans. |
Add.Information | Add Information |
Add.Item | Add Item |
Add.Key | Add Key |
edit.reseller.sidebar.resources.description | Add link to video and doc. | | Add New Feature | | Add New User | | Add New Users invitation URL |
Add.Now | Add Now | | Add Option |
Add.Or.Review.Devices | Add or review devices |
Add.Order.Custom.Attribute | Add Order Custom Attribute |
Add.Overview | Add Overview |
Add.Phone.Number | Add Phone Number |
Platforms.Add | Add Platform |
platform.header.add.platform | Add Platform |
Add.Product | Add Product | | Add Product Information | | Add product to the marketplace | | Add Product Version |
add.products | Add Products |
add.professional.experience.placeholder | Add professional experience to help your colleagues learn more about you. |
add.resources | Add Resources |
Add.Screen.Name | Add Screen Name |
Add.Screenshots | Add Screenshots |
edit.overview.overview.images.description | Add screenshots or a demo video of your product. |
Add.Slider | Add Slider |
tld.add.standard.pricing | Add Standard Pricing | | Add support and contact information for your products. |
platform.custom.field.header.add.text | Add Textbox | | Add to Marketplaces |
Add.To.MyApps | Add to MyApps | | Add to the Network Catalog |
add.user | Add User |
Add.User.Custom.Attribute | Add User Custom Attribute |
form.invitation.add.users.url | Add Users invitation URL | | Add Users to |
Add.Webhook | Add Webhook | | Add your app demo video. | | Add your app logo. |
Add.Slogan | Add your app slogan and description |
Add.Overview.Image | Add your featured overview image |
Password.manager.header | Add your other applications | | Add your product to production |
Select.All.Editions | Add-on available for all product editions |
addon.connections.reset | Add-on Connections are reset |
addon.connections.saved | Add-on Connections are saved | | Add-on Connections save failed |
Addon.Name | Add-on Name |
addons | Add-Ons |
Added | Added |
Added.Domains | Added Domains |
additional.1000.contacts.block | Additional 1000 Contacts Block |
form.title | Additional Elisa Bill billing details |
additional.number.license | Additional Number license |
additional.number.licenses | Additional Number license |
order.requires.settings | Additional product settings required during checkout | | Additional sections can only be edited after a new profile is saved. |
Additional.Steps.for.Selling.on.Store | Additional Steps for Selling on Store |
additional.usage.charges.apply | Additional usage charges apply |
Address | Address |
address | Address |
form.postalAddress.addressLine1 | Address Line 1: |
form.postalAddress.addressLine2 | Address Line 2: |
form.postalAddress.addressLine3 | Address Line 3: |
lync.validate.address.ADDRESS_NEAR_MATCH_FOUND | Address near match found |
Admin.Only | Admin-Only |
Administrator | Administrator |
Administrators | Administrators |
advanced.color.customization | Advanced Color Customization |
advanced.editor | Advanced Editor |
advisory.hour | Advisory Hour |
advisory.hours | Advisory Hours |
countries.AF | Afghanistan |
grace.period.days.none | After {0} days from the time of purchase, this subscription cannot be canceled until the end of the contract. |
grace.period.months.none | After {0} months from the time of purchase, this subscription cannot be canceled until the end of the contract. |
Reload.Page.After.Extension.Installed | After installing the Password Manager extension, please reload this page. | | After the first day from the time of purchase, this subscription cannot be canceled until the end of the contract. |
grace.period.month.none | After the first month from the time of purchase, this subscription cannot be canceled until the end of the contract. |
checkout.already.own.a.domain.tooltip.p1 | After you complete the purchase of Microsoft Office 365, you can still upgrade to a custom domain or use a domain that you already own. |
agent | Agent |
agents | Agents |
Agree.and.Continue | Agree and Continue |
agree.tos | Agree and Continue |
countries.AX | Åland Islands |
countries.AL | Albania |
countries.DZ | Algeria |
addon.all.disabled | All Add-ons are disabled because they are not compatible with the currently selected edition. |
all.applications | All Applications |
All.Apps | All Apps |
Buttons.all | All Buttons |
all.categories | All Categories |
platform.custom.field.message.fields.required | All items in the list need to have their fields filled. |
all.other.details | All other details will be sent to your marketplace email address. |
All.Plans.Include | All Plans Include |
all.apps | All Products |
All.Products | All Products |
all.subcategories | All Subcategories | | All the users currently assigned to | | All users have been added to group | | Allow import from application profile | | Allow the group to sell only from a list of specified products. | | Allow the reseller to sell only from a list of specified products. | | Allow this company to sell all products in the catalog. This includes any new products that are added to the catalog. | | Allow this group to sell all products in the catalog. This includes any new products that are added to the catalog. | | Allow this reseller company to sell all products in the catalog. This includes any new products that are added to the catalog. | | Allow your user to use their own application credentails using secure Password Manager. User will be prompted for their username and password the first time they access the app on MyApps and stored for future access. |
permission.CREATE_QUOTE.details | Allows a user to save a potential order as a quote which can be converted into an order at any time. |
permission.MANAGE_EVENTS.details | Allows a user to view and manage marketplace events. |
permission.CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION.details | Allows user to cancel subscriptions on behalf of customers. |
permission.QUOTE_COMPLETE_ORDER.details | Allows user to convert a saved order or quote into a completed purchase. |
permission.DISABLE_COMPANY_USER_ACCOUNT.details | Allows user to disable a customer's account in order to prevent the user from accessing the platform. |
permission.DISABLE_COMPANY.details | Allows user to disable all members of a customer company to prevent access to the platform. |
permission.MANUAL_REFUND.details | Allows user to issue manual refunds for orders. |
permission.JOIN_COMPANY.details | Allows user to join customer company in order to perform advanced support functions. |
permission.QUOTE_REQUEST_RETAIL_PRICE.details | Allows user to request a discount on a particular order that only affects the marketplace's share. |
permission.QUOTE_REQUEST_WHOLESALE_PRICE.details | Allows user to request a discount on a particular order that only affects the marketplace's share. |
permission.QUOTE_SET_WHOLESALE_PRICE.details | Allows user to set a price on a particular order that only affects the marketplace's share. |
permission.QUOTE_SET_RETAIL_PRICE.details | Allows user to set a retail price for a product that differs from its marketplace price. |
permission.MIGRATION_COMPANY_ACCESS.details | Allows user to upload files in order to create customers and orders in bulk. | | Allows you to either include or exclude features in the "Features & Benefits" section of the overview page. | | Allows you to order your features in the left navigation bar. | | Allows your company to submit leads to be evaluated by {0}. | | Allows your company to submit opportunities to be evaluated by {0}. If approved, your company will then be able to sell to and manage the opportunity. | | Almost done! In the next few days you will receive an e-mail from AT&T with the new phone number information for the user. Please return to this page at that time to complete the voice connection assignment. |
Alphabetical | Alphabetical | | Already have an account? |
already.purchased | Already Purchased |
Already.Use.This.App | Already Use This App? |
Password.manager.content | Already using applications and want to add them to MyApps? Browse and include any application from Password Manager. | | Alternate Email Address |
form.alternateEmail | Alternate Email: |
countries.AS | American Samoa |
payment.failed.event | An automatic payment failed. | | An email address from another provider |
microsoft.authorization.success | An email has been sent to the Channel Admins saying that the Microsoft Products are connected | | An email invitation has been sent to 1 user to join {0}. | | An email invitation to join your company has been sent. |
Activation.error | An error occured when activating your payment gateway. Please check your information or contact AppDirect if the problem persists. |
Deactivation.error | An error occured when deactivating your {0} payment gateway. Please contact AppDirect if the problem persists. |
lead.approved.error.message | An error occured while accepting this lead. |
lead.status.change.error.message | An error occured while changing the status of this lead. |
create.batch.unknown.error | An error occured while creating your batch. |
lead.denied.error.message | An error occured while denying this lead. |
register.marketplace.unknown.error | An error occured while registering your marketplace. |
marketplace.log.fetch.error | An error occured while retrieving the marketplace log. |
Gateway.retrieval.error | An error occured while retrieving your payment gateways. Please contact AppDirect if the problem persists. |
quote.request.user.approval.error | An error occured while sending approval email. |
reseller.signup.unknown.error | An error occured while signing up. |
update.signup.request.error | An error occured while updating the signup request |
create.batch.upload.error | An error occured while uploading your batch files. |
lync.validate.address.ERROR_DURING_ADDRESS_VALIDATION | An error occurred during address validation. |
lync.validate.address.ERROR_DURING_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_2 | An error occurred during address validation. |
Devices.Fetch.Error | An error occurred when fetching devices. |
Device.Fetch.Error | An error occurred when loading device data. | | An error occurred when removing {0}. | | An error occurred when saving the new pricing. Please try again later or contact our support team to resolve the issue. | | An error occurred when sending the quote to the customer. |
product.version.approval.failed | An error occurred while approving the product version. |
opportunity.approved.error.INVALID_STATE_CHANGE | An error occurred while approving this opportunity. |
delete.quote.error.message | An error occurred while deleting this quote. |
account.delete.quote.error.message | An error occurred while deleting this saved order. | | An error occurred while deleting your product version. |
opportunity.denied.error.message | An error occurred while denying this opportunity. |
edit.quote.load.unknown.error | An error occurred while loading the quote. |
Error.occurred.while.loading.users | An error occurred while loading the users. Please try again later. |
account.edit.quote.load.unknown.error | An error occurred while loading your saved order. | | An error occurred while processing the discount code, please try again later. |
error.processing.order | An error occurred while processing your order |
error.processing.request | An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later and contact support if this issue persists. |
webhook.api.unknown.error | An error occurred while registering your webhook. |
product.version.rejection.failed | An error occurred while rejecting the product version. |
reject.quote.error | An error occurred while rejecting the quote. |
credit.profile.generic.error.message | An error occurred while saving the marketplace credit. Please check the information and try again. | | An error occurred while saving this notification. |
an.error.occurred.while.saving.your.platform | An error occurred while saving your platform |
an.error.occurred.while.saving.theme | An error occurred while saving your theme |
notification.sample.error | An error occurred while sending the sample notification. |
reseller.approve.quote.error | An error occurred while sending the wholesale price request to the reseller manager. |
reseller.manager.approve.quote.error | An error occurred while sending the wholesale price to the reseller. |
product.version.request.approval.failed | An error occurred while submitting your product version for approval. | | An error occurred while transferring the product. | | An error occurred while trying to load the product version form schema |
could.not.load.product.versions | An error occurred while trying to load the product versions for this platform |
main.carousel.upload.image.error | An error occurred while trying to upload the image. | | An error occurred while updating the company catalog | | An error occurred while updating the group catalog | | An error occurred while updating the reseller catalog | | An error occurred while uploading an image. |
an.error.occurred.uploading.your.icon | An error occurred while uploading your icon |
Platforms.Fetch.Error | An error was encountered when loading platforms. |
azure.sync.invite.user.event | An existing user is invited to join an additional company during Azure Sync. |
invite.user.event | An existing user is invited to join an additional company. |
api.alert.event | An high error rate in the distribution API. | | An invitation has been sent to {0}. |
opportunity.approved.error.UNKNOWN | An unknown error occurred while approving this opportunity. |
reseller.linking.error.VALIDATION_UNKNOWN | An unknown error occurred while creating this reseller customer association. |
Analog.Line | Analog Line |
Analog.Lines | Analog Lines |
Role.ANALYTICS_ADMIN | Analytics Admin | | Analytics API call |
Analytics.api.calls | Analytics API calls |
and | and |
and.the | and the |
countries.AD | Andorra |
countries.AO | Angola |
countries.AI | Anguilla |
Answer | Answer |
Answer.Question | Answer Question |
answer.successfully.deleted | Answer successfully deleted |
countries.AQ | Antarctica |
Anticipated.Close.Date | Anticipated Close Date |
Anticipated.Number.of.Seats | Anticipated Number of Seats |
countries.AG | Antigua and Barbuda |
Capability.API | API | | API Call |
api.calls | API Calls | | API Client Name |
api.client.settings | API Client Settings |
api.clients | API Clients |
attribute.key.description | API key / database column title. |
platform.custom.field.placeholder.key | API Key value |
form.api.key | API Key: |
csp.api.secret | API Secret |
api.url.prefix.colon | API URL Prefix: |
api.url.colon | API URL: |
form.api.url | API URL: |
form.api.endpoint | API URL: |
form.api.user | API User: |
status.message.internal.error | Apologies, an internal error has occurred. Please try again later or contact customer support. |
apologies.error.creating.account | Apologies, we encountered an error while trying to create your account. Please try again later. |
app | App |
App.Assignment | App Assignment |
bundles.apps | App Bundles |
App.Exchange | App Exchange | | App Information | | App Market |
status | App Status |
apps.assigned | app(s) will be assigned |
apps.unassigned | app(s) will be unassigned | | AppDirect | | AppDirect will keep track of all your subscription logic and handle all communication with the payment gateway. To connect your payment gateway go to production settings and add the required information for your payment gateway. You can learn more about each of our supported payment gateways by clicking learn more. This will require that you reach out to the payment gateway to create an account with your desired payment gateway provider. If you would like to use a payment gateway that is not on the supported list, reach out to AppDirect. | | Appears as the name of the app on the About screen | | Appears under the feature slogan in the feature page and provides a deeper description of your feature. | | Appears under your "Splash Title" and gives your customers a deeper understanding of your application. |
reseller.splash.description.tooltip | Appears under your "Splash Title" and gives your customers a deeper understanding of your service. |
Application | Application |
application | Application |
Role.APPLICATION | Application |
application.administrator | Application Administrator |
Application.Administrator.Status | Application Administrator Status |
application.authentication | Application Authentication |
Application.Category | Application Category |
Application.Details | Application Details |
Application.Failed.To.Save | Application failed to save | | Application ID |
Application.Listing.Logo | Application Listing Logo |
Application.Name | Application Name |
Application.Saved.Successfully | Application saved successfully |
vendor.publish.request.event | Application vendor requests to publish application for channel approval. |
MyApps.header | Applications |
Applications | Applications |
applications | Applications |
Apply | Apply | | apply discount |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalAppNameInDescription | AppNameIn description |
quote.user.approval.request.success | Approval email successfully sent. |
Approve | Approve |
Approve.Opportunity | Approve Opportunity |
Approved | Approved |
Approved.Opportunities | Approved Opportunities |
month.April.abbr | Apr |
datepicker.april.short | Apr |
month.April | April |
datepicker.april | April |
Platforms.Delete.Confirmation | Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"? |
delete.attribute.confirmation | Are you sure you want to delete the attribute? | | Are you sure you want to delete this component? | | Are you sure you want to delete this group? |
credit.delete.confirm | Are you sure you want to delete this marketplace credit? There is no coming back. |
delete.quote.confirmation.content | Are you sure you want to delete this quote? The customer will receive a notification that this order has been canceled. |
account.delete.quote.confirmation.content | Are you sure you want to delete this saved order? | | Are you sure you want to disable the user {0}? | | Are you sure you want to disconnect voice connection for {0}? | | Are you sure you want to enable the user {0}? | | Are you sure you want to exit the setup guide? | | Are you sure you want to leave this page? |
confirm.regenarate.secret | Are you sure you want to regenerate the secret for this API Client? |
reseller.reject.quote.content | Are you sure you want to reject this quote? The customer will receive a notification that their quote has been denied. |
reseller.manager.reject.quote.content | Are you sure you want to reject this quote? The submitter will receive a notification that the quote has been denied. |
Confirm.remove.application | Are you sure you want to remove {0} from your applications? | | Are you sure you want to remove {0} from your applications? | | Are you sure you want to remove the user {0}? |
Platforms.Remove.Confirmation | Are you sure you want to remove this platform? You will lose all product versions for this platform. Removing platforms cannot be undone. |
confirm.remove.user | Are you sure you want to remove this user from your company? |
confirm.revoke.secret | Are you sure you want to revoke the secret for this API Client? |
confirm.request.purchase.content | Are you sure you want to send a request to your Company Admin to purchase {0}? | | Are you sure you want to unassign voice connection for {0}? | | Are you the sales person? |
countries.AR | Argentina |
countries.AM | Armenia |
storefront.instruction | Arrange the content and layout of your storefront. |
Featured.On | Articles and Reviews |
countries.AW | Aruba |
launch.explanation | As the marketplace manager, you can continue to add products, product groups, and configure settings and appearance at any time. |
Ask.Question | Ask a Question | | asked by |
assertionConsumerServiceUrl | Assertion Consumer Service URL |
billing.admin.role.description | Assign and manage company products and payments, but cannot access user data. | | Assign and manage company products and payments, but cannot access user data. |
Assign.and.Unassign.Users | Assign and Unassign Users |
assignApps | Assign Apps |
app.manage.assign | Assign Apps |
Assign.Apps | Assign Apps | | Assign Apps to Groups | | Assign Apps to Users | | Assign Groups to Apps |
Assign.Invited.Users | Assign Invited Users |
Assign.User.To.Device | Assign user to device |
interaction.ASSIGN | Assign Users |
Save.and.Assign.Users | Assign Users |
setup.progress.step.haveAssignedUsers | Assign users to applications. | | Assign Users to Apps |
assigned | Assigned |
Assigned.Leads | Assigned Leads |
Assigned.Referral.Leads | Assigned Referral Leads | | Assigned Seats Limit Notification |
assigned.users.limit.event | Assigned seats near limit notification | | Assigning and unassigning users will trigger the assignment notification endpoints configured on your <a href="{0}" target="_blank">Edit Integration page</a>. Uncheck an assigned user and save changes. This will remove that user’s access to the application and free up a seat for assignment. Re-assign a user by selecting and saving changes again. |
Assignment | Assignment |
assignment.pending | Assignment pending |
assignments | Assignments | | Assignments not synced with app | | Assignments synced with app | | at the bottom of the page | | AT&T Mobile Workplace | | AT&T Tech Support 360 |
ATT.will.create.a.number | AT&T will create a new number for you and link it to this account. |
attendee | Attendee |
attendees | Attendees |
Attribute | Attribute |
Attributes | Attributes |
audienceUrl | Audience URL |
audio.use.minute | Audio Use Minute |
audio.use.minutes | Audio Use Minutes |
month.August.abbr | Aug |
datepicker.august.short | Aug |
month.August | August |
datepicker.august | August |
countries.AU | Australia |
Currency.AUD | Australian Dollar |
countries.AT | Austria |
auth.type | Auth Type |
Auth.Type | Auth Type |
Authentication.Method | Authentication Method | | Authenticator App |
form.authorization.endpoint.url | Authorization Endpoint URL |
Authorization.Policy | Authorization Policy |
Authorization.Rules.comma | Authorization Rule(s): |
Authorized.Resellers | Authorized Resellers |
Auto.Attendant | Auto Attendant |
Auto.Attendants | Auto Attendants |
auto.generate | Auto-generate |
automatic | Automatic |
available | Available |
Available.editions | Available editions |
available.for.purchase | Available for Purchase |
available.plans.pricing | Available Plans & Pricing |
Available.Users | Available Users |
Available.via.partner | Available Via Partner |
Average.Rating | Average Rating |
average.rating | Average User Rating |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalAvsEnabled | AVS enabled |
countries.AZ | Azerbaijan | | Azure Client ID |
azure.client.secret.colon | Azure Client Secret | | Azure Sync Invite New User | | Azure Sync Invite User to Join Company | | BaaS Marketplace Sign Up Request |
Back.To.Dashboard | Back To Dashboard |
Back.To.Edit.Bundle | Back To Edit Bundle | | Back to Groups | | Back to Questions | | Back to reviews | | Back to Settings | | Back to Setup Guide |
Background | Background |
Background.color | Background color |
Background.color.of.the.footer | Background color of the footer |
Background.color.of.the.primary.navigation | Background color of the primary navigation |
Background.color.of.the.secondary.navigation | Background color of the secondary navigation | | Background color of the secondary navigation bg when hovered | | Background color of the secondary navigation bg when selected | | Background color when a menu item is hovered | | Background color when a menu item is selected |
countries.BS | Bahamas |
countries.BH | Bahrain |
Bandwidth | Bandwidth |
countries.BD | Bangladesh |
countries.BB | Barbados |
Base.URL | Base URL |
Marketplace.Base.Url | Base URL |
form.base.url | Base URL: |
based.on | Based on | | Based on {0} review. | | Based on {0} reviews. |
based.on.usage | Based on Usage |
Basic.Information | Basic Information |
Batch.Name | Batch Name |
syndication.customers.upload.success | Batch successfully created and sent for validation |
csp.customers.upload.success | Batch successfully created and sent for validation |
create.batch.success | Batch successfully created and sent for validation. |
begin.testing | Begin Testing |
countries.BY | Belarus |
countries.BE | Belgium |
countries.BZ | Belize |
registered.marketplaces.description | Below is a list of marketplaces that have been registered. Once registered, you can transfer a product from that marketplace. |
benefit.description | Benefit description |
benefit.title | Benefit title |
Benefits | Benefits |
benefits | Benefits |
reseller.benefit.description.tooltip | Benefits appear on the front page of your profile. Add as many as needed, but you should not dilute your message with too many bullets. |
countries.BJ | Benin |
countries.BM | Bermuda |
countries.BT | Bhutan |
billing | Billing |
NotificationTemplateCategory.BILLING | Billing |
billing.admin | Billing Admin |
Role.BILLING_ADMIN | Billing Admin |
billing.apis | Billing APIs | | Billing Center URL | | Billing Day |
billing.details | Billing Details | | Billing Guide | | Billing ID: | | Billing Info |
Billing.Rate | Billing Rate |
Billing.Setup.Guide | Billing Setup Guide | | Billing Support |
Billing.Telephone.Number | Billing Telephone Number |
bills | Bills |
Birthday | Birthday |
block.edition.downgrades.for.subscriptions.with.contracts | Block add-on downgrades for subscriptions with active contracts |
block.edition.upgrades.for.subscriptions.with.contracts | Block add-on upgrades for subscriptions with active contracts | | Block switch to shorter contract |
Blog | Blog |
BLUESNAP.base_url | BlueSnap base URL |
BLUESNAP.password | BlueSnap password |
BLUESNAP.username | BlueSnap username |
custom.body.font | Body Font |
Body.font.size.large | Body font size large |
Body.font.size.medium | Body font size medium |
Body.font.size.small | Body font size small |
Body.font.size.xlarge | Body font size xlarge |
Body.font.size.xsmall | Body font size xsmall |
Body.font.size.xxlarge | Body font size xxlarge |
Body.font.size.xxsmall | Body font size xxsmall |
Body.text.font.color | Body Text Font Color | | Body text font family |
Body.text.line.height.ratio | Body text line height ratio |
Body.text.secondary.font.color | Body text secondary font color |
Body.text.tertiary.font.color | Body text tertiary font color |
countries.BO | Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
countries.BQ | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba |
Bookmark | Bookmark |
Border.between.navigation.items.use.border.annotation | Border between navigation items use border annotation |
countries.BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
countries.BW | Botswana |
countries.BV | Bouvet Island |
Box | Box |
Boxes | Boxes |
brand | Brand |
brand.your.marketplace | Brand your Marketplace |
Branding | Branding | | Brands and identifies your product on all marketplaces — product name can be the same as company name |
countries.BR | Brazil |
Currency.BRL | Brazilian Real |
Brief.Overview | Brief Overview |
brief.overview | Brief overview |
countries.IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | | British Telekom (BT) | | Browse the App Market to discover the perfect apps for your business. |
Browse.the.Marketplace | Browse the Marketplace |
countries.BN | Brunei Darussalam |
countries.BG | Bulgaria |
Bulk.Creation | Bulk Creation |
permission.MIGRATION_COMPANY_ACCESS.title | Bulk creation |
bullet.number | Bullet # |
bulletpoint | Bullet point |
bullet.points | Bullet Points |
bullettooltip | Bullet tool tip |
Bundle | Bundle |
ProductType.BUNDLE | Bundle |
bundles.slider | Bundles |
Bundles | Bundles |
Capability.PRODUCT_BUNDLES | Bundles |
countries.BF | Burkina Faso |
countries.BI | Burundi |
ImportableApplicationCategory.BUSINESS_MANAGEMENT | Business Management |
Business.Telephone.Number | Business Telephone Number | | Business type: |
Button.Designer | Button Designer |
Buttons.all.border.radius | Buttons Border Radius |
Buttons.all.border.width | Buttons Border Width |
Buttons.all.fontSize | Buttons Font Size |
Buttons.all.gradient | Buttons Gradient |
Buttons.all.padding | Buttons Padding |
buy | Buy |
buy.application | Buy {0} | | Buy {0} now |
user.role.description | Buy and manage their own products. Everyone has user privileges by default. |
manage.roles.users.plain | Buy and manage their own products. Everyone has user privileges by default. | | Buy another subscription. |
buy.bundle.again | Buy Bundle Again | | Buy Now | | Buy Now |
buy.apps.individually | Buy Office 365 Apps Individually | | Buy or import a domain to get started. |
buy.separately | Buy Separately |
by | by | | By adding your product to the AppDirect network you can request to be distributed on marketplaces and marketplace owners can request to list you on their marketplace. |
by.clicking.warning | By clicking "Create Account", you agree to the |
microsoft.authorization.description | By clicking the button below, you will notify the Channel Admins that the Microsoft Authorization is complete and can be verified anytime |
Separating.days | By separating days with commas, you can specify multiple days on which emails will be sent (5, 10, 15). These will represent the days before or after the email event, depending on the email type. |
By.Upgrading | By upgrading from this product: | | by upgrading to {0}. |
call | Call | | Call Center Monitoring | | Call Center Monitoring |
Call.for.Assistance | Call for Assistance | | Call me back | | Call us toll free: | | Calling Credit |
Calling.credits | Calling Credits |
Calling.Feature | Calling Feature |
Calling.Features | Calling Features |
calls | Calls |
countries.KH | Cambodia |
Camera | Camera |
Cameras | Cameras |
countries.CM | Cameroon |
campaign | Campaign |
campaigns | Campaigns |
Property.Can.Edit | Can Edit |
Property.Can.See | Can See | | Can't delete an unsaved product version | | Can't save because details form not loaded | | Can't scan the barcode? |
countries.CA | Canada |
Currency.CAD | Canadian Dollar |
cancel.tos | Cancel |
cancel | Cancel | | Cancel |
Cancel | Cancel |
platform.button.cancel | Cancel |
Cancel.Subscription | Cancel Subscription |
permission.CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION.title | Cancel subscription |
pb.cancel.subscription.api.url | Cancel Subscription |
migration.status.cancelled | Canceled |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.CANCELLED | Canceled |
Canceled | Canceled |
migration.status.cancelled.with.errors | Canceled with errors | | Canceling a subscription will trigger the cancel subscription notification endpoint configured on your <a href="{0}" target="_blank">Edit Integration page</a>. Canceling the subscription will remove access from any users and mark the subscription as canceled. No further invoices and payments will be generated. |
checkout.percentage.termination.fee | Canceling before the minimum contract duration results in a {0} fee on the remaining subscription. |
checkout.flat.termination.fee | Canceling before the minimum contract duration results in a {0} fee. |
Cancellation | Cancellation |
contract.cancellation.period.limit.description | Cancellation period limit | | cannot be added. Domain cart is full! | | Cannot remove a user that has active entitlements, owns products or is externally managed. | | Cannot save field, another field with this key may already exist. |
lync.validate.address.CANNOT_PARSE_ADDRESS | Cannot understand address. Please check and try again. |
Capabilities | Capabilities |
countries.CV | Cape Verde |
screenshot.caption | Caption |
careers | Careers |
InvoiceStatus.CARRIED | Carried |
Cart.full | Cart is full |
case | Case |
cases | Cases |
Catalog | Catalog |
categories | Categories |
category.slider | Categories |
Categories | Categories |
Categorization | Categorization |
category | Category |
BEANSTREAM.cav_enabled | CAV enabled |
BEANSTREAM.cav_passcode | CAV passcode |
BEANSTREAM.cav_version | CAV version |
countries.KY | Cayman Islands |
countries.CF | Central African Republic | | Certain emails allow users to unsubscribe from future emails. You can customize the unsubscribe message link displayed in the email. If left blank, the word 'Unsubscribe' will be used as default. |
Error.certificate.still.used | Certificate is still used in one of IdP Configuration. Please update this configuration before to delete certificate. |
Error.import.certificate | Certificate not saved. Please ensure all the information are valid. |
countries.TD | Chad |
change | change |
Change | Change | | Change account email |
change.ownership.event | Change ownership of a domain product. The user would like to request the ownership of the domain be changed. | | Change Ownership Request | | Change Sale Price |
Change.Subscription | Change Subscription |
Changed | Changed |
changes | changes |
changes.applied | Changes applied. |
lync.validate.address.CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_WHILE_PROVISIONING | Changes to voice connection are not allowed while provisioning is in progress. Please wait and try again. | | Changing a subscription will trigger the change subscription notification endpoint configured on your <a href="{0}" target="_blank">Edit Integration page</a>. Make a change to your subscription by switching editions or changing unit quantities. Skip this step if your product does not have the ability to make changes. |
channel | Channel |
Role.CHANNEL_ADMIN | Channel Admin |
NotificationAudienceType.CHANNEL_ADMIN | Channel Admin | | Channel Admin has denied a user's Review or Question. | | Channel Admin redirect URL (after registration) | | Channel Admins can view and manage the marketplace catalog, customers and billing. |
Capability.CHANNEL_MANAGEMENT | Channel Management | | Channel Restricted Sales Support can view, access and make purchases on behalf of marketplace customers they create. |
customize.application.feature.characteristic | Characteristic |
feature.characteristics | Characteristic |
characteristic.highlight | Characteristic highlight |
characteristic.position | Characteristic position |
characteristic.title | Characteristic title |
Characters.Left | Characters Left | | Check out more here. |
esd.check.status.api.url | Check Status |
platform.custom.field.placeholder.option.value.multi_select | Checkbox label |
platform.custom.field.type.checkbox.list | Checkbox List |
platform.custom.field.placeholder.label.multi_select | Checklist name |
Capability.CHECKOUT | Checkout |
Checkout.header | Checkout header |
Role.CHECKOUT_USER | Checkout User |
countries.CL | Chile |
countries.CN | China |
Currency.CNY | Chinese Yuan |
choose.checkout.solution | Choose a checkout solution |
Choose.a.payment.gateway | Choose a payment gateway |
Choose.Add.ons | Choose Add-ons | | Choose an edition to purchase |
choose.file | Choose File |
null | Choose One | | Choose One |
Choose.Products | Choose Products |
countries.CX | Christmas Island |
City | City |
city | City / suburb |
form.postalAddress.locality | City: |
datepicker.clear | Clear |
clear.filters | Clear Filters |
Clear.Search | Clear Filters and Sorts | | Click here for free available trial | | Click here to download the file. |
email.parameters.title | Click to add these variables to your email template |
sms.parameters.title | Click to add these variables to your sms template |
Role.CLIENT | Client |
Client.ID | Client ID |
Client.Secret | Client Secret |
client.test | Client Test |
client.tests | Client Tests |
close | Close |
Close | Close |
close.continue.edit | Close and Continue Editing | | Close date |
ProductType.CLOUDFOUNDRY_DEPLOYABLE | Cloud Foundry Application | | Cloud Infrastructure and Services |
ProductType.CLOUD_SERVICES | Cloud Infrastructure and Services |
cluster | Cluster |
clusters | Clusters | | CMS Error message page url suffix (supported placeholders: {code}, {brand}) | | CMS registration page |
countries.CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Code | Code |
ImportableApplicationCategory.COLLABORATION | Collaboration |
countries.CO | Colombia | | Color at top of screens behind Navbar Title text | | Color for links in text |
color.for.text.and.navigation.icons | Color for text and navigation icons that are tappable | | Color of icons at the bottom of the screen when selected | | Color of links in the footer |
Color.of.the.body.text | Color of the body text |
Color.of.the.headers | Color of the headers | | Color used for eye catching elements like special badges and buying actions |
Color.used.for.primary.actions | Color used for most actions and buttons on the marketplace |
Color.used.for.secondary.actions.and.for.highlights | Color used for secondary actions, highlights and headers |
Color.used.for.secondary.ui.text.usually.lighter | Color used for secondary ui text usually lighter |
Colors | Colors |
Coming.Soon | Coming Soon |
Coming.soon.learn.more | Coming Soon: Learn More |
Coming.Soon.exclamation | Coming Soon! |
Comment | Comment |
Comment.On.Review | Comment on Review |
comment.successfully.deleted | Comment successfully deleted |
comment.colon | Comment: |
comments | Comments | | Commerce ID |
NotificationTemplateCategory.COMMON | Common Elements |
IMType.COMUNICATOR | Communicator |
countries.KM | Comoros |
migration.companies | Companies | | Companies | | Companies Who Bought {0} Also Bought |
Company | Company |
company | Company |
Role.COMPANY | Company |
system.admin | Company Admin |
Role.SYS_ADMIN | Company Admin |
NotificationAudienceType.COMPANY_ADMIN | Company Admin | | Company catalog successfully updated | | Company Custom Attribute Key to save CustNo |
Company.Custom.Attributes | Company Custom Attributes |
company.details | Company Details | | Company Entitlements | | Company Name | | Company Name |
Company.Name | Company Name | | Company Name |
companySettings | Company Settings |
Company.Size | Company Size |
Company.sync.settings | Company sync settings |
Company.colon | Company: |
compare | Compare |
compare.applications | Compare Applications |
Compare.with.Production | Compare with Production |
Complete | Complete |
app.manage.Complete.Fields | Complete Fields |
permission.QUOTE_COMPLETE_ORDER.title | Complete order | | Complete the following steps to get started with your Microsoft account | | Complete the step below to finish your account setup. |
setup.progress.step.haveCompletedCompanyProfile | Complete your company profile. |
setup.progress.step.haveCompletedProfile | Complete your personal profile. |
Completed | Completed |
quote.status.completed | Completed |
completed | Completed |
Completed.Leads | Completed Leads |
Completed.Referral.Leads | Completed Referral Leads |
layout.editor.Component | Component |
Computer | Computer |
Computers | Computers |
Condition | Condition |
Configure.Authentication | Configure Authentication |
configure.panel | Configure Panel |
customize.payment.gateway | Configure Payment Gateway |
configure.settings | Configure Settings | | Confirm |
Confirm | Confirm | | Confirm & Save |
app.manage.Confirm.and.Submit | Confirm & Submit |
Confirm.delete | Confirm Delete |
Confirm.Email | Confirm Email |
dev.nav.leave.confirm | Confirm Navigation |
confirm.order | Confirm Order |
confirm.password | Confirm Password |
Confirm.Password | Confirm password |
confirm.request.purchase.title | Confirm Purchase Request |
Confirm.Transfer | Confirm Transfer |
countries.CG | Congo |
countries.CD | Congo, the Democratic Republic of the |
launch.instruction | Congratulations on setting up your new marketplace. |
docusign.set.your.password | Congratulations on your decision to purchase Docusign. To access Docusign on a compatible mobile or tablet device, you will need to first configure your password by clicking on the link below. <a href="{0}"><strong>Set Docusign Password</strong></a> | | Congratulations! Your Microsoft CSP configuration has been validated. | | Connect Add-on to Products |
csp.connecting.provider.products | Connect Microsoft products |
payment.gateway.instruction | Connect Payment Gateway to start transacting. |
connect.your.payment.geteway | Connect your Payment Gateway |
Connected.Products | Connected Products |
connection | Connection |
connections | Connections |
ImportableApplicationCategory.CONSTRUCTION | Construction |
pb.consume.token.api.url | Consume Token |
ImportableApplicationCategory.CONSUMER | Consumer |
consumer.key | Consumer Key |
alert.APICLIENT_REGEN | Consumer secret regenerated for {0}. |
contact | Contact | | Contact AppDirect if you would like to switch to a different payment gateway. |
contact.information | Contact Information | | Contact Information |
Contact.Me | Contact Me | | Contact Name |
form.postalAddress.contactName | Contact Name: |
Contact.Support | Contact Support |
Contact.Us | Contact Us |
contacts | Contacts |
channel.branding.content | Content |
Content | Content |
content.and.layout.editor | Content and Layout Editor |
ImportableApplicationCategory.CONTENT_MANAGEMENT | Content Management |
continue | Continue |
Continue.Checkout | Continue Checkout |
continue.checkout | Continue Checkout | | Continue Shopping | | Continue to Checkout |
Continue.To.Publish | Continue to Publish |
continue.without.saving | Continue Without Saving |
continuing.through.checkout.will.upgrade | Continuing through checkout will upgrade the subscription to paid. |
contract.fee | Contract Fee |
contract.fee.colon | Contract fee: |
myapps.tile.tooltip.CONTRACT_EXPIRED | Contract has expired. Please renew the contract to reactivate {0}. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.CONTRACT_EXPIRING | Contract has expired. Please renew the contract to reactivate {0}. |
Contract.Terms | Contract Terms | | Control Console Host: | | Control user access, subscriptions and billing preferences all in one place. |
countries.CK | Cook Islands |
Cookies.policy | Cookies Policy |
Core | Core |
Cores | Cores |
corporate | Corporate |
Role.CORPORATE_ADMIN | Corporate Admin |
countries.CR | Costa Rica |
countries.CI | Côte d'Ivoire |
could.not.create.user | Could not create user {0}. |
Platform.Not.Found.Id | Could not find platform with ID "{0}". |
invitation.error.PARSE_ERROR | Could not parse email. |
Could.not.update.username | Could not update username for {0}. Try again later. |
country | Country |
country.colon | Country | | Country of Sale |
form.postalAddress.countryCode | Country: | | Create a new data set and submit a request for bulk creation. | | Create a new data set and submit a request for migration. | | Create a new data set and submit a request for transitions | | Create a new data set for bulk creation. |
create.password.for | Create a password for {0} |
Create.Account | Create Account |
create.account | Create Account |
developer.role.description | Create and publish products in the marketplace |
create.api.client | Create API Client |
Create.Application | Create Application |
add.categories.instruction | Create categories to group products. |
auto.create.companies | Create companies automatically |
migration.create.batch | Create Dataset |
Create.Group | Create Group |
channel.branding.translations.desc | Create keys and provide translations for each of them. You'll then be able to use the keys in the templates like so {{}} and it will be translated to the correct language of the page. |
create.manually | Create manually |
Create.Opportunity | Create Opportunity |
create.order | Create Order |
create.product | Create Product |
create.product.groups | Create Product Groups |
add.products.instruction | Create products and add them to your catalog. |
manage.roles.can.develop.plain | Create products in the marketplace. |
permission.CREATE_QUOTE.title | Create quote |
Create.Referral.Lead | Create Referral Lead |
create.user.details | Create User Details |
create.voice | Create Voice Connection |
baas_signup.create_marketplace | Create your Billing Center |
Create.Your.First.Product | Create Your First Product |
Create.your.Marketplace | Create your Marketplace |
migration.status.created | Created |
creation.time | Created |
Created | Created |
Created.between | Created between |
Created.By | Created By |
Created.on | Created on |
created.colon | Created: |
Created.colon | Created: |
Creating.a.Subscription | Creating a Subscription | | Creating a subscription will trigger the subscription create notification URL configured on your <a href="{0}" target="_blank">Edit Integration page</a>. Once the subscription has been created you will receive a success message and you will be able to continue to user assignment. |
creating.addon.association | Creating add-on association... | | Creating batches is not supported in older browsers. Please update your browser to do so. |
Credentials | Credentials |
credit | Credit |
credit.amount | Credit Amount |
PaymentMethod.CREDIT_CARD | Credit card | | Credit Card Expiration Warning |
credit.details | Credit Details |
credit.for.period | Credit for period from {0} to {1} | | Credit Name |
credits | Credits |
is.crest.enabled | CREST API enabled: | | CREST API host: | | CREST Azure Management Password: | | CREST Azure Management Username: | | CREST Azure Reseller Domain: | | CREST Client Id: |
CREST.client.secret.colon | CREST Client Secret: | | CREST Evo Token API host: |
CREST.evo.token.resource.colon | CREST Evo Token Resource: |
CREST.reseller.caid.colon | CREST Reseller Caid: |
ImportableApplicationCategory.CRM | CRM |
countries.HR | Croatia |
csp.config.saved.successfully | CSP Configuration saved successfully | | CSP credentials updated. |
csp.setup.credentials.provided.event | CSP credentials were updated. | | CSP password exception |
csp.setup.client.key.provided.event | CSP password exception | | CSP setup update. |
countries.CU | Cuba |
countries.CW | Curaçao |
Current | Current | | Current |
Current.City | Current City | | Current saved file |
Custom.Attributes | Custom Attributes |
Custom.Banner | Custom Banner |
platform.header.custom.fields | Custom Fields |
channel_settings__custom.integration.configuration.title | Custom Integrations Configuration |
NotificationTemplateCategory.MISC | Custom Product Emails |
Custom.Slider | Custom Slider |
customer | Customer |
Customer | Customer |
Capability.CUSTOMER_APPLICATION_MANAGEMENT | Customer Application Management |
Capability.CUSTOMER_BILLING_MANAGEMENT | Customer Billing Management |
Customer.Company | Customer Company |
Customer.Email | Customer Email |
AUTHORIZE_NET.customer_email | Customer email | | Customer Group |
ImportableApplicationCategory.CUSTOMER_MANAGEMENT | Customer Management |
Customer.Notifications | Customer Notifications | | Customer questions will appear in this tab on your published product once it has been added to marketplaces. |
importing.coming.soon | Customer reviews will appear in this tab on your published product once it has been added to marketplaces. |
Customer.SMS | Customer SMS |
NotificationAudienceType.CHANNEL_SUPPORT | Customer Support |
Role.CHANNEL_SUPPORT | Customer Support |
Customers | Customers |
customers | Customers |
Customers.amp.Media | Customers & Media | | Customers & Media |
channel.branding.customize | Customize |
channel.customizer.desc | Customize all parts of your ui to reflect your branding. |
customize.storefront | Customize Storefront | | Customize your mobile marketplace app to reflect your branding. |
Customized.Edition | Customized Edition |
countries.CY | Cyprus |
countries.CZ | Czech Republic |
daily | Daily |
Buttons.danger | Danger Buttons | | Danger Buttons Active Background | | Danger Buttons Active Box Shadow | | Danger Buttons Active Text Color | | Danger Buttons Active Text Shadow | | Danger Buttons Background |
Buttons.danger.borderColor | Danger Buttons Border Color |
Buttons.danger.boxShadow.normal | Danger Buttons Box Shadow | | Danger Buttons Hover Background |
Buttons.danger.boxShadow.hover | Danger Buttons Hover Box Shadow |
Buttons.danger.textColor.hover | Danger Buttons Hover Text Color |
Buttons.danger.text.shadow.hover | Danger Buttons Hover Text Shadow |
Buttons.danger.textColor.normal | Danger Buttons Text Color |
Buttons.danger.text.shadow | Danger Buttons Text Shadow |
Buttons.danger.text.weight | Danger Buttons Text Weight |
Currency.DKK | Danish Krone | | Dark App Icon |
dashboard | Dashboard |
Dashboard | Dashboard |
dashboard.title | Dashboard | | Data Management User | | Data Management Users |
Data.Migration | Data Migration |
data.point | Data point |
data.points | Data points |
ImportableApplicationCategory.DATA_SERVICES | Data Services |
data.set | DATA SET |
Data.Set | Data Set |
data.sync.access.key.colon | Data Sync Access Key: |
data.sync.api.url.colon | Data Sync API URL: |
Day | Day |
day | Day |
Days | Days |
days.after.event | Days After Event |
days.before.event | Days Before Event |
datepicker.format | dd/mm/yyyy |
de | DE |
Deal.Management | Deal Management |
Dealer.code | Dealer Code | | Dealer Code Endpoint URL |
month.December.abbr | Dec |
datepicker.december.short | Dec |
month.December | December |
datepicker.december | December |
dedicated.ip | Dedicated IP |
dedicated.ips | Dedicated IPs |
channel.branding.button.default | Default |
Default.Certificate | Default Certificate |
Degree | Degree |
Degrees | Degrees |
channel.branding.delete | Delete |
Delete | Delete |
Delete.Answer | Delete Answer |
delete.comment | Delete Comment |
Delete.Company.Custom.Attribute | Delete Company Custom Attribute |
credit.delete | Delete Credit |
Delete.Custom.Attribute | Delete Custom Attribute |
migration.delete.batch | Delete Dataset |
platform.grid.delete.field | Delete Field |
Delete.Order.Custom.Attribute | Delete Order Custom Attribute |
Platforms.Delete | Delete Platform |
delete.preview | Delete Preview |
Delete.Question | Delete Question |
Delete.Quote | Delete Quote | | Delete Review |
Delete.Saved.Order | Delete Saved Order |
Delete.User.Custom.Attribute | Delete User Custom Attribute |
Delete.Webhook | Delete Webhook |
migration.status.deleted | Deleted |
Deleted | Deleted |
Demo.Video.URL | Demo Video URL |
migration.status.denied | Denied |
Denied | Denied |
Denied.Opportunities | Denied Opportunities |
countries.DK | Denmark |
Deny | Deny |
Deny.Lead | Deny Lead |
Deny.Opportunity | Deny Opportunity | | Deny Review or Question |
Department | Department |
Department.line | Department Line |
Department.lines | Department Lines |
edit.features.empty.description | Describe the main features of your product. |
Description | Description |
description | Description |
customize.application.section.resources.description | Description |
customize.application.feature.description | Description |
customize.application.feature.characteristic.description | Description |
platform.title.description | Description |
video.description | Description |
Description.five.words | Description (five words) |
Deselect.editions | Deselect editions which the add-on cannot be purchased with. |
ProductType.DESIGN_ELEMENT | Design Element |
ProductType.DESIGN_ELEMENTs | Design Elements | | Desired Email Address |
desktop.connect.lp.license | Desktop Connect LP License |
desktop.connect.lp.licenses | Desktop Connect LP Licenses |
Destination.Marketplace | Destination Marketplace |
Details | Details |
platform.title.details | Details |
developer | Developer |
Developer | Developer |
Role.DEVELOPER | Developer |
Capability.DEVELOPER | Developer |
developer.list.price | Developer List Price |
Capability.DEVELOPER_NETWORK | Developer Network |
Developer.Revenue.Share | Developer Revenue Share |
ImportableApplicationCategory.DEVELOPER_SERVICES | Developer Services |
Device | Device |
Device.offline | Device offline |
Device.Role.colon | Device Role: |
Devices | Devices | | Direct billing enables you to sell your own product on your website. You will be able to charge customers using our APIs or hosted checkout. |
Direct.Billing.Guide | Direct Billing Guide |
UserOrigin.LDAP | Directory |
disable | Disable |
permission.DISABLE_COMPANY_USER_ACCOUNT.title | Disable account |
permission.DISABLE_COMPANY.title | Disable company |
Disable.User | Disable User |
disabled | Disabled |
Disabled | Disabled |
Disconnect.voice.connection | Disconnect voice connection |
disconnect.voice | Disconnect Voice Connection |
Discount | Discount |
discount | Discount |
Discount.available | Discount Available |
Discount.code | Discount Code: | | Discount Codes | | Discount must be redeemed before {0} or it will expire. |
Discount.colon | Discount: | | Discount: |
Dismiss.Setup.Guide | Dismiss Setup Guide |
Display | Display | | Display a <a class="js-ui-product">product card</a> or <a class="js-ui-image">upload an image</a>. |
edit.reseller.overview.overview.description | Display a headline, description and an overview image. | | Display a logo, title and description with a linked button. |
edit.reseller.overview.customers.description | Display customers who are using your services. |
price.per.increment | Display price per increment | | Display product cards or upload images to showcase your catalog. |
Displays | Displays |
Distribution | Distribution | | Distribution enables you to take full advantage of the AppDirect platform by leveraging the network of marketplaces to reach new customers. | | Distribution Guide |
form.distributor.code | Distributor Code: |
form.distributor.password | Distributor Password: |
countries.DJ | Djibouti |
checkout.already.own.a.domain | Do you already own a domain? |
docs | Docs |
document | Document | | Document ID | | Document ID |
customize.application.section.resources.scribd.documents.key | Document Key |
document.key | Document Key | | Document Link |
documentation | Documentation |
Documentation.Link | Documentation Link |
customize.application.documentation | Documentation Link |
helpLink.description | Documentation Link |
Documents | Documents |
documents | Documents |
form.docusign | Docusign | | Docusign Assigned |
docusign.assign.event | Docusign has been assigned. The assignee now has access to the product. |
docusign.purchase.event | Docusign has been purchased. The user receives additional information about their account specific to Docusign. | | Docusign Purchased | | Does not meet the password policy requirements. |
csp.domain | Domain | | Domain |
domain.add.success | Domain added to cart: {0} |
Domain.Availability | Domain Availability | | Domain Canceled | | Domain End of Contract | | Domain in the Evo Token API. (i.e. | | Domain Management Type: | | Domain Name |
Domain.Name | Domain Name | | Domain Name | | Domain Name |
Domain.Names | Domain Names |
tld.dynamic.pricing.description | Domain pricing is set dynamically based on the price quoted by the <a href=" |
Domain.transfer.secret | Domain Secret | | Domain Suspended | | Domain Transfer Complete |
domain.registration.domain.transfer.complete.event | Domain transfer has been completed successfully. |
domain.registration.domain.purchased.transfer.event | Domain transfer has been purchased. | | Domain Transfer Purchased |
unavailable | Domain unavailable |
domain.validate.endpoint.colon | Domain Validation Endpoint: |
form.customerDomain | Domain: |
Domains | Domains |
domains.&.pricing | Domains & Pricing | | Domains ending in | | Domains you search for will appear here |
countries.DM | Dominica |
countries.DO | Dominican Republic | | Donation Management |
donation.managements | Donation Managements |
done | Done |
marketplace.account.downgrade.not.allowed | Downgrading your subscription is not supported, please contact support. |
interaction.DOWNLOAD_LINK | Download |
interaction.O365_DOWNLOAD_LINK | Download |
ProductType.DOWNLOAD | Download (Legacy) | | Download and install a free authenticator app such as Google Authenticator or Authy on your mobile device. Once installed, use your device's camera to add an account by scanning the barcode shown here. |
Download.CSV | Download CSV | | Download CSV |
Download.documentation | Download documentation | | Download Now |
download.pdf | Download PDF |
ProductType.DOWNLOAD_WITH_FULL_PROFILEs | Downloads |
ProductType.DOWNLOADs | Downloads (Legacy) |
Draft | Draft |
drag.drop.instruction | Drag and drop file here. | | Drag and drop images from your computer into the upload space, images will be saved immediately. You can also upload via the 'click here to upload' link. |
dev.drag.drop.img.upload.text | Drag and Drop not supported, please use 'browse' to upload image |
Developer.content | Drive sales and adoption of your applications. Add your app to the marketplace and reach a wide audience for distribution. |
platform.custom.field.type.dropdown.list | Dropdown List | | Dropdown name |
Due.Monthly | Due Monthly |
duplicate | Duplicate |
edition.apiFirst | Dynamic |
Dynamic.IP.Address | Dynamic IP Address |
Dynamic.IP.Addresses | Dynamic IP Addresses |
ImportableApplicationCategory.ECOMMERCE | E-Commerce | | e.g. |
customize.application.documentation.placeholder | e.g. |
customize.application.knowledge.base.url.placeholder | e.g. |
customize.application.terms.placeholder | e.g. | | e.g. | | e.g. | | e.g. | | e.g. |
endpoint.url.placeholder | e.g. |
example.field.label | e.g. Email Address | | e.g., | | e.g., | | e.g., |
example.attribute.key | e.g., reseller_email_address |
countries.EC | Ecuador |
edit | Edit |
Edit | Edit |
Edit.credentials | Edit {0} Credentials |
edit.and.view | Edit and view |
Edit.Application.Details | Edit Application Details |
edit.branding | Edit Branding |
Edit.Buttons | Edit Buttons Colors |
platform.custom.field.header.edit.multi_select | Edit Checkbox List |
Edit.Company.Custom.Attribute | Edit Company Custom Attribute |
interaction.EDIT_CREDENTIALS | Edit Credentials |
Edit.Custom.Attribute | Edit Custom Attribute |
migration.edit.batch | Edit Dataset | | Edit Dropdown |
edit.edition | Edit Edition |
edit.feature | Edit Feature |
platform.grid.edit.field | Edit Field |
platform.custom.field.header.edit.file | Edit File Upload |
edit.integration.settings | Edit Integration |
edit.marketplace | Edit Marketplace |
edit.marketplace.pricing | Edit Marketplace Pricing |
Edit.Order.Custom.Attribute | Edit Order Custom Attribute | | Edit overview page | | Edit phone number |
Platforms.Edit | Edit Platform |
edit.profile | Edit Profile |
Edit.Profile.Image | Edit Profile Image |
Edit.Quote | Edit Quote |
edit.reseller.product.wholesale.price | Edit Reseller Pricing | | Edit Review |
edit.role.access | Edit Role Access |
edit.screenshots.demo | Edit Screenshots & Demo |
edit.settings | Edit Settings |
Edit.Styles | Edit Styles | | Edit support information |
platform.custom.field.header.edit.text | Edit Textbox |
channel.branding.edit.translations | Edit Translations |
Edit.User.Custom.Attribute | Edit User Custom Attribute |
Edit.username | Edit username |
Edit.Webhook | Edit Webhook |
Edition | Edition | | Edition |
customize.application.navigation.edition.pricing | Edition & Pricing |
edition.code | Edition Code |
Edition.Settings | Edition Settings |
Editions | Editions |
editions | Editions |
editions.&.pricing | Editions & Pricing |
education | Education |
ImportableApplicationCategory.EDUCATION | Education |
NFON.efax.extension | eFax Extension |
NFON.efax.extension.plural | eFax Extensions |
countries.EG | Egypt |
countries.SV | El Salvador |
notification.method.EMAIL | |
email.address | Email Address | | Email Address | | Email Address (removed SKU notification) |
email.updated.success | Email address has been successfully updated. Please go to Manage User to resend an invitation email. | | Email admin when automatic user account delete failed |
invitation.error.ALREADY_EXISTS | Email already exists. |
RESELLER_SIGNUP.EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE | Email already in use | | Email company admin when automatic user account delete failed because he has active or pending apps. | | Email company admin when automatic user account delete failed because he owns one or more apps. |
mosi.order.placed.event | Email confirming an order has been placed. |
manual.event.resolution.event | Email Customer Support when an event needs to be resolved manually. | | Email customer support when automatic user account delete failed because he is the last sysadmin of a company. |
mosi.boost.failure.event | Email Customer Support when the Office 365 setup process for order via BOOST fails |
Email.Disabled | Email Disabled |
Email.Enabled | Email Enabled | | Email instructions about account when company has an existing account. | | Email instructions about account when company is new to | | Email invitations have been sent to {0} users to join {1}. | | Email invitations have been sent to {0} users to join your company. | | Email new Mozy user license key. | | Email New User for PC Edition. | | Email New User. | | Email password to new Google Apps admin user. | | Email password to new Google Apps user. | | Email Password to Recipients |
o365home.activate.reminder.event | Email sent to customers once a month to reminder a user to activate their subscription. |
o365home.renewal.reminder.event | Email sent to customers one month before their subscription expires to remind the customer to renew. |
o365home.purchase.event | Email sent to users after customer buys a subscription. | | Email sent upon two factor authentication. | | Email temporary administrator password to first time owner/administrator of Microsoft for CSP. | | Email temporary administrator password to first time owner/administrator of Microsoft for Syndication. | | Email temporary password to first time users of Microsoft. | | Email the channel admin when a new marketplace report becomes available. |
product.credentials.event | Email the product's credentials to the user (during manual resolution of subscription order, user assignment, or management of app users). |
baas.marketplace.sign.up.request.event | Email user to finish the BaaS marketplace sign-up flow. |
listing.marketplace.sign.up.request.event | Email user to finish the Listing marketplace sign-up flow. |
store.marketplace.sign.up.request.event | Email user to finish the Store marketplace sign-up flow. |
mosi.update.username.event | Email username to user. |
email.colon | Email: |
Email.colon | Email: |
email.placeholder | |
emails | Emails |
invitation.error.upload.ALREADY_EXISTS | Emails already exist for {0} users |
Emails.must.match | Emails must match |
invitation.error.upload.CONTENT_ERROR | Emails were incorrectly formatted for {0} users |
invitation.error.upload.PARSE_ERROR | Emails were incorrectly formatted for {0} users | | Embedded Video URL |
Embedded.Video.URL | Embedded Video URL |
lync.validate.address.EMERGENCY_911_UNAVAILABLE_AT_ADDRESS | Emergency 911 service unavailable at address. Please check and try again. |
channel.branding.button.emphasis | Emphasis |
Buttons.emphasis | Emphasis Buttons | | Emphasis Buttons Active Background | | Emphasis Buttons Active Box Shadow | | Emphasis Buttons Active Text Color | | Emphasis Buttons Active Text Shadow | | Emphasis Buttons Background |
Buttons.emphasis.borderColor | Emphasis Buttons Border Color |
Buttons.emphasis.boxShadow.normal | Emphasis Buttons Box Shadow | | Emphasis Buttons Hover Background |
Buttons.emphasis.boxShadow.hover | Emphasis Buttons Hover Box Shadow |
Buttons.emphasis.textColor.hover | Emphasis Buttons Hover Text Color |
Buttons.emphasis.text.shadow.hover | Emphasis Buttons Hover Text Shadow |
Buttons.emphasis.textColor.normal | Emphasis Buttons Text Color |
Buttons.emphasis.text.shadow | Emphasis Buttons Text Shadow |
Buttons.emphasis.text.weight | Emphasis Buttons Text Weight |
Emphasis.color | Emphasis Color |
Employee | Employee |
employee.department | Employee Department | | Employee per pay period |
Employee.per.payment.period | Employee per payment period |
Employee.per.week | Employee per week |
employee.title | Employee Title |
Employees | Employees | | Employees per pay period |
Employees.per.payment.period | Employees per payment period |
Employees.per.week | Employees per week |
empty | Empty |
en | EN |
enable | Enable |
Enable | Enable |
form.client.soap.logging.enabled | Enable Client Soap Logging | | Enable Pricing Safety |
manage.domain.showEnableSsoButton | Enable Single Sign-On |
Capability.description.DEVELOPER | Enable the developer center |
Enable.UPCOMING_INVOICE.notification | Enable upcoming invoice notification |
Enable.User | Enable User | | Enabled |
enabled | Enabled |
Enabled | Enabled |
capability.dependencies.enabled.dependents | Enabled Dependents: |
enable.lcm | enableLCM |
Capability.description.DEVELOPER_NETWORK | Enables a network of third party developers to be invited to integrate their products on the marketplace |
Capability.description.MOBILITY_PARTNER_PROGRAM | Enables company to enroll into Mobile Solution Automation |
Capability.description.CUSTOMER_APPLICATION_MANAGEMENT | Enables marketplace users to manage applications |
Capability.description.MIGRATION | Enables migration on the marketplace |
Capability.description.PRODUCT_PURCHASE | Enables product purchase on the marketplace. A marketplace without that capability will consists solely of referral products |
Capability.description.RESELLER_SIGNUP | Enables reseller signup on the marketplace |
Capability.description.QUESTIONS_AND_ANSWERS | Enables the ability to review a product and see related questions |
Capability.description.SECURITY_SETTINGS | Enables the advanced security options on the marketplace. |
Capability.description.PRODUCT_BUNDLES | Enables the creation of bundles on the marketplace to package solutions that complement each other |
Capability.description.SEO_SETTINGS | Enables the customization of search engine optimization |
Capability.description.MOBILE | Enables the customization of the mobile marketplace |
Capability.description.USER_MANAGEMENT | Enables the management of users, such as their roles and groups. |
Capability.description.NETWORK_CATALOG | Enables the marketplace manager to request to sell products from the network catalog. |
Capability.description.HOSTED_CHECKOUT | Enables the marketplace to sell products via hosted checkout |
Capability.description.CHANNEL_PAYMENT_GATEWAY | Enables the payment gateways configuration in the channel portal. |
Capability.description.RESELLER | Enables the reseller role on the platform. Users with this role can request to be linked to new and existing companies and purchase products on behalf of other users |
Capability.description.FULL_PRODUCT_INTEGRATION | Enables the sale of fully integrated products through the regular checkout flow |
Capability.description.REPORTS | Enables the visualization of reports |
Capability.description.API | Enables third parties to call the provided APIs |
Capability.description.LOG | Enables visualization of application logs (events, application usage) | | End of Contract |
end.of.contract.grace.period.description | End of contract grace period |
end.user | End User | | End user rejected the quote |
wholesales.price.reseller.action.pending.price.requested.event | End user submitted the quote. | | End user submitted the quote. |
end.users | End Users | | End-user submitted the quote, pending Reseller action. | | End-user submitted the quote, pending Reseller action. |
WORLD_PAY.WorldPayEndPoint | Endpoint |
english | English |
enter.code.manually | Enter a code manually | | Enter a customer company name to link them with this reseller company. Once linked, the reseller company will be able to view, manage and sell to the customer company. |
please.enter.a.password | Enter a password | | Enter a reseller company name or email to link them with your company. Once linked, the reseller company will be able to view, manage and sell to your company. |
Search.Device.Placeholder | Enter an External ID to add or review a device |
enter.code | Enter Code |
csp.optional.enter.provider.csp.config | Enter Microsoft CSP configuration |
enter.the.text.captcha | Enter the text you see in the box below: | | Enter the verification code generated by the authenticator app |
enter.your.two.factor.token | Enter your authentication token | | Enter your company name | | Enter your email address | | Enter your email below and we'll send you a link to reset your password. |
please.enter.a.firstname | Enter your first name |
please.enter.a.lastname | Enter your last name | | Enter your phone number | | Enterprise Billing ID: | | Entry in ${0} is too short. Please enter at least 2 characters |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalEnvironment | Environment |
PAYPAL.environment | Environment |
epapers | ePapers |
countries.GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
countries.ER | Eritrea |
ImportableApplicationCategory.ERP | ERP |
error | Error |
platform.alert.error | Error |
Error.adding.device | Error adding device {{0}} to the {{1}} device pool. |
error.alert | Error Alert |
error.detail.title | Error Details |
Error.Result.comma | Error Result: | | Error saving profile. |
reseller.profile.request.publish.error | Error sending request to publish profile. |
customize.application.request.publish.error | Error sending request to publish profile. |
reseller.profile.publish.error | Error updating profile publication status. | | Error verifying your company's Google domain. | | Error when calling the domain API |
dealer.code.invalid | Error while adding dealer code. |
Voice.disconnect.unsuccessful | Error while disconnecting voice connection |
Voice.unassignment.unsuccessful | Error while unassigning voice connection |
esd.oauth.scope | ESD OAuth Token Scope |
esd.saml.private.key | ESD Private Key (PEM) | | ESD Reseller ID |
esd.saml.audience.uri | ESD SAML Audience URL | | ESD Saml Issuer | | ESD SAML NameId |
esd.saml.token.url | ESD SAML Token Exchange URL | | Estimated recurring fee , after {1} {2} discount: | | Estimated recurring fee is: |
countries.EE | Estonia |
countries.ET | Ethiopia |
Currency.EUR | Euro |
Even.lighter.color.for.the.body.text | Even lighter color for the body text |
Event | Event |
Event.Logs | Event Logs |
Event.colon | Event: |
Events | Events |
everyone | Everyone | | []( |
exception.list | Exceptions | | Exclude free |
NotificationAudienceType.EXISTING_USER | Existing User |
Experience | Experience |
Expiration | Expiration | | Expired Free Trial Grace Period | | Expired Product Requested |
form.field.key.fingerprint.expires | expires: | | Explore Office 365 |
channel.branding.export | Export |
Export.quote | Export Quote |
External.ID.colon | External ID: |
PaymentResult.FAILED | Failed |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.FAILED | Failed |
Failed | Failed | | Failed to delete product version | | Failed to remove user | | Failed to remove user because he has active or pending apps. | | Failed to remove user because he is the last sysadmin of a company. | | Failed to remove user because he owns one or more apps. | | Failed to save product version |
markup.modal.error | Failed to updatePrice | | Failed to upload file for "{0}" |
countries.FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
countries.FO | Faroe Islands |
Fax | Fax |
Fax.line | Fax Line |
Fax.lines | Fax Lines |
Faxes | Faxes |
customize.application.section.eature.characteristics | Feature Characteristics |
customize.application.section.feature.information | Feature Information |
featured.slider | Featured |
featured | Featured |
featured.applications | Featured Applications |
featured.apps | Featured Apps |
Featured.Carousel | Featured Carousel |
Featured.Customers | Featured Customers |
Featured.Reviews | Featured Reviews |
features | Features |
customize.application.section.features | Features |
features.benefits | Features and Benefits |
month.February.abbr | Feb |
datepicker.february.short | Feb |
month.February | February |
datepicker.february | February |
includes.VAT | Fee due at checkout is inclusive of VAT. |
checkout.fee | Fee due at checkout: |
quote.detail.checkout.fee | Fee due at checkout: |
Fee.due.Monthly.colon | Fee due Monthly: |
Fee.due.Today.colon | Fee due Today: |
feedback | Feedback |
form.subscriptionTransitionBatchSize.Range | Field 'Transition Batch Size' must be between ${minimum} and ${maximum} |
maximum.size.exceeded | Field exceeds maximum size ({0}). | | Field Name |
Field.of.Study | Field of Study |
platform.grid.field.type | Field Type |
countries.FJ | Fiji |
customize.application.section.resources.pdf.file | File |
platform.custom.field.type.file.upload | File Upload |
platform.custom.field.placeholder.label.file | File upload name | | Fill at least one field. |
Filter.returned.0.results | Filter returned 0 results | | Filtering results by: |
Filters | Filters |
Final.price.may.include.additional.taxes | Final price may include additional taxes. |
ImportableApplicationCategory.FINANCE | Finance & Accounting | | Find a product to display |
find.applications | Find Applications |
Find.Applications.pipe.PARTNER | Find Applications | {0} |
Find.Applications.title.with.query | Find Applications | {0} |
Find.your.apps | Find more apps. |
Finish.Import | Finish Import |
finish.setup | Finish setup |
countries.FI | Finland | | First Name | | First Name: |
first.user | First User |
Five.Word.Description | Five Word Description | | Follow the steps below to setup your account. |
overview.instruction | Follow the steps in this guide to have your marketplace up and running in minutes. |
Follow.Us | Follow Us | | Font family for headers |
Font.size.for.large.headers | Font size for large headers |
Font.size.for.medium.headers | Font size for medium headers |
Font.size.for.small.headers | Font size for small headers |
Font.size.for.xlarge.headers | Font size for xlarge headers |
Font.size.for.xsmall.headers | Font size for xsmall headers |
Font.size.for.xxlarge.headers | Font size for xxlarge headers |
Font.size.for.xxxlarge.headers | Font size for xxxlarge headers |
Font.size.for.xxxxlarge.headers | Font size for xxxxlarge headers |
Font.size.for.xxxxxlarge.headers | Font size for xxxxxlarge headers | | |
channel.customizer.tabs.fonts | Fonts |
footer_template | Footer |
Footer | Footer |
Footer.Navigation | Footer Navigation |
footnote.number | Footnote # |
Footnotes | Footnotes |
footnotes | Footnotes | | For {0} |
band.price.min.max | For {0} - {1} {2} |
band.price.min | For {0} {1} and above |
For.And.Above | For {0} {1} And Above |
For.Min.Max | For {0}-{1} {2} |
limited.time.promotion.text | For a limited time only, subscribe to any of our qualifying plans and get a FREE HDTV and PC! |
band.price.max | For the first {0} {1} |
For.The.First | For The First {0} {1} |
forgot.password | Forgot Password |
forgot.your.password | Forgot your password? |
form.content | Form Content |
order.form.explain | Form Description |
form.field.tooltip | Form field codes are used to identify the fields being submitted as submitted to the developer. The input title and input descriptor will appear as the title above the input and as notes after the input. |
fr | FR |
datepicker.friday.min | Fr |
countries.FR | France |
Free | Free |
free | Free |
40.hdtv.pc | FREE 40" HDTV & PC |
40.hdtv.pcs | FREE 40" HDTV & PCs |
46.hdtv.pc | FREE 46" HDTV & PC |
46.hdtv.pcs | FREE 46" HDTV & PCs |
46.hdtv.pc.mounting | FREE 46" HDTV PC & mounting |
46.hdtv.pc.mountings | FREE 46" HDTV PC & mountings |
free.edition | Free Edition |
Free.Orders | Free Orders | | Free Trial |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.FREE_TRIAL | Free Trial |
Free.Trial | Free Trial | | Free Trial Auto Upgrade To Paid Warning |
Free.Trial.Available | Free Trial Available |
free.trial.available | Free Trial Available | | Free Trial Expiration Warning |
Free.Trial.Expired | Free Trial Expired |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRED | Free Trial Expired | | Free Trial Expired |
free.trial.expired.period | Free trial expired. | | Free trial expires in {0} days |
myapps.tile.tooltip.FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRING | Free trial expires in {0} days. Please upgrade to a paid subscription to maintain access to {1}. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRED | Free trial has expired. Please upgrade to a paid subscription to reactivate {0}. | | Free Trial Started |
free.trial | Free trial: |
Free.Trials | Free Trials |
french | French |
countries.GF | French Guiana |
countries.PF | French Polynesia |
countries.TF | French Southern Territories |
frequently.asked.questions | Frequently Asked Questions |
datepicker.friday.short | Fri |
datepicker.friday | Friday |
From | From | | From {0}: | | from popular media sources | | From your AppDirect Billing Center you will be able power the sales of your product on your own website and distribute your product across our network of marketplaces. Including your own if you have one powered by AppDirect. <br>There are three guides here to help you get started. |
From.colon | From: |
Capability.FULL_PRODUCT_INTEGRATION | Full Product Integration |
RESELLER_SIGNUP.RESELLER_FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_AVAILABLE | Functionality not available on this marketplace |
countries.GA | Gabon |
countries.GM | Gambia |
Gateway | Gateway |
PaymentResult.GATEWAY_NOT_AVAILABLE | Gateway N/A |
Gateways | Gateways |
settings | General |
brand.explanation | General settings on the marketplace, such as the name, logo, support resources, and other basic information should be configured on the Marketplace Settings page. You can also embed your own Google Analytics Tracking ID as well as link to your existing legal documentation. |
countries.GE | Georgia |
german | German |
countries.DE | Germany |
esd.get.catalog.api.url | Get Catalog | | Get free trials on {0} cloud software business applications. Free SSO, user management, and unified billing by {1}. |
get.more.value | Get more value for the same price |
pb.get.notification.api.url | Get Notification |
marketplace.activation.loading | Get ready. Your marketplace is on its way. |
get.started | Get Started |
csp.get.started.step.header | Get started by entering your credentials |
Get.started.with | Get started with {0}! | | Get started with {0}. |
esd.get.token.api.url | Get Token |
countries.GH | Ghana |
countries.GI | Gibraltar |
gigabyte | Gigabyte |
gigabytes | Gigabytes | | Give us feedback. |
edit.overview.overview.description | Give your customers a high-level description of your product and feature images of your product. |
go.back | Go Back | | Go to {0} | | Go to Gateway Setup | | Go to My Subscription | | Go to MyApps | | Go to product page |
sample.content.marketplace.notification.action | Go to the marketplace manager. | | Go to the My Subscription tab under your account in the top right corner of your billing center. Choose the Billing & Distribution edition and continue. You will be taken into AppDirect's checkout. Once complete you will have access to your production environment. AppDirect will never charge you for anything except a percentage of your real transactions. You will have no recurring fees and will not be charged for transactions made in your test environment. | | Google Accounts |
ProductType.GOOGLE_APPS | Google Apps | | Google Apps New Admin User | | Google Apps New User |
IMType.GOOGLE_TALK | Google Talk | | Google+ | | Got it |
grace.period | Grace period |
countries.GR | Greece |
countries.GL | Greenland |
countries.GD | Grenada |
grid.view | Grid View |
Gross | Gross |
Gross.Revenue | Gross Revenue |
Group | Group | | Group catalog successfully updated |
group.desc | Group Description |
Group.Members | Group Members | | Group Name |
group.session.unit | Group Session |
group.sessions.unit | Group Sessions |
group.settings | Group Settings |
Group.tag | Group tag |
Groups | Groups |
countries.GP | Guadeloupe |
countries.GU | Guam |
countries.GT | Guatemala |
Currency.GTQ | Guatemalan Quetzal |
countries.GG | Guernsey |
guest.unit | Guest |
guests.unit | Guests |
countries.GN | Guinea |
countries.GW | Guinea-Bissau |
countries.GY | Guyana |
countries.HT | Haiti | | has been added to your cart. Transfer validation will be required during checkout. |
BEANSTREAM.hash_value | Hash value |
custom.header.font | Header Font |
Header.font.size.large | Header font size large |
Header.font.size.medium | Header font size medium |
Header.font.size.small | Header font size small |
Header.font.size.xlarge | Header font size xlarge |
Header.font.size.xsmall | Header font size xsmall |
Header.font.size.xxlarge | Header font size xxlarge |
Header.font.size.xxxlarge | Header font size xxxlarge |
Header.font.size.xxxxlarge | Header font size xxxxlarge |
Header.font.size.xxxxxlarge | Header font size xxxxxlarge |
Header.text.color | Header Text Color |
Header.text.line.height.ratio | Header text line height ratio | | Headers font family |
Headline | Headline |
ImportableApplicationCategory.HEALTH | Health |
countries.HM | Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
Height.of.the.navigation.logo | Height of the navigation logo | | Help Center | | Help Text |
here | here | | Here you can transfer products from one marketplace to another. Register an origin marketplace in order to access its network. Once registered, you can select a product and transfer it to the destination marketplace network. | | Hidden from store customers |
Hide | Hide |
see.less | Hide |
Hide.Answers | Hide {0} Answers |
Hide.Comment | Hide {0} Comment |
Hide.Comments | Hide {0} Comments |
Hide.One.Answer | Hide 1 Answer |
Hide.Filters | Hide Filters |
customize.application.feature.hide.on.overview | Hide on Overview tab |
show.on.overview | Hide on Overview tab |
hide.this.message | hide this message. | | High distribution API error rate |
highest.rated | Highest Rated |
customize.application.feature.characteristic.highlight | Highlight |
edit.editions.shared.features.description | Highlight features shared by all of your subscription plans. |
Hint | Hint |
countries.VA | Holy See (Vatican City State) |
home | Home |
Hometown | Hometown |
countries.HN | Honduras |
countries.HK | Hong Kong |
host | Host |
hosted.checkout | Hosted checkout |
Capability.HOSTED_CHECKOUT | Hosted Checkout | | Hosted checkout is the quickest way to start selling with AppDirect. The customer will be redirected to a white-label, branded checkout flow that is hosted in your Billing Center. AppDirect handles all of the checkout logic, credit card collection and PCI compliance. Follow the documentation here to integrate. |
Hosting | Hosting |
hosts | Hosts |
hour | Hour |
hours | Hours |
Hover.background | Hover background |
Hover.background.color | Hover background color |
Hover.text.color | Hover text color |
ImportableApplicationCategory.HUMAN_RESOURCES | Human Resources |
countries.HU | Hungary |
Hunt.Group | Hunt Group |
Hunt.Groups | Hunt Groups |
I.accept | I Accept | | I agree to the |
agreement.terms.of.service.and.privacy.policy | I agree to the {0} and {1}. |
agreement.terms.of.service.only | I agree to the {0}. |
agreement.privacy.policy.only | I agree to the {0}. |
baas_signup.terms.of.service | I agree to the <a href="/billing/terms" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> |
selfserve.listing.marketplace.tos.statement | I agree to the <a href=" |
reseller.leads.terms.of.service.agreement | I agree to the <a target="_blank" href="{0}">Referral Leads Terms of Service</a> |
reseller.terms.of.service.agreement | I agree to the <a target="_blank" href="{0}">Reseller Terms of Service</a> | | I understand that the services are provided by an independent third party and not provided by ADP, LLC, that the service provider has no affiliation with ADP, LLC and that I am entering into a relationship directly with such third party to receive services. |
channel.branding.editor.i18n | i18n |
IAD.Device | IAD Device |
IAD.Devices | IAD Devices |
countries.IS | Iceland |
platform.title.icon | Icon |
Icon.image | Icon image | | ICU | | id | | id |
ID | ID | | ID | | ID: |
Ideal.For | Ideal For |
Ideal.for.colon | Ideal for: |
identification.number | Identification Number |
Identification.number | Identification Number |
review.purchase.reminder.event | If 5 days after a product's purchase no one in the buyer's company has reviewed it, send a reminder email to the product owner to rate and review the product. |
Denied.opportunities.empty.text | If denied, opportunities and the reason for denial will be displayed here. | | If enabled, all attribute values used in this policy will be sent to the error page as query parameters. The attribute name will be used for the query parameter name. |
unsuccessful.step | If unsuccessful, an error message will display. Refer to our <a href= |
selfserve.trial.login.message | If you are attempting to visit this marketplace, please try again later. If you're the owner of this marketplace, please log in or contact support. |
Product.Version.Remove.Notice | If you delete this product version, you will lose all content in this version. |
delete.endpoint.warning | If you delete this Webhook, notifications will no longer be sent to this URL. | | If you have already created a product in the test environment you can import the product to your production environment. Go to test and edit your product. Select product settings at the bottom of the left navigation and export the product. Now switch back to the production environment, create a new product and import the product file to overwrite your new product with all your configurations. | | If you need help, you can launch the setup guide by selecting "Launch Setup Guide" in Channel Settings. | | If you need to collect information from your customers outside of the default fields, you can add and customize fields here. The collected data will be available in your customer APIs. |
Platforms.Remove.Notice | If you remove this platform, you will lose all of the product versions. |
IM.Screen.Name | IM Screen Name | | Image |
customize.application.feature.characteristic.image | Image |
main.carousel.upload.image.invalid | Image format is not supported, please choose a JPG or PNG image. |
image.transformation | Image Transformation |
image.transformations | Image Transformations |
channel.customizer.tabs.images | Images | | Impersonate User Request |
Import | Import |
channel.branding.import | Import | | Import a new certificate |
Import.Application | Import Application |
Import.Signing.Certificate | Import Signing Certificate |
Import.Users | Import Users |
channel.customizer.tabs.import | Import/Export | | Imported |
imported | Imported | | Imported applications can be assigned to your users for single sign-on access. Once assigned the application will be shown on the user's MyApps page. | | Imported applications can be configured for easy MyApps authentication. |
importing.applications | Importing Application |
in.progress | In progress | | In your Billing Center you have access to your sandbox and production environments. In your sandbox you can test your integration without processing any real transactions. When your integration is complete it is easy to transfer your product to the production environment. Follow our setup guide to get started or jump right in to your Billing Center. |
inactive | Inactive | | Inactive User Login Reminder | | Inactive User Purchase Reminder |
Inbound.Long.Distance.Minute | Inbound Long Distance Minute |
Inbound.Long.Distance.Minutes | Inbound Long Distance Minutes |
Inbound.Outbound.Long.Distance.Minute | Inbound/Outbound Long Distance Minute |
Inbound.Outbound.Long.Distance.Minutes | Inbound/Outbound Long Distance Minutes | | Include attribute value(s) in error response |
include.bullet.points | Include bullet points | | Include in Purchase |
included | Included |
Included | Included |
included.units | Included {0} | | Included in {0} |
capability.dependencies.included | Included in Edition |
included.items | Included Items |
included.colon | Included: |
incorrect.two.factor.code | Incorrect code. Please try again. | | Incorrect phone number format |
index.title | Index |
countries.IN | India |
Currency.INR | Indian Rupee |
Indirect.Distribution | Indirect Distribution |
countries.ID | Indonesia | | Indoor Camera |
indoor.cameras | Indoor Cameras |
Industries | Industries |
industry | Industry | | InfoPersonService Basic Authentication Enabled | | InfoPersonService Basic Authentication Password | | InfoPersonService Basic Authentication User | | InfoPersonService endpoint URL |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.INITIALIZED | Initialized |
Input.File.From.Microsoft | Input File From Microsoft |
platform.custom.field.placeholder.label.text | Input name |
Insert.Default.Template | Insert Default Template |
Insert.selected.image | Insert selected image | | Install and configure authenticator app |
Install.Extension | Install Extension |
Installation.will.take.approximately.minutes | Installation will take approximately {0} minutes. | | Installation will take approximately one minute. |
instance | Instance |
instances | Instances | | instead of buying this app |
instructions | Instructions |
integration | Integration |
channel.integration | Integration Configuration | | Integration Events |
Integration.Status | Integration Status |
form.integrator.key | Integrator Key: |
International.department.line | International Department Line |
International.department.lines | International Department Lines |
International.license | International License |
International.licenses | International Licenses |
International.line | International Line |
International.lines | International Lines |
International.Minute | International Minute |
International.Minutes | International Minutes |
international.postage.and.print | International Postage & Print |
international.postage.and.prints | International Postage & Prints | | International Room Line | | International Room Lines |
channel.customizer.tabs.internationalization | Internationalization |
Invalid | Invalid |
lync.validate.address.INVALID_ADDRESS | Invalid address. Please check and try again. |
invalid.captcha | Invalid captcha. |
invalid.code.retry | Invalid code. Please try again. | | Invalid email address |
invitation.error.upload.singular.UNSUPPORTED_FILE | Invalid file type. .txt, .csv and .xls files are accepted. |
webshims.typeMismatch.range | Invalid input. |
webshims.stepMismatch | Invalid input. |
webshims.patternMismatch | Invalid input. {%title} | | Invalid phone number |
lync.validate.address.INVALID_POSTAL_CODE | Invalid postal code. Please check and try again. | | Invalid search criteria |
Invalid.uuid | Invalid universally unique identifier (UUID) |
Invalid.URL | Invalid URL |
username.validation.message | Invalid username |
username.validation.message.admin | Invalid username ('admin' is not allowed) |
lync.validate.address.ADDRESS_1_IS_INCORRECT | Invalid value for Address 1. Please remove any special characters and try again. |
invite | Invite | | Invite admins when companies are created |
Invite.More | Invite More |
Invite.Multiple | Invite Multiple | | Invite New User |
setup.progress.step.haveInvitedUsers | Invite team members to your portal. |
Invite.User | Invite User | | Invite User to Join Company |
Invite.Users | Invite Users |
Invite.Users.To.Company | Invite Users To Company |
invoice | Invoice |
invoice.title | Invoice Details |
external.invoice.fee | Invoice Fee |
Invoice.number | Invoice number |
invoices | Invoices |
countries.IR | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
countries.IQ | Iraq |
countries.IE | Ireland | | is available and has been added to your cart. |
AuthorizationPolicy.ConditionType.EQUALS | Is equal to | | is not available. Try adding a domain from the list below. |
AuthorizationPolicy.ConditionType.NOT_EQUALS | Is not equal to |
Is.remote.managed.colon | Is remote managed: |
countries.IM | Isle of Man |
NFON.isoftphone.mac | iSoftPhone for Mac |
NFON.isoftphone.mac.plural | iSoftPhone for Mac | | iSoftphone, Nsoftphone or Mobile NFON Device | | iSoftphone, Nsoftphone or Mobile NFON Devices |
countries.IL | Israel |
issues.receiving.code | Issues receiving your verification code? |
ImportableApplicationCategory.IT_INFRASTRUCTURE | IT & Infrastructure |
ImportableApplicationCategory.IT_AND_SECURITY | IT & Security |
opportunity.approved.error.NO_ENTITY | It looks like this opportunity does not exist anymore. |
countries.IT | Italy |
item | Item |
main.carousel.add.item.duplicate | Item is already on display. |
Item.Order | Item Order |
items | Items |
IMType.JABBER | Jabber |
countries.JM | Jamaica |
month.January.abbr | Jan |
datepicker.january.short | Jan |
month.January | January |
datepicker.january | January |
countries.JP | Japan | | JBoss A MQ |
jboss.a.mqs | JBoss A MQ |
jboss.bpm.suite | JBoss BPM Suite |
jboss.bpm.suites | JBoss BPM Suite |
jboss.brms | JBoss BRMS |
jboss.brmses | JBoss BRMS | | JBoss Data Grid | | JBoss Data Grid | | JBoss Data Virt | | JBoss Data Virt |
jboss.eap | JBoss EAP |
jboss.eaps | JBoss EAP |
jboss.fuse | JBoss Fuse |
jboss.fuses | JBoss Fuse |
countries.JE | Jersey |
Job.Title | Job Title |
permission.JOIN_COMPANY.title | Join company |
countries.JO | Jordan |
month.July.abbr | Jul |
datepicker.july.short | Jul |
month.July | July |
datepicker.july | July |
month.June.abbr | Jun |
datepicker.june.short | Jun |
month.June | June |
datepicker.june | June | | just now |
JVMs | JVMs |
countries.KZ | Kazakhstan | | Keep me logged in. |
countries.KE | Kenya |
Key | Key |
platform.custom.field.placeholder.option.key | Key |
Key.Size | Key Size |
Keychain | Keychain |
Keychain.Application | Keychain Application |
countries.KI | Kiribati |
Knowledge.Base | Knowledge Base |
customize.application.knowledge.base.url | Knowledge Base/Help Center URL |
Knowledgebase.colon | Knowledgebase: |
countries.KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of |
countries.KR | Korea, Republic of |
countries.KW | Kuwait |
countries.KG | Kyrgyzstan |
Label | Label |
Application.Label | Label |
platform.custom.field.label.label | Label |
field.label.required | Label required for default language tag: {0} | | Label your screenshot. |
language | Language |
Languages | Languages |
countries.LA | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
channel.branding.button.large | Large |
Buttons.all.large | Large Buttons |
Buttons.all.large.fontSize | Large Buttons Font Size |
Buttons.all.large.padding | Large Buttons Padding | | Last Name | | Last Name: |
Last.sent.between | Last sent between |
Last.sent.on | Last sent on |
Last.Updated | Last Updated |
countries.LV | Latvia |
launch | Launch |
interaction.LAUNCH | Launch App |
Role.LAYOUT_DESIGNER | Layout Designer |
lead | Lead |
Lead.Creation | Lead Creation |
lead.approved.success.message | Lead for {0} has been accepted. {1} will be notified of the acceptance. |
lead.denied.success.message | Lead for {0} has been denied. {1} will be notified of the denial. | | Lead has been accepted. | | Lead has been denied. |
Lead.created.successfully | Lead referral for {0} has been created for the reseller manager. |
lead.status.change.success.message | Lead status for {0} has been changed. {1} will be notified of the change. | | Lead status was successfully updated. |
leads | Leads |
leads.terms.of.service | Leads Terms of Service | | learn |
myapps.learn.more | Learn More |
learn.more | Learn More | | Learn More | | Learn more |
Learn.more.about | Learn more about {0} | | Learn more about deploying {0} on any cloud provider. |
checkout.learn.more.about.domain.setup | Learn more about domain setup. |
learn.more.text | Learn more in the <a href=" |
Learn.More.Link | Learn More Link |
Leave.a.comment | Leave a comment |
dev.nav.leave.text | Leave this Page |
countries.LB | Lebanon | | LEGAL |
Legal | Legal |
Legal.Details | Legal Details |
countries.LS | Lesotho | | Let us know how we're doing. | | Lets you describe a characteristic of your feature. |
subdomain.validation.message | Letters and numbers only |
countries.LR | Liberia |
countries.LY | Libya |
license | License |
licenses | Licenses |
countries.LI | Liechtenstein | | Light App Icon |
limited.time.promotion | Limited Time Promotion |
line | Line | | Line height ratio relative to font size | | Line height ratio relative to header font size |
lines | Lines | | Link |
Link.color | Link color | | Link demo and resources videos of your product from YouTube or Vimeo. Only YouTube and Vimeo videos are supported at the moment. | | Link documents from your <a target="_blank" href=" |
Link.text | Link text |
link.text | Link Text: | | Link to any web address with a fully qualified Url, such as | | Link to Customer | | Link to Marketplace App Profile | | Link to Privacy Policy | | Link to Reseller | | Link to Terms and Conditions |
edit.editions.policies.add.description | Link to the terms and conditions of your product and services. | | Link to your product's terms and conditions – customers must agree to these before they can complete the purchase | | Link URL |
Link.colon | Link: |
Links | Links |
Links.color | Links color | | List contains too many results. |
platform.custom.field.label.option.multi_select | List Items |
List.of.companies.with.syndication.subscriptions | List of companies with syndication subscriptions |
List.of.Industries | List of industries. |
edit.reseller.overview.benefits.description | List the main benefits of your services. |
edit.overview.features.description | List the main features and benefits of your product and services. |
list.view | List View | | Listing Info | | Listing Marketplace Sign Up Request |
Listing.Price.colon | Listing Price: |
countries.LT | Lithuania |
LiveEnv | Live | | Live chat |
channel.branding.preview | Live View |
location.of.hosted.service | Location of Hosted Service | | Log In | | Log In | {0} | | Log in to your account | | Log in with Google | | Log in with Mano Teo | | Log in with Mano Teo Test | | Log in with Yahoo! | | Log Into Your Account | | Logged in header |
headerIn_template | Logged In Header |
Logged.out.header | Logged out header |
headerOut_template | Logged Out Header |
logging.title | Logging | | Logging Enabled |
AUTHORIZE_NET.login | Login |
Login.HTTP.Method | Login HTTP Method |
Login.URL | Login URL |
Logo.height | Logo height |
Logo.image | Logo Image |
Logo.url | Logo Url |
Logo.width | Logo width |
Logos | Logos |
logout | Logout | | Logs |
Capability.LOG | Logs |
device.already.exists | Looks like the external ID {0} already exists in our system. |
marketplace.activation.tryagain | Looks like there is an issue. Please try again. | | Lookup API call |
Lookup.api.calls | Lookup API calls |
Lost | Lost |
countries.LU | Luxembourg |
countries.MO | Macao |
countries.MK | Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
countries.MG | Madagascar |
ImportableApplicationCategory.MAIL | |
mailbox | Mailbox |
mailbox.adsync.unit | Mailbox - ADSync |
mailboxes | Mailboxes |
mailboxes.adsync.unit | Mailboxes - ADSync |
mailing | Mailing |
Mailing.Address | Mailing Address |
mailings | Mailings |
Main.Sound.Zone | Main Sound Zone |
Main.Sound.Zones | Main Sound Zones |
interaction.PAY | Make Payment |
Make.Primary | Make Primary |
manage.domain.showMakePrimaryButton | Make Primary Domain |
countries.MW | Malawi |
countries.MY | Malaysia |
countries.MV | Maldives |
countries.ML | Mali |
countries.MT | Malta |
MyApps.tile.button.MANAGE | Manage | | Manage |
Manage | Manage |
interaction.MANAGE | Manage App | | Manage App | | Manage App |
manage.button.label | Manage App |
manage.apps | Manage Apps |
Manage.Catalog | Manage Catalog |
Manage.Description | Manage Description |
Manage.Devices | Manage Devices | | Manage Domains |
Manage.Domains | Manage Domains |
permission.MANAGE_EVENTS.title | Manage events |
Manage.Groups | Manage Groups |
Manage.Import.Catalog | Manage Import Catalog |
Manage.Invitations | Manage Invitations |
Manage.Lead | Manage Lead | | Manage marketplace catalog products but no access to customer data nor marketplace settings. |
Manage.on.Google | Manage on Google |
Manage.on.McAfee | Manage on McAfee |
Manage.on.Mozy | Manage on Mozy |
interaction.MANAGE_ON_VENDOR | Manage on Vendor |
interaction.CUSTOM_MANAGE_ON_VENDOR | Manage on Vendor |
manage.products | Manage Products |
Manage.Profile | Manage Profile |
manage.quote.breadcrumb.title | Manage Quote |
manage.quote.title | Manage Quote |
Manage.Reseller.Catalog | Manage Reseller Catalog |
Manage.Reseller.Profile | Manage Reseller Profile |
Manage.Sales.Catalog | Manage Sales Catalog |
account.manage.quote.title | Manage Saved Order |
account.manage.quote.breadcrumb.title | Manage Saved Order |
Capability.description.CHANNEL_MANAGEMENT | Manage the entire channel center |
manage.users | Manage Users |
manage.two.factor.options | Manage your 2-step verification options from your My Settings page. |
Manage.your.account | Manage your account. |
manager | Manager |
managers | Managers |
Capability.description.CUSTOMER_BILLING_MANAGEMENT | Manages invoices, payments and billing information |
PaymentResult.MANUAL | Manual |
manual | Manual |
PaymentMethod.MANUAL | Manual | | Manual Event Resolution | | Manual product assigned | | Manual product purchased |
permission.MANUAL_REFUND.title | Manual refund | | Manually Renewing Domain End of Contract |
month.March.abbr | Mar |
datepicker.march.short | Mar |
month.March | March |
datepicker.march | March |
ImportableApplicationCategory.MARKETING | Marketing |
channel.marketplace | Marketplace |
Marketplace | Marketplace |
NotificationTemplateCategory.MARKETPLACE | Marketplace | | Marketplace App Profile |
Marketplace.Creation.Log | Marketplace Creation Log |
credits.title | Marketplace Credits |
Marketplace.Edition | Marketplace Edition |
Marketplace.edition.and.capabilities.updated | Marketplace edition and capabilities updated. |
Marketplace.Listing | Marketplace Listing |
Marketplace.Manager | Marketplace Manager | | Marketplace Name |
customize.application.section.pricing.editions | Marketplace Pricing |
marketplace.pricing | Marketplace Pricing | | Marketplace Requests to Add Product | | Marketplace Sale Price |
marketplace.settings.title | Marketplace Settings | | Marketplace Setup Guide |
register.marketplace.success | Marketplace succesfully registered. |
marketplace.terms.policies | Marketplace Terms of Service |
Marketplace.Unavailable | Marketplace Unavailable |
Marketplace.URL | Marketplace URL |
selfserve.edition.change.error | Marketplaces with self-serve subscriptions cannot change their editions without going through the upgrade process. |
countries.MH | Marshall Islands |
countries.MQ | Martinique | | Master field value for ICU requests. |
WESUSTAIN.performance | Materiality & Performance |
WESUSTAIN.performance.plural | Materiality & Performance |
materiality.matrices | Materiality Matrices |
materiality.matrix | Materiality Matrix |
countries.MR | Mauritania |
countries.MU | Mauritius |
max | Max |
max.component | maxComponent |
max.components | maxComponents |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalMaxDescriptionLength | Maximum description length |
month.May | May |
month.May.abbr | May |
datepicker.may | May |
datepicker.may.short | May |
countries.YT | Mayotte |
mcAfee | McAfee |
form.mcafee-denver | McAfee Denver |
mcafee.purchase.event | McAfee has been purchased. The user receives additional information about their account specific to McAfee. | | McAfee Purchased |
me | Me |
measurer.fee | Measurer fee |
ImportableApplicationCategory.MEDIA | Media | | Media Articles & Reviews | | Media Source |
megabyte | Megabyte |
megabytes | Megabytes |
domain.registration.title | Melbourne IT Domain Registration |
NotificationTemplateCategory.DOMAIN_REGISTRATION | Melbourne IT Domain Registration |
NotificationAudienceType.DOMAIN_SUPPORT | Melbourne IT Domain Registration Support |
member | Member |
members | members |
migration.memberships | Memberships |
WORLD_PAY.WorldpayMerchantCodeROW | Merchant code ROW |
WORLD_PAY.WorldpayMerchantCodeROWREC | Merchant code ROWREC |
WORLD_PAY.WorldpayMerchantCodeUS | Merchant code US |
WORLD_PAY.WorldpayMerchantCodeUSREC | Merchant code USREC |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalMerchantContact | Merchant contact |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalMerchantDescription | Merchant description |
BEANSTREAM.merchant_id | Merchant ID |
Message | Message |
message.unit | Message |
messages.unit | Messages |
Currency.MXN | Mexican Peso |
countries.MX | Mexico |
countries.FM | Micronesia, Federated States of | | Microsoft |
microsoft.authorization.header | MICROSOFT AUTHORIZATION |
microsoft.csp.configuration | Microsoft CSP configuration |
migration.mosi.customers | Microsoft Customers | | Microsoft Domains |
mosi.environment.colon | Microsoft environment: | | Microsoft is connected and you're ready to start selling |
office.365 | Microsoft Office 365 |
form.mosi | Microsoft Office 365 | | Microsoft Office 365 Domain | | Microsoft Order Placed |
microsoft.certificate.colon | Microsoft public certificate in PEM format: |
terms.service.boost.mosi | Microsoft requires you accept the following to use Microsoft Office 365. By not accepting these conditions you will not cancel your subscription or billing. You may cancel your subscription by going |
migration.mosi.subscriptions | Microsoft Subscriptions | | Microsoft Temporary Admin Password for CSP | | Microsoft Temporary Admin Password for Syndication | | Microsoft Temporary User Password |
Microsoft.Transition.Input.File | Microsoft Transition Input File |
List.of.companies.with.csp.subscriptions | Microsoft transition output file |
Application.ID | Microsoft Username | | Microsoft Username Updated |
migration.status.migrated | Migrated |
migration.status.migrated.with.errors | Migrated with errors |
migration.status.migrating | Migrating |
Capability.MIGRATION | Migration |
Migration.instance | Migration instance |
Migration.instances | Migration instances |
million.messages | Million Messages |
min | Min |
minimum.service.length | Minimum contract duration |
minute | Minute |
minutes | Minutes |
ProductType.DOMAIN_REGISTRATION | MIT Domain Registration |
datepicker.titleFormat | MM yyyy | | MM/DD/YYYY |
mo | Mo |
datepicker.monday.min | Mo |
Mobile | Mobile |
Capability.MOBILE | Mobile |
mobile.devices | Mobile devices | | Mobile NFON Device | | Mobile NFON Devices |
Capability.MOBILITY_PARTNER_PROGRAM | Mobile Solution Automation |
Mobile.Theme.Customizer | Mobile Theme Customizer |
mobile.theme.published | Mobile theme published! |
Mobile.User | Mobile User |
Mobile.Users | Mobile Users |
Modem | Modem |
Modems | Modems |
ProductType.MODULE | Module |
ProductType.MODULEs | Modules |
countries.MD | Moldova, Republic of |
datepicker.monday.short | Mon |
countries.MC | Monaco |
datepicker.monday | Monday |
Montetize.Product | Monetize Product |
montetize.your.product | Monetize your product |
countries.MN | Mongolia |
countries.ME | Montenegro |
Month | Month |
monthly | Monthly |
pay.per.use | Monthly fee <br> based on usage |
Months | Months |
countries.MS | Montserrat |
more | more |
countries.MA | Morocco |
is.mosi.enabled | MOSI API enabled: |
most.popular | Most Popular |
customize.application.feature.characteristic.move.image.above | Move above image |
Move.above.picture | Move above picture |
countries.MZ | Mozambique |
form.mozy | Mozy | | Mozy configuration was successfully updated. | | Mozy New User |
password.policy.strict | Must be 10 characters in length and contain an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, either a number or symbol, and not match the username. |
password.policy | Must be 8 characters in length and contain at least one letter, one number or symbol, and not match the username. | | Must be a number | | Must be a round number |
com.appdirect.api.validation.ValidUrl | must be a valid URL (e.g. | | Must be alpha numeric | | Must be at least {0} | | Must be at most {0} | | Must be at most {0} characters | | Must be at most {0} decimals | | Must be between {0} and {1} | | Must be in the hex format #RRGGBB |
Must.match.field | Must match field "{0}" | | MxlContactId: |
My.Account | My Account |
my.apps | My Apps |
My.Apps | My Apps |
My.Company | My Company |
My.Marketplace.Dashboard | My Marketplace Dashboard |
My.Profile | My Profile |
my.profile.title | My Profile | {0} |
My.Rating | My Rating |
My.Rating.colon | My Rating: |
my.rating | My rating: | | My Review |
My.Sales.Dashboard | My Sales Dashboard |
my.settings | My Settings |
My.Subscription | My Subscription |
countries.MM | Myanmar |
MyApps | MyApps |
mycompany | mycompany | | Name |
name | Name |
Bulk.Name | Name | | Name | | Name |
Name | Name | | Name |
Marketplace.Name | Name |
nameId | Name Id |
nameIdType | Name ID Type | | Name used to help keep track of API Clients |
Name.colon | Name: |
countries.NA | Namibia |
UserOrigin.NATIVE | Native |
countries.NR | Nauru | | Navbar Background | | Navbar Title | | NCTI Standard CRM for Windows | | NCTI Standard CRM for Windows |
NFON.ncti.standard.mac | NCTI Standard for Mac |
NFON.ncti.standard.mac.plural | NCTI Standard for Mac | | NCTI Standard for Windows | | NCTI Standard for Windows |
countries.NP | Nepal |
Net | Net |
Net.Revenue | Net Revenue |
countries.NL | Netherlands |
Capability.NETWORK_CATALOG | Network Catalog | | Network Product Re-Published |
channel.branding.button.neutral | Neutral |
Buttons.neutral | Neutral Buttons | | Neutral Buttons Active Background | | Neutral Buttons Active Box Shadow | | Neutral Buttons Active Text Color | | Neutral Buttons Active Text Shadow | | Neutral Buttons Background |
Buttons.neutral.borderColor | Neutral Buttons Border Color |
Buttons.neutral.boxShadow.normal | Neutral Buttons Box Shadow | | Neutral buttons hover background |
Buttons.neutral.boxShadow.hover | Neutral Buttons Hover Box Shadow |
Buttons.neutral.textColor.hover | Neutral Buttons Hover Text Color |
Buttons.neutral.text.shadow.hover | Neutral Buttons Hover Text Shadow |
Buttons.neutral.textColor.normal | Neutral Buttons Text Color |
Buttons.neutral.text.shadow | Neutral Buttons Text Shadow |
Buttons.neutral.text.weight | Neutral Buttons Text Weight |
countries.NC | New Caledonia |
new.domain | new domain |
checkout.newDomain | New Domain | | New domain has been purchased. | | New Domain Purchased | | New Invoice Created |
New.Number | New Number | | New pricing successfully saved. |
New.Profile | New Profile | | New Relic | | New Report Available |
NotificationAudienceType.NEW_USER | New User | | New WebEx User. |
countries.NZ | New Zealand |
Currency.NZD | New Zealand Dollar |
Newest | Newest |
ApplicationSort.NEWEST_FIRST | Newest First |
newest.apps | Newest Products |
news | news |
next | next |
Next | Next |
Next.screenshot | Next screenshot |
countries.NI | Nicaragua |
countries.NE | Niger |
countries.NG | Nigeria |
countries.NU | Niue |
NFON.nmeeting | Nmeeting |
NFON.nmeeting.plural | Nmeeting |
no | No |
YesNo.NO | No |
no.account | No account? | | No available Platforms to select. |
No.Category | No Category |
no.custom.attribute | No custom attributes of this type have been created yet. Click the "Add Custom Attribute" button above to get started. |
No.Reviews | No customer reviews have been written. | | No Data Sets |
no.documents.available | No documents currently available. |
No.Domains | No Domains |
grace.period.days | No fee will be applied if the subscription is canceled within the first {0} days. |
grace.period.months | No fee will be applied if the subscription is canceled within the first {0} months. | | No fee will be applied if the subscription is canceled within the first day. |
grace.period.month | No fee will be applied if the subscription is canceled within the first month. |
No.file.chosen | No file chosen |
no.file.selected | No file is selected. Please select a file to upload. |
No.Items | No Items | | No items to display | | No questions found for your search "{0}" |
No.questions | No questions have been asked. | | No result found for search. |
platform.custom.field.message.fields.camelcase | No spaces allowed for Keys. Define it in camel case format. e.g. {0} |
NotificationAudienceType.null | No specific group |
lync.validate.address.NO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_AT_ADDRESS | No telephone number at address. Please check and try again. |
no.videos.available | No videos currently available. | | No wait time. Server is available. |
Node | Node |
node.4vcpu | Node (4vCPU) |
Nodes | Nodes |
nodes.4vcpu | Nodes (4vCPU) |
None | None |
countries.NF | Norfolk Island |
countries.MP | Northern Mariana Islands | | Norton New User for PC Edition. |
countries.NO | Norway |
Currency.NOK | Norwegian Krone |
not.valid.transfer.domain | Not a valid transfer domain. |
not.activated | Not Activated |
notAfterMinutes | Not After Minutes |
Not.available | Not available |
notBeforeMinutes | Not Before Minutes |
not.getting.code | Not getting the code? |
not.purchasable | Not purchasable |
not.started | Not started |
checkout.price.not.set | Not yet configured |
checkout.wholesale.price.not.set | Not yet set by reseller manager |
note.colon | Note: |
csp.connect.products.subtitle.text | Note: You can always come back and check the progress at any time. |
notes | Notes |
notification.successfully.saved | Notification changes successfully saved! |
password.reminder.event | Notifies the user that it has been more than 90 days since they changed their password |
month.November.abbr | Nov |
datepicker.november.short | Nov |
month.November | November |
datepicker.november | November | | Now that your production environment is configured you can add your product. | | Now that your production environment is configured you can follow the next two guides to monetize your product. | | Nsoftphone Premium for Windows | | Nsoftphone Premium for Windows | | Nsoftphone Standard for Windows | | Nsoftphone Standard for Windows |
number.of | Number of {0} |
anticipated.number.of.seats | Number of seats |
ProductType.SUPPORT | O365 Support App |
oauth1 | OAuth |
oauth2 | OAuth 2.0 |
oauth2.grant.types | OAuth 2.0 Grant Types |
return.url | OAuth 2.0 Return URL |
OAuth.Consumer.Key | OAuth Consumer Key |
OAuth.Consumer.Secret | OAuth Consumer Secret |
oauth1.oauth2 | OAuth, OAuth 2.0 |
OAuth2 | OAuth2 |
month.October.abbr | Oct |
datepicker.october.short | Oct |
month.October | October |
datepicker.october | October |
oem.device.details | oem device details |
of | of |
esd.offered.skus | Offered SKUs (comma-separated list) | | Office 365 Automated Customer Creation Failure | | Office 365 Home Activation Reminder | | Office 365 Home Configuration successfully updated. | | Office 365 Home Premium Purchase Email | | Office 365 Home Renewal Reminder |
Office.365.set.up.title | Office 365 Set Up | | Office 365 Temporary Passwords |
ok | OK |
Okay | Okay |
Older.Updates | Older Updates |
countries.OM | Oman |
on | on |
On.Sale | On Sale | | On select plans |
on.the.first.num.payments | on the first {0} payments. |
on.the.first.payment | on the first payment. |
Approved.opportunities.empty.text | Once approved, opportunities will be displayed here. | | Once you are happy with your pricing, click publish. Publishing your product will generate IDs for the product and payment plans that will be used in your checkout flow. Remember that new changes will only impact your checkout flow after publishing. |
storefront.explanation | Once you configure the proper settings and add products, you can customize the look and feel of your storefront with the Content and Layout Editor. In this editor, you can customize the content of the carousel, configure slider content, and rearrange the order of various elements on the page. | | Once your product setup is complete and your report reads 100% you will be able to go to the Add To Marketplaces page and add your product to the network catalog. It will be submitted for review by the AppDirect team. Once approved you will be available to all marketplaces. |
invitation.error.upload.singular.ALREADY_EXISTS | One of the provided emails is for a user that already exists |
invitation.error.upload.singular.PARSE_ERROR | One of the provided emails was formatted incorrectly |
csp.setup.progress.update.event | One of the steps required for CSP setup was completed. |
restriction.product.title | One of your existing Microsoft products is incompatible with this product. |
restriction.product.slug | One of your previously entered Microsoft products is incompatible with this product. | | One or two-sentence overview of your product — should be around 250 characters | | One or two-sentence overview of your service — should be around 250 characters |
one.time | One Time | | One time Charge |
one.time.price | One Time Price |
one.time.setup | One time setup |
One.time.setup.fee | One Time Setup Fee |
one.time.setup.fee.per.colon | One time setup fee per {0}: |
one.time.setup.fee.colon | One time setup fee: |
ImportableApplicationCategory.ONLINE_BACKUP_AND_STORAGE | Online Storage & Backup |
Only.redeem.remaining | Only {0} redemption(s) remaining. |
leadManagementConfigurationModalWindow.with.permission.description | Only as opportunities that the Reseller Manager must approve |
Only.Mine | Only Mine |
ProductType.OPEN_SOURCE | Open Source |
OpenID.Realm | OpenID Realm |
operator | Operator |
operators | Operators |
opportunities | Opportunities |
heading.opportunities | Opportunities |
opportunity | Opportunity |
Opportunity.Creation | Opportunity Creation |
Opportunity.created.successfully | Opportunity for {0} has been created for the reseller manager to approve. |
Opportunity.Information | Opportunity Information | | Option label |
optional | optional |
Options | Options | | Options |
or | or |
Or | Or | | or you may call support at 866-531-4891. |
or.comma | or, |
Order | Order |
order | Order | | Order Approval Request |
Order.Custom.Attributes | Order Custom Attributes |
order.details | Order Details |
order.receipt | Order Receipt |
Order.start | Order Start: |
account.quotes.created.success.message | Order successfully saved. |
form.order.validation.endpoint.url | Order Validation Endpoint URL |
Orders | Orders |
migration.single.file | Orders | | Orders |
account.quotes.empty.text | Orders that are in progress will appear here. |
form.postalAddress.organizationName | Organization Name: |
UserOrigin | Origin |
Origin.Marketplace | Origin Marketplace |
IMType.OTHER | Other |
other.apps | Other apps by {0} | | Our gift for you | | out of {0} rating | | out of {0} ratings |
Outbound.Long.Distance.Minute | Outbound Long Distance Minute |
Outbound.Long.Distance.Minutes | Outbound Long Distance Minutes | | Outdoor Camera |
outdoor.cameras | Outdoor Cameras |
over.a.month | Over a Month Ago | | Overage Audio/Minute | | Overage Audio/Minutes |
overview | Overview |
Overview.Image | Overview Image |
Overview.Information | Overview Information |
Own.domain.question | Own a domain elsewhere? |
Owner | Owner |
package.large | Package (large) |
package.small | Package (small) |
packages.large | Packages (large) |
packages.small | Packages (small) |
page | Page | | Page |
page.title.text.on.all.screens | Page title text at the top of all screens |
PricingUnit.pages | Pages |
InvoiceStatus.PAID | Paid |
Paid | Paid |
paid | Paid |
Paid.Orders | Paid Orders |
countries.PK | Pakistan |
countries.PW | Palau |
countries.PS | Palestine, State of |
countries.PA | Panama |
countries.PG | Papua New Guinea |
countries.PY | Paraguay |
Part.Of | Part Of |
Partner | Partner |
Role.PARTNER | Partner |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalPartner | Partner |
Role.PARTNER_READ | Partner (Read Only) | | Partner ID: |
partners | Partners | | Partnership ID: |
password | Password |
Password | Password |
BEANSTREAM.password | Password |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalPassword | Password |
PAYPAL.password | Password | | Password Changed |
password.creation | Password Creation |
password.for.IDENTIFIER.successfully.reset | Password for {0} was successfully reset. |
Password.Manager | Password Manager |
password.manager | Password Manager |
password.unique.history | Password must not match your previous {0} passwords. |
password.recipients.colon | Password Recipients: | | Password Reminder |
password.settings | Password Settings |
Password.Vault | Password Vault |
password.colon | Password: |
password.char.minimum | Passwords must be at least ${minLength} characters long. |
please.enter.a.8.character.password | Passwords must be at least 8 characters long | | Passwords must contain ${minRequirement} of the following categories: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, symbols |
passwords.must.have.lower | Passwords must contain a lowercase character. |
please.enter.a.number.or.symbol.character.password | Passwords must contain a number or symbol |
passwords.must.have.number.or.symbol | Passwords must contain a number or symbol. |
passwords.must.have.number | Passwords must contain a number. |
passwords.must.have.symbol | Passwords must contain a symbol. |
passwords.must.have.upper | Passwords must contain an uppercase character. |
passwords.must.have.upper.or.lower | Passwords must contain an uppercase or lowercase character. |
please.match.password | Passwords should match |
passwords.should.match | Passwords should match |
Manual.Payment | Pay by check | | Pay by invoice for all purchases. |
Pay.Invoice | Pay Invoice |
payment | Payment |
payment.details | Payment Details | | Payment Failed |
Payment.Gateway | Payment Gateway |
payment.gateway | Payment Gateway |
Capability.CHANNEL_PAYMENT_GATEWAY | Payment Gateway Configuration |
payment.gateway.explanation | Payment Gateways enable e-commerce sites to accept credit card payments. Gateways process credit cards and payout collected revenue to your merchant account. |
Payment.Instrument | Payment Instrument |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PAYMENT_GRACE_PERIOD | Payment is {0} days overdue. |
Payment.method | Payment method |
payment.method.colon | Payment Method: |
payment.plans | Payment Plans |
BEANSTREAM.payment_profile_hash_value | Payment profile hash value |
BEANSTREAM.payment_profile_passcode | Payment profile passcode |
BEANSTREAM.payment_profile_url | Payment profile URL |
PaymentResult.RESULT.COLON | Payment Result: | | Payment Successful |
payments | Payments |
Payout.Details | Payout Details |
Payouts.Received | Payouts Received |
PaymentMethod.PAYPAL | PayPal |
payslip.corrections | Payslip Corrections |
payslips | Payslips |
pb.saml.token.url | PB SAML Token Exchange URL |
customize.application.section.resources.pdf.documents | PDF Documents |
pending | Pending |
Pending | Pending |
myapps.tile.tooltip.FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRED.PENDING | Pending after free trial expiration. |
activation.mode | pending approval |
Pending.changes | Pending Changes |
Pending.Events | Pending Events | | Pending Final Review | | Pending Initial Review |
Pending.Leads | Pending Leads |
Pending.Opportunities | Pending Opportunities |
pending.title | pending provisioning |
pending.purchase | Pending Purchase |
quote.status.pending.purchase | Pending Purchase |
Pending.Referral.Leads | Pending Referral Leads |
quote.status.pending.wholesale.price | Pending Reseller Manager Approval | | Pending Sales Lead Accepted | | Pending Sales Lead Denied | | Pending Sales Review |
quote.status.pending.user.approval | Pending User Approval |
per | per | | Per unit maximum value must be greater than or equal to minimum value. | | Per unit minimum value is required. | | Per unit minimum value must be greater than or equal to zero. |
per.year | per year |
permissions | Permissions |
Permissions | Permissions |
EmailAddressType.PERSONAL | Personal |
EmailAddressType.PERSONAL.colon | Personal: |
countries.PE | Peru |
Currency.PHP | Philippine Pesos |
countries.PH | Philippines |
phone | Phone |
Phone | Phone | | Phone Extension | | Phone Extension Plus | | Phone Extensions | | Phone Extensions Plus |
Phone.Line | Phone Line |
Phone.Lines | Phone Lines |
phone.number | Phone Number | | Phone Number |
Phone.Number | Phone Number |
phone.number.unit | Phone Number | | Phone number will be provided by AT&T in an e-mail. |
phone.number.colon | Phone Number: |
form.phoneNumber | Phone Number: |
Phone.Numbers | Phone Numbers |
phone.numbers.unit | Phone Numbers |
Phone.Support.colon | Phone Support: |
phone.colon | Phone: |
Phone.colon | Phone: |
Phones | Phones |
Piece | Piece |
Pieces | Pieces |
countries.PN | Pitcairn |
Capability.description.CHECKOUT | Place and order via the checkout flow |
Placement | Placement | | Plans start at |
Platform | Platform | | Platform |
Platforms.Add.Failure | Platform could not be added. |
Platforms.Delete.Failure | Platform could not be deleted. |
Platforms.Remove.Failure | Platform could not be removed. |
Platforms.Edit.Failure | Platform could not be saved. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PENDING_REMOTE_CANCELLATION.STANDING_CLOUD | Platform is being decommissioned. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PENDING_REMOTE_CREATION.STANDING_CLOUD | Platform is spinning up. Please refresh in a few minutes. |
Platforms.Add.Success | Platform was successfully added. |
Platforms.Delete.Success | Platform was successfully deleted. |
Platforms.Remove.Success | Platform was successfully removed. |
Platforms.Edit.Success | Platform was successfully saved. |
Platforms.Header | Platforms |
Platforms | Platforms | | Platforms that already have product version support. For example, the Android or iOS platforms. | | Platforms that require additional product version support. For example, IoT platforms. |
please.upgrade.baas.modal.text | Please activate your subscription to get access to your live environment. You will not be charged until processing real transactions. | | Please call 866-531-4891. Hours of operation are 8:00am - 11:00pm EST, 7 days a week. | | Please call 866-531-4891. Hours of operation are 8:00am - 11:00pm EST, 7 days a week. | | Please call 866-812-0223. Hours of operation: 24/7. | | Please call 866-951-4484. Hours of operation are 8:00am - 11:00pm EST, 7 days a week. |
please.cancel.all.addons | Please cancel all add-ons before cancelling subscription. |
webshims.valueMissing.checkbox | Please check this box to proceed. |
please.check | Please check this box to proceed. |
Please.recheck.your.form.values | Please check your form values and try submitting again. |
check.inbox | Please check your inbox and click the link to activate your account. |
Please.Choose.An.Image | Please choose an image | | Please choose image to upload. | | Please complete the following information for {0} to complete {1} assignment: | | Please complete the form below to complete your request to be a reseller on {0}. |
please.confirm.delete.answer | Please confirm deleting this answer. |
please.confirm.delete.comment | Please confirm deleting this comment. |
please.confirm.delete.question | Please confirm deleting this question. | | Please confirm deleting this review. |
customize.application.delete.confirm | Please confirm that you want to delete this product customization. |
addon.connection.required | Please connect Add-on to Product | | Please describe how prospect will use {0} products. | | Please enter a date. |
webshims.typeMismatch.datetime-local | Please enter a datetime. |
Please.Enter.A.Description | Please enter a description |
Please.Enter.A.Name | Please enter a name |
webshims.typeMismatch.number | Please enter a number. |
webshims.typeMismatch.time | Please enter a time. |
webshims.typeMismatch.url | Please enter a URL. | | Please enter a username you'd like to use with your service |
enter.valid.domain | Please enter a valid domain |
invalid.username | Please enter a valid user name | | Please enter an email address that uses a domain different from your company domain. This will be used for contacting you in the event of a service outage or security issue. |
user.signup | Please enter an email address to begin | | Please enter an email address. | | Please enter an email address. | | Please enter an email below for the following Microsoft username to start assigning them additional applications |
webshims.tooShort | Please enter at least {%minlength} character(s). You entered {%valueLen}. | | Please enter at least one email address. |
webshims.tooLong | Please enter at most {%maxlength} character(s). You entered {%valueLen}. |
please.enter.question.title | Please enter the question title. |
please.enter.rating | Please enter the rating. | | Please enter the review title. | | Please enter the verification code from your authenticator app. | | Please enter your company's domain to use with Google. This should not include "https://" or "www"\s; |
PasswordValidator | Please enter your correct password. |
Please.fill.reseller.lead.form | Please fill in the details below and a representative will follow up with you shortly! |
fill.out.the.form | Please fill out the form to start your fully-featured 14-day free trial. |
Required.fill | Please fill out the required fields. |
webshims.valueMissing.defaultMessage | Please fill out this field. |
Please.install | Please install. |
please.make.selection.before.continuing | Please make a selection before continuing. |
channel.customizer.import.guidelines | Please make sure you followed the zip structure guidelines. |
channel.branding.publish.changes.warning | Please make sure you publish your changes, these changes are only in preview right now. |
channel.branding.delete.valid.woff | Please make sure you upload a valid woff font file. |
invalid.zipcode.error | Please provide a valid postal code. | | Please reference any available Purchase Order document ID. | | Please register your phone to get started. |
Please.retreive.your.token | Please retrieve the 6-digit authentication token from your (email/phone/authentication app) and enter it below to log into your account. | | Please select an option. |
form.primaryDnsServer.Required | Please specify a primary DNS server. |
form.secondaryDnsServer.Required | Please specify a secondary DNS server. |
Please.specify.any.details | Please specify any details | | Please use a different domain than your Company's domain. |
countries.PL | Poland |
Policies.and.Support | Policies & Support |
popular.slider | Popular |
Popular.Apps | Popular Apps |
popular.applications | Popular Apps |
ApplicationSort.POPULARITY | Popularity |
Popularity | Popularity |
Port | Port | | Port process is in progress, Phone number will automatically activated once the process completes. |
Ports | Ports |
countries.PT | Portugal |
edition.order.index | Position |
customize.application.feature.position | Position |
feature.position | Position |
Post | Post |
postage.and.print | Postage & Print |
postage.and.prints | Postage & Prints |
form.postalAddress.postalCode | Postal Code: |
postal.code | Postcode |
Posts | Posts |
Currency.GBP | Pound Sterling | | Powered by {0} | | Powered by AppDirect | | Powered by AppDirect ©2009-{0} |
Prefecture | Prefecture |
present | Present |
prev | prev |
preview | Preview |
Preview | Preview |
preview.changes | Preview Changes |
Preview.Profile | Preview Profile |
Previous | Previous |
NotificationAudienceType.PREVIOUS_PRODUCT_OWNER | Previous Product Owner |
Previous.screenshot | Previous screenshot |
Prev.Version | Previous Version |
Price | Price |
price | Price |
Flat.Rate.Price | Price |
checkout.domain.price.header | Price |
ApplicationSort.PRICE_HIGH_LOW | Price - High to Low |
ApplicationSort.PRICE_LOW_HIGH | Price - Low to High | | Price granted, pending end-user action. |
Price.Per.Unit | Price Per Unit |
prices.for.additional.usage | Prices for additional usage |
Prices.Set | Prices Set? |
Pricing | Pricing |
pricing | Pricing |
Pricing.details | Pricing details |
edition.domainPricing.validation.error | Pricing must be numbers. |
channel.branding.button.primary | Primary |
Primary | Primary |
primary.action | Primary Action |
Buttons.primary | Primary Buttons | | Primary Buttons Active Background | | Primary Buttons Active Box Shadow | | Primary Buttons Active Text Color | | Primary buttons active text shadow | | Primary Buttons Background |
Buttons.primary.borderColor | Primary Buttons Border Color |
Buttons.primary.boxShadow.normal | Primary Buttons Box Shadow | | Primary Buttons Hover Background |
Buttons.primary.boxShadow.hover | Primary Buttons Hover Box Shadow |
Buttons.primary.textColor.hover | Primary Buttons Hover Text Color |
Buttons.primary.text.shadow.hover | Primary Buttons Hover Text Shadow |
Buttons.primary.textColor.normal | Primary Buttons Text Color |
Buttons.primary.text.shadow | Primary Buttons Text Shadow |
Buttons.primary.text.weight | Primary Buttons Text Weight |
Primary.color | Primary Color | | Primary Email | | Primary Email Changed |
Primary.nav.border | Primary nav border |
Primary.Navigation | Primary Navigation |
PRIs | PRIs |
customize.application.learn.more | Privacy Policy |
privacy.policy | Privacy Policy |
agreement.privacy.text | Privacy Policy |
Privacy.Policy | Privacy Policy |
bulk.invites.delay | Processing large invite lists can take a few minutes. |
product | Product |
Product | Product | | Product Access Requested | | Product Added | | Product Assigned |
Product.Card | Product Card | | Product Credentials |
NotificationAudienceType.APP_DEVELOPER | Product Developer | | Product ID ${0} is not authorized to be displayed on this page. |
Product.Images | Product Images | | Product is not 100% complete. | | Product Name | | Product Name | | Product name |
NotificationAudienceType.PRODUCT_OWNER | Product Owner | | Product Ownership Changed | | Product Ownership Removed |
customize.application.section.product.profile | Product Profile | | Product Profile Lead Generated | | Product Purchase Event | | Product Purchase Event | | Product Purchase Requested | | Product Purchased | | Product Purchased by Sales Agent | | Product Purchased by User |
other.product.recommendations | Product Recommendations |
product.settings | Product Settings |
order.configuration.validation.url | Product Settings Validation URL |
Role.CHANNEL_PRODUCT_SUPPORT | Product Support |
NotificationAudienceType.CUSTOM_INTEGRATION_APP_SUPPORT | Product Support | | Product Support |
Product.Title | Product Title |
product.type | Product type |
Product.Types | Product Types | | Product Unassigned | | Product Upgraded |
NotificationAudienceType.PRODUCT_USER | Product User |
product.version.deleted.successfully | Product Version {0} has successfully been deleted |
product.version.approved | Product version approved. | | Product version deleted | | product version details |
product.version.rejected | Product version rejected. |
product.version.submitted.for.approval | Product version submitted for approval. | | Product Versions |
Production.Setup | Production Setup | | Production Setup Guide |
ImportableApplicationCategory.PRODUCTIVITY | Productivity |
Products | Products |
products | Products |
NotificationTemplateCategory.PRODUCTS | Products | | Products available in Catalog | | Products available in Reseller Catalog | | Products available in Sales Catalog |
add.categories.explanation | Products can be categorized together using Product Groups. For example, you can create the "Sales & Marketing" category to display related products together. Users can also search and filter by Product Groups. |
professional.user | Professional User |
professional.users | Professional Users |
Profile | Profile |
Storefront | Profile |
customize.application.navigation.profile.branding | Profile & Branding |
Profile.Image | Profile Image | | Profile Listing Logo (64px x 64px) | | Profile Logo (115px x 115px) |
Profile.Progress | Profile Progress | | Profile saved. | | Profiles with this enabled will show Import Application call to action to Company Admins. |
project | Project |
ImportableApplicationCategory.PROJECT_MANAGEMENT | Project Management |
projects | Projects |
Promotional.code | Promotional code |
properties | Properties |
property | Property | | Provide a knowledge base URL that a customer can use to find answers to their support questions. | | Provide a phone number that a customer can use to reach you for support needs. | | Provide an email address that a customer can use to reach you for support needs. | | Provide any other details around support for your application such as support hours. |
Credentials.only.needed.once | Provide your credentials below to log into {0} automatically. Your password will be securely encrypted and not provided to administrators. |
provider | Provider |
form.provider.code | Provider Code: |
providers | Providers | | Provides a high level catchy description of your feature. |
Province | Province |
province | Province |
proxy.lp.license | Proxy LP License |
proxy.lp.licenses | Proxy LP Licenses |
publish | Publish | | Publish Request Denied | | Publish Request Pending Approval | | Publish Request Successful |
publish.your.product | Publish your product |
Published | Published |
Published.Measurement | Published Measurement |
Published.Measurements | Published Measurements |
published.colon | Published: | | Publishing a product will generate a version of the product which can be used to process transactions. |
publish.progress | Publishing... |
countries.PR | Puerto Rico |
Purchase | Purchase |
Capability.PRODUCT_PURCHASE | Purchase | | Purchase Failed |
headerCheckout_template | Purchase Flow Header |
esd.po.number.prefix | Purchase Order Prefix |
purchased | purchased |
purchased.title | purchased software |
push.notification.device | Push Notification Device |
push.user | Push User |
push.users | Push Users |
countries.QA | Qatar |
qtr | Qtr |
quantity | Quantity |
manage.quote.quantity | Quantity |
Quarter | Quarter |
quarterly | Quarterly |
Quarters | Quarters |
Question | Question | | Question Asked |
question.successfully.deleted | Question successfully deleted |
question.colon | Question: |
questions | Questions |
Quote | Quote |
Quote.Information | Quote Information |
Quote.or.Description.colon | Quote or Description: | | Quote rejected by customer | | Quote rejected by Reseller Manager | | Quote rejected by Reseller or Reseller Manager |
wholesales.price.reseller.manager.action.pending.price.requested.event | Quote sent to Reseller Manager for wholesale price review. | | Quote sent to Reseller Manager for wholesale price review. |
delete.quote.success.message | Quote successfully deleted. |
quotes.created.success.message | Quote successfully saved. | | Quote/Description |
Quotes | Quotes |
ProductType.RACKSPACE_IMAGE | Rackspace Image |
ProductType.RACKSPACE_IMAGEs | Rackspace Images |
rating | Rating |
ApplicationSort.RATING | Rating |
reactivate.domain.event | Reactivate a suspended domain product. The user would like to repurchase a domain that has been suspended and is within the reactivation period. | | Reactivate Account on Email Change | | Reactivate Domain |
reactivation.fee | Reactivation Fee |
read.and.write | Read and Write |
Read.documentation | Read Documentation |
Read.More | Read More |
see.more | Read More |
read.only | Read Only | | Receive Verification Codes Via |
Recent.Events | Recent Events |
recipient | Recipient | | Recipient Email |
recipients | Recipients |
recommendation | recommendation |
Recommended.Domains | RECOMMENDED DOMAINS | | Recommended Domains |
Recommended.payment.gateway | Recommended payment gateway |
plus.usage.charges | Recurring {0} fees may include charges based on usage. |
redemption.method | Redemption Method |
Redo | Redo |
redo.complete | Redo complete. |
redo.progress | Redo in progress... |
reference.code | Reference Code |
heading.leads | Referral Leads | | Refresh Link | | Refund Issued |
regenerate.consumer.secret | Regenerate Consumer Secret |
regenerate.secret | Regenerate Secret |
register | Register |
Register | Register |
register.marketplace.description | Register a marketplace below in order to transfer a product from its network catalog. |
Register.Marketplace | Register Marketplace | | Register Mobile Phone |
Registered.Marketplaces | Registered Marketplaces |
Registers | Registers | | |
Reject.Quote | Reject Quote |
Rejected | Rejected |
Related.Products | Related Products |
relayState | Relay State |
relevance | Relevance |
sortDropDown.nullValid | Relevance |
Relevance | Relevance |
Reload.Page | Reload Page |
Reload.Required | Reload Required |
dont.ask.for.code.again | Remember this device |
Remind | Remind | | Reminder pattern must consist of a maximum of {0} positive integer(s) separated by commas (e.g. 1,2,3) |
scheduled.cancellation.reminder.event | Reminder that a scheduled subscription cancellation will take place. |
Remote.Control | Remote Control |
Remote.Controls | Remote Controls |
Remove | Remove | | Remove {0} |
interaction.REMOVE | Remove App | | Remove App |
remove.application | Remove Application |
Remove.Connection | Remove Connection |
manage.domain.showRemoveDomainButton | Remove Domain | | Remove Phone Number |
Platforms.Remove | Remove Platform |
remove.domain.from.the.cart | Remove the domain from the cart. |
Remove.User | Remove User | | Removing {0} |
interaction.PURCHASE | Renew Contract |
pb.renew.subscription.api.url | Renew Subscription |
renewal.frequency | Renewal Frequency |
renews | Renews |
replies | replies | | report | | report |
Report | Report | | Report Generated | | Report process run status summary |
Reports | Reports |
reports.title | Reports |
Capability.REPORTS | Reports |
request.access.button.label | Request Access |
request.access | Request Access to Application |
Request.Activation | Request Activation |
Request.Approval | Request Approval |
submit.wholesale.quote | Request Custom Price | | Request Id Prefix: |
Request.Permissions | Request Permissions |
permission.QUOTE_REQUEST_RETAIL_PRICE.title | Request retail price |
myapps.tile.tooltip.REQUESTED | Request sent to {0} to give you access. |
request.purchase | Request to Buy | | Request to Publish |
reseller.profile.request.publish.success | Request to publish profile has been sent. |
request.trial | Request to Try |
permission.QUOTE_REQUEST_WHOLESALE_PRICE.title | Request wholesale price |
Field.Required | Required |
platform.grid.required.field | Required Field | | Requires Additional Version Support | | Requires No Version Support |
NotificationAudienceType.RESELLER | Reseller |
NotificationAudienceType.RESELLER_WITHOUT_PARAM | Reseller |
reseller | Reseller |
Role.RESELLER | Reseller |
Reseller | Reseller |
Capability.RESELLER | Reseller |
wholesales.price.end.user.action.pending.price.granted.event | Reseller accepted the quote and sent it to client. |
migration.reseller.associations | Reseller Associations |
manage.roles.reseller.plain | Reseller can purchase on behalf of customers | | Reseller catalog successfully updated | | Reseller Companies | | Reseller Company |
Reseller.Company | Reseller Company |
leadManagementConfigurationModalWindow.canCreateOpportunities.description | Reseller company can create customer companies |
leadManagementConfigurationModalWindow.canCreateLeads.description | Reseller company can create leads | | Reseller Company Wholesale Price | | Reseller Linked | | Reseller Logs |
NotificationAudienceType.RESELLER_MANAGER | Reseller Manager |
NotificationAudienceType.RESELLER_MANAGER_WITHOUT_PARAM | Reseller Manager |
Role.RESELLER_MANAGER | Reseller Manager |
Reseller.Manager | Reseller Manager |
manage.roles.can.reseller.manager | Reseller Manager can view, create and manage Resellers and their associations to orders and companies. |
wholesales.price.reseller.action.pending.manager.approved.event | Reseller manager granted wholesales price to reseller. | | Reseller Manager rejected the quote |
wholesale.price.end.user.action.pending.rejected.event | Reseller or Reseller Manager rejected the quote | | Reseller Orders | | Reseller Profile Publication Requested |
Reseller.Profiles | Reseller Profiles | | Reseller redirect URL (after registration) |
Reseller.Registrant | Reseller Registrant |
reseller.resources | Reseller Resources | | Reseller Sign Up Requested |
Capability.RESELLER_SIGNUP | Reseller Signup | | Reseller Signup Request Approved | | Reseller Signup Request Denied | | Reseller Signup Requests | | Reseller submitted the quote, pending Reseller Manager action. | | Reseller submitted the quote, pending Reseller Manager action. | | Reseller Unlinked | | Reseller Users |
reseller.wholesale.price | Reseller Wholesale Price |
resend.code | Resend Code |
Reset | Reset | | Reset Password |
reset.password | Reset Password | | Reset User Credentials |
Resource | Resource |
resources | Resources |
customize.application.section.resources | Resources |
Resources | Resources |
response | Response |
responses | Responses |
restrict.purchase.increment | Restrict purchases to increments of |
restrict.autorization.policy.rules.caption | Restrict user access based on defined rules. Note, if multiple rules are defined then only one must be true for access to be granted. |
Role.RESTRICTED_SALES_SUPPORT | Restricted Sales Support |
Results | Results |
Resume.Order | Resume Order |
interaction.CONVERT | Resume Purchase |
Retry | Retry |
return | Return | | Return to Bundle |
countries.RE | Réunion |
Revenue | Revenue |
Revenue.Model | Revenue Model | | Revert to Default |
Review | Review |
reseller.profiles.edit.description | Review and manage all reseller profiles on the marketplace. |
Review.Lead | Review Lead |
Review.Opportunity | Review Opportunity | | Review Purchase Reminder |
Review.Signup | Review Signup |
review.successfully.deleted | Review successfully deleted |
Review.Title.colon | Review Title: | | Review Written |
reviews | Reviews |
reviews.lowercase | reviews |
Capability.QUESTIONS_AND_ANSWERS | Reviews & Questions |
reviews.disabled.for.unpublished | Reviews are disabled on preview products. Please view the published profile to use reviews. | | Revision-safe data room | | Revision-safe data rooms |
revoke.access | Revoke Access |
revoked | Revoked | | Right Now |
Currency.MYR | Ringgit | | Rogers |
Property.Role | Role |
Role | Role | | Role Filter Key | | Role Filter Value: all roles | | Role Filter Value: SYS_ADMIN only | | Role ID: |
role.colon | Role: |
Role.colon | Role: |
Roles | Roles |
countries.RO | Romania |
room | Room |
Room.line | Room Line |
Room.lines | Room Lines | | Room phone license | | Room phone license |
rooms | Rooms | | Root Partner ID: |
Router | Router |
Routers | Routers |
countries.RU | Russian Federation |
countries.RW | Rwanda |
datepicker.saturday.min | Sa |
countries.BL | Saint Barthélemy |
countries.SH | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
countries.KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
countries.LC | Saint Lucia |
countries.MF | Saint Martin (French part) |
countries.PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
countries.VC | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
sale.price | Sale Price |
sales | Sales |
ImportableApplicationCategory.SALES_AND_MARKETING | Sales & Marketing |
Sales.Agent | Sales Agent |
Sales.Lead | Sales Lead | | Sales Lead Created |
Sales.Lead.Information | Sales Lead Information |
Sales.Opportunity | Sales Opportunity | | Sales Opportunity Approved | | Sales Opportunity Created | | Sales Opportunity Denied |
Role.SALES_SUPPORT | Sales Support |
subscription.order.reseller.event | Sales support representative or reseller completed assisted purchase order and user is notified about this purchase. |
subscription.change.reseller.event | Sales support representative or reseller updated existing subscription and user is notified about this change. |
order.approval.request.event | Sales support representative request to approve the assisted purchase order. | | Sales Tax: |
samlVersion | SAML Version |
countries.WS | Samoa |
notification.sample.success | Sample notification successfully sent. |
countries.SM | San Marino |
countries.ST | Sao Tome and Principe |
datepicker.saturday.short | Sat |
datepicker.saturday | Saturday |
countries.SA | Saudi Arabia |
Currency.SAR | Saudi Riyal |
save | Save |
Save | Save | | Save | | Save {0} |
Save.credentials | Save {0} Credentials |
save.per.month | Save {0}/user/month |
Save.and.Assign.Apps | Save & Assign Apps |
Save.and.Next | Save & Next |
save.continue | Save and Add Another User |
save.and.continue | Save and Continue |
save.and.preview | Save and Preview |
save.and.publish | Save and Publish |
Save.Changes | Save Changes | | Save credentials | | Save CSP configuration |
save.order | Save Order |
save.preview | Save Preview |
save.settings | Save Settings |
Save.settings | Save settings | | Save the theme, then logout and login to your mobile marketplace app to see the updated theme |
Save.Webhook | Save Webhook |
Saved.Order.Information | Saved Order Information |
Saved.Orders | Saved Orders |
SBC.Device | SBC Device |
SBC.Devices | SBC Devices |
BEANSTREAM.sc_enabled | SC enabled |
scalextreme.account.event | Scalextreme has been purchased. The user receives additional information about their account specific to Scalextreme. | | Scalextreme Purchased |
schedule.plan | Schedule | | Scheduled Subscription Cancellation Reminder |
School | School |
scorecard | Scorecard |
scorecards | Scorecards |
screenshot.item.header | Screenshot |
screenshots | Screenshots |
screenshots.demo | screenshots and a demo |
customize.application.section.resources.scribd.documents | Scribd Documents |
search | Search | | Search |
Search | Search |
Capability.description.STORE_FRONT | Search and view product profiles | | Search by name |
Search.Domains | Search Domains | | Search for app |
Search.For.Device | Search for device | | Search for users to import |
Search.for.your.domain | Search for your domain |
Search.Marketplace | Search Marketplace |
search.questions.colon | Search Questions: |
search.results | Search Results |
Search.returned.0.results | Search returned 0 results |
channel.branding.button.secondary | Secondary |
Buttons.secondary | Secondary Buttons | | Secondary Buttons Active Background | | Secondary Buttons Active Box Shadow | | Secondary Buttons Active Text Color | | Secondary Buttons Active Text Shadow | | Secondary Buttons Background |
Buttons.secondary.borderColor | Secondary Buttons Border Color |
Buttons.secondary.boxShadow.normal | Secondary Buttons Box Shadow | | Secondary Buttons Hover Background |
Buttons.secondary.boxShadow.hover | Secondary Buttons Hover Box Shadow |
Buttons.secondary.textColor.hover | Secondary Buttons Hover Text Color |
Buttons.secondary.text.shadow.hover | Secondary Buttons Hover Text Shadow |
Buttons.secondary.textColor.normal | Secondary Buttons Text Color |
Buttons.secondary.text.shadow | Secondary Buttons Text Shadow |
Buttons.secondary.text.weight | Secondary Buttons Text Weight |
Secondary.color | Secondary Color |
Secondary.Navigation | Secondary Navigation |
ImportableApplicationCategory.SECURITY | Security |
Capability.SECURITY_SETTINGS | Security Settings |
see.all | See All |
see.all.bundles.applications | See All Application Bundles |
see.all.faqs | See All FAQs |
see.all.featured.applications | See All Featured Applications |
see.all.newest.applications | See All Newest Products |
see.all.popular.applications | See All Popular Applications |
See.all.blah | See all products from {0} |
See.Bundles | See Bundles |
seemore | See More |
Select | Select | | Select | | Select 2-4 products to compare | | Select a Platform |
select.product | Select a product |
events.hint | Select a single resource, then choose the action(s) which will send notifications to the URL. |
select.topic | Select a topic |
select.a.username | Select a username for your personal account on Microsoft Office 365. |
app.manage.Select.Apps | Select Apps |
Select.Cloud.Hosting | Select Cloud Hosting | | Select Group Tag: |
Select.Hosting | Select Hosting |
select.price.colon | Select Period: |
Select.Platform | Select Platform | | Select Platform | | Select Platform | | Select to compare | | Select which companies are using your App and we'll display their logos in the marketplace. Select up to ten top customers from the list below. | | Select which companies are using your service and we'll display their logos in the marketplace. Select up to ten top customers from the list below. | | Select white or black to maintain a strong contrast with the Navbar Background |
Select.your.state | Select your state |
Selected.background | Selected background |
Selected.background.color | Selected background color | | Selected domains will appear here |
Selected.item.text.color | Selected item text color |
Selected.text | Selected text |
Selected.text.color | Selected text color |
self | self |
Sell | Sell |
Developer.header | Sell and distribute your own app. |
Sell.on.Store | Sell on Store |
form.semafone.customer.assisted.url | Semafone Customer Assisted Page URL |
form.semafone.ecommerce.url | Semafone ECommerce Page URL |
form.semafone.retail.tokenization.url | Semafone Retail Tokenization URL |
Send | Send | | Send a code to your backup phone: {0} | | Send Admin Credentials to |
Request.User.Approval | Send Approval Email |
send.code.via.sms | Send Code via SMS |
Send.invitation | Send invitation |
Send.Invitations | Send Invitations |
Send.Test.Email | Send Test Email |
Send.Test.SMS | Send Test SMS | | Send to Customer | | Send Verify E-mail |
reseller.manager.send.wholesale.quote | Send Wholesale Price | | SenderId header value |
form.sendgrid | SendGrid |
sendgrid.purchase.event | Sendgrid has been purchased. The user must fill out an additional form to start using Sendgrid. | | Sendgrid Purchased | | Sending API call |
Sending.api.calls | Sending API calls |
countries.SN | Senegal |
Capability.SEO_SETTINGS | SEO |
month.September.abbr | Sep |
datepicker.september.short | Sep |
month.September | September |
datepicker.september | September |
countries.RS | Serbia |
Serial | Serial |
server | Server |
Server.Location | Server Location |
Server.Rule | Server Rule |
Server.Rules | Server Rules |
Server.Size | Server Size |
servers | Servers | | Serves as the title for your feature and as a navigation and search item. The title should describe the feature completely without any supporting text, e.g. "Invoice Creation." |
spLaunchUrl | Service Provider Launch URL |
Session | Session |
Sessions | Sessions |
price.not.set | Set by reseller |
wholesale.price.not.set | Set by reseller manager |
docusign.title.set.your.password | Set Docusign Password |
Set.Price | Set Price |
manage.quote.set.price | Set Price |
set.price | Set Price |
set.prices | Set Prices |
permission.QUOTE_SET_RETAIL_PRICE.title | Set retail price |
Set.Top.Box | Set Top Box (STP) |
Set.Top.Boxes | Set Top Boxes (STP) |
test.sms.disabled.message | Set up a mobile phone number in your user profile to activate test SMS messages |
permission.QUOTE_SET_WHOLESALE_PRICE.title | Set wholesale price | | Settings | | Settings |
Settings | Settings |
Settings.have.been.saved | Settings have been saved. |
Settings.have.not.been.saved | Settings have not been saved. |
alert.APICLIENT_SAVED | Settings saved for {0}. |
settings.saved.success | Settings saved. Thanks! |
Setup | Setup | | Setup Authenticator App |
setup.fee.per | Setup Fee per |
Setup.Guide | Setup Guide |
NFON.setup.per.efax.extension | Setup per eFax Extension |
NFON.setup.per.efax.extension.plural | Setup per eFax Extension | | Setup per Phone Extension | | Setup per Phone Extension Plus | | Setup per Phone Extensions | | Setup per Phone Extensions Plus |
Setup.Progress | Setup Progress |
setup.your.product | Setup your product |
Setup.your.product | Setup your product |
countries.SC | Seychelles |
Shared.Features | Shared Features |
common.bullets | Shared Features |
common.bullets.and.footnotes | Shared Features & Footnotes | | Short description that usually appears under product name | | Short description that usually appears under service name |
reseller.splash.title.tooltip | Should define your value proposition in a few words and catch your audiences' attention. | | Should define your value proposition in a few words and catch your audiences' attention. | | Should define your value proposition in a few words and catch your audiences' attention. |
Show.Answers | Show {0} Answers |
Show.Comment | Show {0} Comment |
Show.Comments | Show {0} Comments |
Show.One.Answer | Show 1 Answer | | Show a checkmark instead of a bullet next to this highlight. |
show.checkmarks | Show a checkmark next to this highlight |
Show.All | Show All | | Show as primary pricing plan. |
Show.Filters | Show Filters |
interaction.SHOW_LICENSE | Show License Key |
show.more | Show more |
Show.More.Info | Show More Info |
Show.password | Show password |
type.of.slider | Show Products From Group: |
edit.overview.customers.description | Showcase customers of your product. |
Showing.all.num.result | Showing {0} Application |
Showing.all.num.results | Showing {0} Applications | | Showing {0} result by "{1}" | | Showing {0} result for "{1}" | | Showing {0} results by "{1}" | | Showing {0} results for "{1}" | | Shows users the languages your service supports — your profile should match the language you select. If your service supports multiple languages, you must create a profile for each language. |
countries.SL | Sierra Leone |
sign.out | Sign Out |
sign.up | Sign Up |
signup.button | Sign Up |
reseller.signup.form.title | Sign up for a reseller account | | Sign up for an account | | Sign Up to Ask a Question | | Sign up to request a Marketplace account. | | Sign Up to Write a Review | | Sign up with Google |
sign.up.teo | Sign up with Mano Teo |
sign.up.teo.test | Sign up with Mano Teo Test | | Sign up with Yahoo! |
PAYPAL.signature | Signature |
signing.certificate.colon | Signing Certificate in PEM format: |
Signing.Certificates | Signing Certificates |
signing.key.colon | Signing Key in PEM format: | | SignUp Now |
deny.signup.request.success | Signup request denied |
approve.signup.request.success | Signup request successfully approved |
Signup.Requests | Signup Requests |
Signups | Signups |
Similar.Apps | Similar Apps |
countries.SG | Singapore |
Currency.SGD | Singapore Dollar | | Single-User Product Purchased |
countries.SX | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) |
Sitemap | Sitemap | | six mo |
six.months | Six Months |
Size.for.large.text | Size for large text | | Size for medium text. This is the regular text size. |
Size.for.small.text | Size for small text |
Size.for.xlarge.text | Size for xlarge text |
Size.for.xsmall.text | Size for xsmall text |
Size.for.xxlarge.text | Size for xxlarge text |
Size.for.xxsmall.text | Size for xxsmall text | | Size of the text in the primary navigation. Use the named defined font sizes. | | Size of the text in the secondary navigation. Use the named defined font sizes. |
skip.setup | Skip setup |
IMType.SKYPE | Skype |
Slide.left | Slide left |
Slide.right | Slide right |
Slider.title | Slider title |
slider.title | Slider Title: |
customize.application.feature.slogan | Slogan |
feature.slogan | Slogan |
countries.SK | Slovakia |
countries.SI | Slovenia |
channel.branding.button.small | Small |
Buttons.all.small | Small Buttons |
Buttons.all.small.fontSize | Small Buttons Font Size |
Buttons.all.small.padding | Small Buttons Padding |
notification.method.SMS | SMS |
SMS.Disabled | SMS Disabled |
SMS.Enabled | SMS Enabled |
sms.text.message | SMS Text Message |
sms.text.messages | SMS Text Messages | | so that your customers can contact you directly. AppDirect does not provide customer support for any of the products sold on the marketplace |
customers.learn.products | so that your customers can learn about your products to make an informed purchase decision. You can add documents, videos, |
ImportableApplicationCategory.SOCIAL | Social |
countries.SB | Solomon Islands |
Solution | Solution |
Solutions | Solutions |
countries.SO | Somalia |
addon.some.disabled | Some Add-ons are disabled because they are not compatible with the currently selected edition. |
error.users.missing.fields | Some applications requires some additional information for the users listed in red below. | | Some of the add-on applications are disabled because they do not match the billing period of the main application. |
some.emails.incorrect.format | Some of the emails provided are incorrectly formatted. | | Some resources could not be displayed on this page. |
Something.went.wrong | Something went wrong and prevent this action. |
microsoft.authorization.error | Sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties, and could not notify the Channel admins that the Microsoft products are connected. Please try again later |
settings.saved.error | Sorry, there was a problem. Settings not saved. |
bundle.entitlement.already.exists | Sorry, you cannot buy this application because someone in your company already bought a bundle that contains it. |
csp.customers.fetch.error | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties fetching csp customers. Please try again later. |
syndication.customers.fetch.error | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties fetching syndication customers. Please try again later. |
csp.config.error.fetching | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties loading your CSP configuration, Please try again later. |
csp.config.error.saving | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties saving the CSP configuration, Please try again later. | | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties uploading csp customers. Please try again later. | | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties uploading syndication customers. Please try again later. |
application.setup.status.error.fetching | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties, Therefore, won't be able to publish your application. Please try again later. | | Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. | | Sort By: |
source | Source |
Source.Application | Source Application |
countries.ZA | South Africa |
Currency.ZAR | South African Rand |
countries.GS | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Currency.KRW | South Korean Won |
countries.SS | South Sudan |
countries.ES | Spain |
specialist.user | Specialist User |
specialist.users | Specialist Users |
Splash.Description | Splash Description |
product.description | Splash description |
customize.application.splash.title | Splash Title |
product.slogan | Splash title |
countries.LK | Sri Lanka |
sso.hash.key.colon | SSO Hash Key: | | SSR redirect URL (after registration) |
ProductType.WEB_APP_STACKED | Stacked Editions Web App |
Staging | Staging | | Stakeholder Management |
stakeholder.managements | Stakeholder Managements |
WESUSTAIN.stakeholder.reputation | Stakeholders & Reputation |
WESUSTAIN.stakeholder.reputation.plural | Stakeholders & Reputation |
edition.predefinedFirst | Standard |
standard.mapping | Standard Mapping |
standard.mappings | Standard Mappings |
ProductType.STANDING_CLOUD | Standing Cloud | | Standing Cloud is under maintenance. Please try again later. | | Start {0} | | Start a Free Trial |
setup.progress.step.havePurchasedProduct | Start a free trial. |
start.billing | Start Billing | | Start by adding the platform to the AppDirect marketplace and by providing some basic information about the platform below. | | Start Chat |
Start.Distribution | Start Distribution |
start.learning | Start Learning |
Start.selling | Start selling! | | Starting At |
starting.price | Starting Price |
state | State |
State | State |
form.postalAddress.region | State/Province: |
Static.IP.Address | Static IP Address |
Static.IP.Addresses | Static IP Addresses |
Status | Status | | Status Bar |
Status.colon | Status: |
product.version.status.colon | Status: |
csp.status.colon | Status: {0} |
dev.nav.stay.text | Stay on this Page | | Still {0} day left |
still.x.days.left | Still {0} days left |
store | Store |
Capability.STORE_FRONT | Store Front | | Store ID | | Store Marketplace Sign Up Request |
storefront | Storefront |
stores | Stores |
Street | Street |
channel.branding.styles | Styles |
datepicker.sunday.min | Su |
SubCategory | Sub Category |
Sub.Sound.Zone | Sub Sound Zone |
Sub.Sound.Zones | Sub Sound Zones |
Subject | Subject |
PAYPAL.subject | Subject |
Subject.DN | Subject DN |
Submit | Submit |
submit | Submit |
Submit.Answer | Submit Answer |
Submit.Comment | Submit Comment |
migration.migrate.batch | Submit for migration |
Submit.your.information | Submit your information |
Submitted | Submitted |
migration.status.submitted | Submitted for migration |
Subscription | Subscription |
Subscription.Cancel.Notification.URL | Subscription Cancel Notification URL | | Subscription Canceled | | Subscription Canceled For Ticket Support | | Subscription Cancellation Scheduled |
Subscription.Change.Notification.URL | Subscription Change Notification URL |
Subscription.Create.Notification.URL | Subscription Create Notification URL |
myapps.tile.tooltip.FREE_TRIAL | Subscription expires in {0} days. |
Subscription.Status.Notification.URL | Subscription Status Notification URL | | Subscription Suspended | | Subscription Suspended |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PAYMENT_OVERDUE | Subscription suspended because payment is {0} days overdue. | | Subscription Updated by Sales Agent | | Subscriptions |
quote.detail.subtotal | Subtotal: |
success | Success |
platform.alert.success | Success |
Buttons.success | Success Buttons | | Success Buttons Active Background | | Success Buttons Active Box Shadow | | Success Buttons Active Text Color | | Success Buttons Active Text Shadow | | Success Buttons Background |
Buttons.success.borderColor | Success Buttons Border Color |
Buttons.success.boxShadow.normal | Success Buttons Box Shadow | | Success Buttons Hover Background |
Buttons.success.boxShadow.hover | Success Buttons Hover Box Shadow |
Buttons.success.textColor.hover | Success Buttons Hover Text Color |
Buttons.success.text.shadow.hover | Success Buttons Hover Text Shadow |
Buttons.success.textColor.normal | Success Buttons Text Color |
Buttons.success.text.shadow | Success Buttons Text Shadow |
Buttons.success.text.weight | Success Buttons Text Weight |
PaymentResult.SUCCESSFUL | Successful | | Successfully applied discount code. | | Successfully applied discount code. |
publish.success | Successfully published! |
countries.SD | Sudan |
Suggested | Suggested | | Suite |
datepicker.sunday.short | Sun |
datepicker.sunday | Sunday |
NotificationAudienceType.SUPER_SUPPORT | Super Support |
Role.SUPER_SUPPORT | Super Support |
appdirectadmin | Superuser |
Role.SUPERUSER | Superuser |
ImportableApplicationCategory.SUPPLY_MANAGEMENT | Supply Management |
Support | Support |
support | Support | | Support | | Support contact URLs need to be configured for the marketplace in Channel > Settings > General Settings. |
Support.Details | Support Details | | Support Details | | Support Information |
support.options | Support Options | | | | Supports JPG and PNG formats. Image will be resized to 550x300px. | | Supports JPG and PNG formats. Image will be resized to 840x150px. |
countries.SR | Suriname | | Suspended |
CompanyEntitlementStatus.SUSPENDED | Suspended | | Suspended Product Requested |
sv | SV |
countries.SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
countries.SZ | Swaziland |
countries.SE | Sweden |
Currency.SEK | Swedish Krona |
Currency.CHF | Swiss Franc | | Switch to | | Switch to a Text Message | | Switch to Authenticator App |
countries.CH | Switzerland | | Symantec EV Cloud Subscription Change | Existing Account | | | New Account |
Sync.settings | Sync Settings |
syndication.customers | Syndication customers |
countries.SY | Syrian Arab Republic |
system.role | System Role |
T1 | T1 |
T1s | T1s | | Tab Bar Icon (Active) |
channel.branding.editor.tags | Tags |
Tags | Tags |
countries.TW | Taiwan, Province of China |
countries.TJ | Tajikistan |
Take.the.Tour | Take the Tour |
countries.TZ | Tanzania, United Republic of |
target.audience | Target Audience | | Tax Endpoint URL |
taxes.and.fees | Taxes and Fees |
tax.values.calculated.based.on.location | Taxes will be calculated based on your billing location. |
ImportableApplicationCategory.TELECOMMUNICATIONS | Telecommunications |
Tell.Me.More | Tell Me More |
ProductType.TEMPLATE | Template |
template.locale | Template Locale |
channel.branding.templates | Templates |
channel.customizer.tabs.templates | Templates |
ProductType.TEMPLATEs | Templates |
terms.and.conditions | Terms & Conditions |
terms | Terms & Conditions | | Terms & Conditions. |
customize.application.terms | Terms and Conditions |
terms.title | Terms and Conditions |
terms.of.service | Terms of Service |
agreement.terms.text | Terms of Service |
terms.service.title | Terms of Service Agreement |
terms.policies.refund.policies | Terms of Service, Privacy and Refund policies. |
Terms.of.Use | Terms of Use |
TestEnv | Test |
AUTHORIZE_NET.test | Test | | Test email sent to {0} |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalTestMode | Test mode | | Test SMS sent to {0} |
tester | Tester |
Role.TESTER | Tester |
testers | Testers |
Text.color | Text color |
Text.color.of.the.primary.navigation | Text color of the primary navigation |
Text.color.of.the.secondary.navigation | Text color of the secondary navigation |
Text.color.of.the.secondary.navigation.links.when.hovered | Text color of the secondary navigation links when hovered |
Text.color.of.the.secondary.navigation.links.when.selected | Text color of the secondary navigation links when selected |
platform.custom.field.type.text.input | Text Input | | Text message to primary phone {0} |
Text.size | Text size |
unsubscribe.event | Text that allows users to unsubscribe from eligible emails. |
datepicker.thursday.min | Th |
countries.TH | Thailand | | Thank you for asking a question! It will be posted shortly. |
app.setup | Thank you for purchasing {0} from {1}. Follow these quick instructions to download and activate your new software. |
Lead.creation.success.message | Thank you for submitting your information. A representative will follow up with you shortly! | | Thank you for the review, it will be posted shortly | | Thank you for the review. | | Thank you for your answer! | | Thank you for your answer! It will be posted shortly. | | Thank you for your comment! | | Thank you for your comment! It will be posted shortly. |
Office.365.set.up.content | Thank you for your purchase of Office 365. While your application is being set up the application tile below may disappear for a short period of time. It will come back once all services have been completed. | | Thank you for your question! |
baas_signup.thanks.for.creating | Thanks for creating an account! |
thanks.registering | Thanks for registering. |
Thanks.lead.gen.suite | Thanks for your interest in an application suite. We will be contacting you shortly to set up your free consultation. |
meta.description.category | The {0} category listing. Find and use apps in under the {0} category. |
create.account.failed | The account could not be created. Please verify that you have entered all the information correctly. |
lync.validate.address.ADDRESS_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_VOICE_CONNECTION | The address does not support a voice connection. Please check and try again. |
lync.validate.address.ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND | The address was not found. Please check and try again. |
invalid.address.provided | The address you entered in the company details is invalid. Please verify your address and submit again. | | The authorization token is invalid. | | The background color of danger buttons active state |
The.background.color.of.danger.buttons.hover.state | The background color of danger buttons hover state |
The.background.color.of.danger.buttons.normal.state | The background color of danger buttons normal state | | The background color of emphasis buttons active state |
The.background.color.of.emphasis.buttons.hover.state | The background color of emphasis buttons hover state |
The.background.color.of.emphasis.buttons.normal.state | The background color of emphasis buttons normal state | | The background color of neutral buttons active state |
The.background.color.of.neutral.buttons.hover.state | The background color of neutral buttons hover state |
The.background.color.of.neutral.buttons.normal.state | The background color of neutral buttons normal state | | The background color of primary buttons active state |
The.background.color.of.primary.buttons.hover.state | The background color of primary buttons hover state |
The.background.color.of.primary.buttons.normal.state | The background color of primary buttons normal state | | The background color of secondary buttons active state |
The.background.color.of.secondary.buttons.hover.state | The background color of secondary buttons hover state |
The.background.color.of.secondary.buttons.normal.state | The background color of secondary buttons normal state | | The background color of success buttons active state |
The.background.color.of.success.buttons.hover.state | The background color of success buttons hover state |
The.background.color.of.success.buttons.normal.state | The background color of success buttons normal state |
REGISTER_MARKETPLACE.ERRORS.LOCAL_BASE_URL | The Base URL cannot be local to the instance you are on | | The billing guide will prepare you for accepting payments on your own website using our APIs or hosted checkout solution. |
The.border.color.of.danger.buttons | The border color of danger buttons |
The.border.color.of.emphasis.buttons | The border color of emphasis buttons |
The.border.color.of.neutral.buttons | The border color of neutral buttons |
The.border.color.of.primary.buttons | The border color of primary buttons |
The.border.color.of.secondary.buttons | The border color of secondary buttons |
The.border.color.of.success.buttons | The border color of success buttons |
The.border.radius.of.all.buttons | The border radius of all buttons |
The.border.width.of.all.buttons | The border width of all buttons | | The box shadow color of danger buttons hover state |
box.shadow.color.of.danger.buttons.normal.state | The box shadow color of danger buttons normal state | | The box shadow of emphasis buttons active state | | The box shadow of emphasis buttons hover state | | The box shadow of emphasis buttons normal state | | The box shadow of neutral buttons active state | | The box shadow of neutral buttons hover state | | The box shadow of neutral buttons normal state | | The box shadow of primary buttons active state | | The box shadow of primary buttons hover state | | The box shadow of primary buttons normal state | | The box shadow of secondary buttons hover state | | The box shadow of secondary buttons normal state | | The box shadow of success buttons active state | | The box shadow of success buttons hover state | | The box shadow of success buttons normal state | | The box shadowr of danger buttons active state | | The British Telekom configuration was successfully updated. |
lync.change.address.success | The change of address was successful! |
customizer.template.warning | The content of your templates will be replaced with the default. You will need to save it for the change to be permanent. |
renewal.frequency.caption | The credit amount will be reset to the starting value at the beginning of this frequency based on the customer's billing cycle. |
opportunity.approved.error.USER_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS | The customer company could not be created. The email address used has already been registered in the system. |
opportunity.approved.error.EMAIL_DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS | The customer company could not be created. The email domain has already been registered in the system. |
opportunity.approved.error.INVALID_EMAIL_DOMAIN | The customer company could not be created. The provided email domain is invalid. |
reseller.reject.quote.success | The customer has been notified of the wholesale price rejection. |
role.tooltip | The default role for the invited user | | The description for your add-on product failed to save. |
addon.description.cancel | The description for your add-on product has been canceled. |
addon.description.saved | The description for your add-on product has been saved. | | The direct billing guide will allow you to sell your product directly to customers on your own website by giving you the tools to power your checkout flow. | | The direct billing guide will walk you through getting to your first sale. |
Discount.code.not.valid | The discount code you entered is not valid. | | The distribution guide will prepare you for adding your product to the AppDirect Network Catalog. Once added you can request to be added to marketplaces for sale including your own AppDirect powered marketplace. <br><br>You can skip to any one of these three guides in the top right corner. | | The distribution guide will walk you through getting on the AppDirect Network and listed on a marketplace. | | The Docusign configuration was successfully updated |
Domain.Registrar.Requirements | The domain registrar requires you to provide a record of the company who will own the selected domains. Note: this information will be publicly visible on the Internet | | The domain search is not available at this time, please try again later. | | The entered discount code is invalid. |
form.subscriptionTransitionBatchSize.Required | The field 'Transition Batch Size' is a required field |
The.font.size.for.all.buttons | The font size for all buttons |
The.font.size.for.all.large.button | The font size for all large button |
The.font.size.for.all.small.buttons | The font size for all small buttons |
The.font.size.for.all.xLarge.buttons | The font size for all xLarge buttons |
The.gradient.for.all.buttons.0%.means.disabled.100%.means.full.gradient | The gradient for all buttons (0% means disabled 100% means full gradient) | | The ICU configuration was successfully updated. | | The lead has been accepted and will continue to be qualified. | | The lead has been assigned to another member of the organization. | | The lead has been converted into a customer. | | The lead has been denied and will not continue to be qualified. | | The lead was abandoned. |
marketplace.activation.error | The marketplace could not be activated. |
credit.object.not.found | The marketplace credit was deleted concurrently by another user. | | The marketplace edition determines what baseline capabilities are included. They are shown as locked below. |
validation.error | The McAfee Denver configuration is not correctly formatted. | | The McAfee Denver configuration was successfully updated. | | The Microsoft Office 365 configuration was successfully updated. | | The MyApps page is your central hub to use all of your free trials and subscriptions. Simply click an app below to launch. | | The network catalog can be viewed by all marketplaces and they can request product they wish to list on their marketplace. | | The New Relic configuration was successfully updated. |
lync.validate.address.NUMBER_ALREADY_IN_USE | The number is already in use. Please check and try again. |
account.delete.quote.success.message | The order was removed from your saved orders. |
The.padding.for.all.buttons | The padding for all buttons |
The.padding.for.all.large.buttons | The padding for all large buttons |
The.padding.for.all.small.buttons | The padding for all small buttons |
The.padding.for.all.xLarge.buttons | The padding for all xLarge buttons |
unexpected.error.message | The page has encountered an unexpected error, please refresh the page to continue. |
phone.removed | The phone number {0} has been removed from your account. |
Plan.Includes | The Plan Includes |
list.price.tooltip | The price set by the developer, available to all marketplace customers. |
wholesale.price.tooltip | The price set by the marketplace admin or reseller manager, available to a specific reseller. |
sale.price.tooltip | The price set by the reseller, available to a specific customer. |
add.products.explanation | The product dashboard presents an overview of one product's marketing, sales, and integration details for editing. Here, you can review three key phases that are prerequisite to a product's publication. You can create a marketing profile, pricing model, and integration. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.SUSPENDED.MANUALLY_SUSPENDED | The product has been suspended. Please contact support. | | The product transfer is taking longer than expected. Please look at the Splunk logs for "Transferred application with UUID {0}". The presence of this line in the Splunk log indicates that the transfer was successful. | | The product was successfully transferred. | | The product was successfully updated. | | The production setup guide will help you get access to your production environment, which is necessary for both billing and distribution. |
invalid.quote.message.ADDON_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND | The quote cannot be edited. It contains an add-on that doesn't exist anymore. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. | | The quote was sent to the customer for purchase completion. |
remaining.assignments.successful | The remaining assignments were successfully updated. |
maximum.account.limit.reached | The reseller has reached its max allowed customers. | | The Rogers configuration was successfully updated. | | The SendGrid configuration was successfully updated. | | The subdomain cannot be edited once purchased, but you can always add your own domain at a later time. |
reseller.manager.reject.quote.success | The submitter was notified of the wholesale price rejection. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.PENDING | The system is processing your purchase. Thanks for your patience. | | The text box shadow secondary buttons active state | | The text color of danger buttons active state |
The.text.color.of.danger.buttons.hover.state | The text color of danger buttons hover state |
The.text.color.of.danger.buttons.normal.state | The text color of danger buttons normal state | | The text color of emphasis buttons active state |
The.text.color.of.emphasis.buttons.hover.state | The text color of emphasis buttons hover state |
The.text.color.of.emphasis.buttons.normal.state | The text color of emphasis buttons normal state | | The text color of neutral buttons active state |
The.text.color.of.neutral.buttons.hover.state | The text color of neutral buttons hover state |
The.text.color.of.neutral.buttons.normal.state | The text color of neutral buttons normal state | | The text color of primary buttons active state |
The.text.color.of.primary.buttons.hover.state | The text color of primary buttons hover state |
The.text.color.of.primary.buttons.normal.state | The text color of primary buttons normal state | | The text color of secondary buttons active state |
The.text.color.of.secondary.buttons.hover.state | The text color of secondary buttons hover state |
The.text.color.of.secondary.buttons.normal.state | The text color of secondary buttons normal state | | The text color of success buttons active state |
The.text.color.of.success.buttons.hover.state | The text color of success buttons hover state |
The.text.color.of.success.buttons.normal.state | The text color of success buttons normal state |
The.text.shadow.of.danger.buttons | The text shadow of danger buttons | | The text shadow of danger buttons active state |
The.text.shadow.of.danger.buttons.hover.state | The text shadow of danger buttons hover state |
The.text.shadow.of.emphasis.buttons | The text shadow of emphasis buttons | | The text shadow of emphasis buttons active state |
The.text.shadow.of.emphasis.buttons.hover.state | The text shadow of emphasis buttons hover state |
The.text.shadow.of.neutral.buttons | The text shadow of neutral buttons | | The text shadow of neutral buttons active state |
The.text.shadow.of.neutral.buttons.hover.state | The text shadow of neutral buttons hover state |
The.text.shadow.of.primary.buttons | The text shadow of primary buttons | | The text shadow of primary buttons active state |
The.text.shadow.of.primary.buttons.hover.state | The text shadow of primary buttons hover state |
The.text.shadow.of.secondary.button | The text shadow of secondary button | | The text shadow of secondary buttons active state |
The.text.shadow.of.secondary.buttons.hover.state | The text shadow of secondary buttons hover state |
The.text.shadow.of.success.buttons | The text shadow of success buttons | | The text shadow of success buttons active state |
The.text.shadow.of.success.buttons.hover.state | The text shadow of success buttons hover state |
The.text.weight.of.danger.buttons | The text weight of danger buttons |
The.text.weight.of.emphasis.buttons | The text weight of emphasis buttons |
The.text.weight.of.neutral.buttons | The text weight of neutral buttons |
The.text.weight.of.primary.buttons | The text weight of primary buttons |
The.text.weight.of.secondary.buttons | The text weight of secondary buttons |
The.text.weight.of.success.buttons | The text weight of success buttons |
EqualPasswordInputValidator | The two passwords do not match. |
mpBillingUpgrade.success | The update of your billing details was successful! |
user.activation.error | The user could not be activated. |
user.successfully.invited | The user has been sucessfuly invited. | | The user's credit card is about to expire. |
error.result.caption | The value defined here will be sent to the error page in the "errorResult" query parameter when the authorization rules are not met. | | The values you submitted don't match with Microsoft, please check and submit them again. | | The video link is invalid |
channel.customizer.tabs.theme | Theme |
channel.customizer.subtitle | Theme Customizer |
pending.invites.alert | There are {0} pending user invitations to the marketplace. |
reseller.manager.assigned.leads.empty.message | There are currently no assigned leads. Assign a lead for it to appear in this table. |
reseller.manager.completed.leads.empty.message | There are currently no completed leads. Mark a lead as "Won" or "Lost" for it to appear in this table. |
reseller.manager.pending.leads.empty.message | There are currently no leads pending review. Once created, leads will appear in this table for review. |
reseller.manager.accepted.leads.empty.message | There are currently no leads that have been accepted. Once accepted, leads will appear in this table. | | There are no changes to publish. |
Platforms.Table.Empty | There are no platforms to show. |
tranferable.products.table.empty.message | There are no transferable products for this remote marketplace. | | There are no user groups found | | There are no users in this group |
error.inviting.user | There has been an error while trying to invite the user. Please try again later. |
credit.profile.already.exists | There is already a marketplace credit for this customer segment. |
password.not.generated | There was a problem generating a password. Please enter a password manually. |
lync.address.general.error | There was a problem. Please try again later. | | There was an error while fetching the products for this registered marketplace. |
registered.marketplaces.fetch.error | There was an error while fetching the registered marketplaces. |
product.version.details.form.validation.error | There were some errors in your product version details. Please correct them below |
invite.emails.exist | These email address(es) are already registered with the marketplace: {0} |
invite.emails.invalid | These email address(es) are not valid: {0} |
reseller.resources.description | These resources are not public and are only visible to resellers. |
account.locked.out | This account is locked for {0} minutes due to too many failed login attempts. |
registration.reminder.event | This activation reminder is sent two days after a user signs up if they have not activated their account. | | This Add-on is disabled because it is not compatible with the currently selected edition. |
addon.only.available.with.colon | This add-on is only available with: | | This app is full! |
error.message | This application does not have any pricing editions defined. Please click 'Edit Profile' and specify at least one pricing edition. | | This application has additional legal terms. |
Excluded.from.order | This application has been excluded from the order because it is already owned. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.QUOTE_NOT_PURCHASABLE | This application has been given a price quote but cannot be purchased. Please contact your reseller to have this quote recreated. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.QUOTE | This application has been given a price quote. Please complete the purchase to begin using the application. | | This application is unavailable because you previously bought {0} - {1}. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.SSO_DISABLED | This application is under maintenance. |
bundle.entitlement.already.exists.bundle | This bundle contains an application that has already been purchased by someone in your company. | | This cannot be undone. Users will be removed from the group but they will not be deleted. | | This contract will automatically renew at the end of the contract term. If you would not like to auto-renew, you can update or cancel your subscription at any time after purchase. | | This contract will automatically renew at the end of the contract term. If you would not like to auto-renew, you should cancel your subscription no later than {0} days before the end of the contract term. | | This contract will not automatically renew at the end of the contract term. | | This credit will be available for all customers that belong to this customer group. Customer groups are configured under Product Groups and set by the identity provider or by API. |
marketplace.pricing.empty.text | This edition has no costs associated to it. |
invisible.edition | This edition is hidden from marketplace customers. | | This edition is unavailable because you have not bought any of the prerequisites: {0}. |
mosi.restriction.message | This edition is unavailable because you previously bought {0} - {1}. | | This edition is unavailable because you previously bought the {0} edition. |
termination.fee.warning | This edition may be subject to a minimum contract duration and termination fee. | | This email address has already been registered in our system. Please register with a new email address. | | This email is invalid | | This entire message will be the unsubscribe anchor | | This is an estimate based on your selections. |
Subscription.Cancel.Notification.URL.Interactive.question | This is an interactive endpoint |
Subscription.Create.Notification.URL.Interactive.question | This is an interactive endpoint |
Subscription.Upgrade.Notification.URL.Interactive.question | This is an interactive endpoint | | This is the billing date you have with Microsoft. | | This is the first date you would like access to your phone number |
The.most.used.gateway | This is the most used gateway on our platform. If you're not sure which gateway to pick, we highly recommend this one. | | This label appears under the application on the MyApps page. |
marketplace.activation.delay | This may take up to a minute to complete. |
this.month | This month |
invalid.quote.message.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION | This order cannot be edited or resumed. It looks like the subscription has been cancelled. | | This page is your personal software center. Here you can see your bought applications, your current or expired trial applications, and important news about the Business Marketplace. |
TWO_FACTOR.ERRORS.DUPLICATE_ERROR | This phone number already exists in the system, please use a different number. | | This platform does not have version support enabled. |
Platform.Already.Added | This platform is already attached to the product. |
minimum.service.length.days | This pricing option has a minimum contract duration of {0} days. |
minimum.service.length.months | This pricing option has a minimum contract duration of {0} months. |
minimum.service.length.years | This pricing option has a minimum contract duration of {0} years. | | This pricing option has a minimum contract duration of 1 day. |
minimum.service.length.month | This pricing option has a minimum contract duration of 1 month. |
minimum.service.length.year | This pricing option has a minimum contract duration of 1 year. | | This product has no reviews. | | This product is already included in the following selected categories: {0} | | This product is not hosted |
invalid.quote.message.UNKNOWN | This quote cannot be edited for an unknown reason. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.DISCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | This quote cannot be edited. It contains a discount that no longer exists. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.MOSI_RESTRICTIONS | This quote cannot be edited. It contains a Microsoft application that the end user cannot purchase due to its owned applications. |
invalid.quote.message.SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS_MISSING | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like a subscription parameter is missing. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS_VALUE_EMPTY | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like a value for a key is empty. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.INVALID_PARAMETER | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like some of the units that were selected for the edition are not supported anymore. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS_SIZE_EXCEED_MAXIMUM | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the a value length for a key is too long. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.SUBSCRIPTION_CHANNEL_ALREADY_EXIST | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the channel already exists. |
invalid.quote.message.FREE_TRIAL_EDITION_NOT_AVAILABLE | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the company has already purchased an edition with free trial. |
invalid.quote.message.APP_ALREADY_EXISTS | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the company has already purchased the application. |
invalid.quote.message.FREE_EDITION_NOT_AVAILABLE | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the current order includes a termination fee, so switching to free edition is not allowed. |
invalid.quote.message.INVALID_USER | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the customer for which this quote was created is not active or does not exist anymore. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.DISCOUNT_ONCE_PER_COMPANY | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the discount can only be used once per company. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.DISCOUNT_ONCE_PER_USER | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the discount can only be used once per user. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.DISCOUNT_EXPIRED | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the discount code for this purchase has expired. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.DISCOUNT_REDEMPTION_EXCEEDED | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the discount code for this purchase is exhausted. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.DISCOUNT_NOT_VALID | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the discount code for this purchase is not valid. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.EDITION_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ANYMORE | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the edition saved for this purchase doesn't exist anymore. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.INCREMENT_UNITS_NOT_VALID | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the increment units is invalid. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.PAYMENT_PLAN_NOT_FOUND | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the payment plan does not exist. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.INVALID_EDITION | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the prices have changed for the edition in the saved order. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the provided currency is not supported. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.PURCHASE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the purchase will exceed the maximum purchase limit. |
invalid.quote.message.MIN_NOT_MET | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the quantity does not meet the minimum quantity required. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.MAX_EXCEEDED | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the quantity exceeds the maximum quantity required. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.INVALID_SALES_REP | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the sales agent that is assigned to this quote is not active or does not exist anymore. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.SUBSCRIPTION_PARAMETERS_EMPTY | This quote cannot be edited. It looks like the subscription parameter is empty. You can abort and re-submit the quote to complete the purchase. |
invalid.quote.message.APPLICATI0N_NOT_BUYABLE | This quote cannot be edited. This product is not currently available for sale. |
invalid.quote.message.APPLICATION_PURCHASE_ENDPOINT_DISABLED | This quote cannot be edited. This product is not currently available for sale. |
reseller.linking.error.ASSOCIATION_ALREADY_EXISTS | This reseller customer association already exists. |
reseller.resource.description | This resource is not public and is only visible to resellers. |
provisioning.available.shortly | This software is being provisioned for you. It will be available shortly. |
this.soft.avail.soon | This software will be available soon |
This.subscription.has.been.suspended | This subscription has been suspended. | | This subscription is suspended. It is being re-activated. | | This Symantec application requires that you reside within the United States. Please select a state. |
synced.users.table.tooltip | This table displays the users who have been synced down from vendor partners. Users displayed in this table are not full users yet on the marketplace and do not have accounts. Company admins are able to manage and invite these users. |
groups.grid.empty | This user does not belong to any groups. |
apps.grid.empty | This user has no assigned apps. |
this.week | This week | | This will be example data until you have a customer. | | This will reset {0}'s login credentials for "{1}". An email will be sent to {2} with the new login information. Are you sure you'd like to reset this user's credentials? | | Thousand Emails Per Day |
three.years | Three Years |
three.yr | three yr | | Through the AppDirect Network you can reach out to marketplaces to be listed and marketplaces can request to list you. Further communication can be facilitated to resolve revenue share split and contract. |
datepicker.thursday.short | Thu |
datepicker.thursday | Thursday |
NotificationAudienceType.TICKET_SUPPORT | Ticket Support | | Tier 1 API Call |
tier1.api.calls | Tier 1 API Calls |
tier1.department.line | Tier 1 Department Line |
tier1.department.lines | Tier 1 Department Lines |
tier1.fax.line | Tier 1 Fax Line |
tier1.fax.lines | Tier 1 Fax Lines | | Tier 1 Room Line | | Tier 1 Room Lines |
tier1.standard.line | Tier 1 Standard Line |
tier1.standard.lines | Tier 1 Standard Lines | | Tier 1 Standard Seat |
tier1.standard.seats | Tier 1 Standard Seats |
tier1.tollfree.department.line | Tier 1 Toll-free Department Line |
tier1.tollfree.department.lines | Tier 1 Toll-free Department Lines | | Tier 1 Toll-free Room Line | | Tier 1 Toll-free Room Lines | | Tier 1 Toll-free Seat |
tier1.tollfree.seats | Tier 1 Toll-free Seats | | Tier 1 Top Level Domain | | Tier 1 Top Level Domains | | Tier 2 API Call |
tier2.api.calls | Tier 2 API Calls |
tier2.department.line | Tier 2 Department Line |
tier2.department.lines | Tier 2 Department Lines | | Tier 2 Room Line | | Tier 2 Room Lines |
tier2.standard.line | Tier 2 Standard Line |
tier2.standard.lines | Tier 2 Standard Lines | | Tier 2 Standard Seat |
tier2.standard.seats | Tier 2 Standard Seats | | Tier 2 Top Level Domain | | Tier 2 Top Level Domains |
tier3.department.line | Tier 3 Department Line |
tier3.department.lines | Tier 3 Department Lines | | Tier 3 Room Line | | Tier 3 Room Lines |
tier3.standard.line | Tier 3 Standard Line |
tier3.standard.lines | Tier 3 Standard Lines | | Tier 3 Standard Seat |
tier3.standard.seats | Tier 3 Standard Seats |
tier4.department.line | Tier 4 Department Line |
tier4.department.lines | Tier 4 Department Lines | | Tier 4 Room Line | | Tier 4 Room Lines |
tier4.standard.line | Tier 4 Standard Line |
tier4.standard.lines | Tier 4 Standard Lines | | Tier 4 Standard Seat |
tier4.standard.seats | Tier 4 Standard Seats |
RevenueModelType.TIERED | Tiered | | Time Zone |
Timezone | Timezone |
countries.TL | Timor-Leste |
Title | Title |
customize.application.feature.title | Title |
customize.application.feature.characteristic.title | Title |
feature.header | Title |
title.colon | Title: |
edition.domainPricing.validation.tld.error | TLD name is invalid. |
tld.error.duplicate | TLD name should be unique. |
to | to |
To | To |
myapps.tile.tooltip.KEYCHAIN_MISSING | To access {0} with Password Manager, please install the Password Manager browser extension. | | To create a custom and self-hosted checkout experience you can create your own checkout flow by consuming our APIs and using your own frontend. This solution requires significantly more development and security but gives you full control over the customer experience. Follow the documentation here to integrate. |
overview.explanation | To get started, watch this quick tutorial video that gives an overview of the marketplace manager. |
give.customers.understanding | to give customers a high level understanding of your product. You should also list all the main benefits of your products and services to them. | | To help us serve you better, please provide some information before we begin your chat. |
highlight.features | to highlight features and benefits that are shared by all your editions. You can also | | To setup a product go to the products page and fill out the basic information. Once created there are three sections: Billing, Marketing, and integration. For direct billing you will only need to complete the billing section. Here you can configure editions with the pricing setup you want to use to bill your customers. | | To setup a product go to the products page and fill out the basic information. Once created there are three sections: Marketing, Billing, and Integration. The marketing collateral determines how a product is displayed on marketplaces. Billing determines what your product will cost end customers and what services are included in each edition. The integration is used to be notified and automatically act upon events like purchases and user assignment. For the full integration process go the Distribution documentation center. |
csp.description.paragraph | To start the setup of Microsoft CSP for your Marketplace please input a Global Admin Username and Password for your Microsoft CSP reseller account. We will use these to automatically set up your Marketplace for you. |
to.this.product.Click.on.the.upgrade.button | to this product. Click on the Upgrade button to start the upgrade process. |
To.colon | To: |
today | Today | | Today |
countries.TG | Togo |
countries.TK | Tokelau |
Token | Token |
two.factor.token | Token |
Toll.Free.Number | Toll Free Number |
Toll.Free.Numbers | Toll Free Numbers |
tollfree.department.line | Tollfree Department Line |
tollfree.department.lines | Tollfree Department Lines | | Tollfree Room Line | | Tollfree Room Lines |
countries.TO | Tonga | | Too many results to show, try to refine your search. |
edition.tld.title | Top Level Domain |
topic.colon | Topic: |
Total | Total | | Total | | Total {0} as of {1}: |
total.apps | Total apps |
channel.signups.graph.empty.message | Total customer signups over time will appear here. |
total.image | Total Image |
total.images | Total Images | | Total one time fee: |
Total.Orders | Total Orders |
channel.orders.graph.empty.message | Total orders made on your marketplace will appear here. |
total.recurring.fee.colon | Total recurring {0} as of {1}: | | Total recurring {0} as of {3}, after {1} {2} discount: |
total.recurring.fee.after.trial | Total recurring {0} as of end of trial on {1}: |
total.recurring.fee | Total recurring {0} fee as of {1} |
total.results | Total Results |
Total.Revenue | Total Revenue |
Total.Signups | Total Signups |
total.users | Total users |
Tracking.code | Tracking code |
ProductType.EMBEDDED_VIDEO | Training Video |
Transaction.Fee | Transaction Fee |
Transaction.Fees | Transaction Fees | | Transaction ID |
AUTHORIZE_NET.transaction_key | Transaction key |
transfer | Transfer |
Transfer | Transfer |
Domain.transfer.text | Transfer a domain that you have hosted elsewhere to T-Suite. Please enter your domain details below and we will check if the domain can be transferred. The transfer may take up to 7 days to process. | | Transfer a domain that you have hosted elsewhere to T-Suite. Please enter your domain name below and we will check if the domain can be transferred. You will be asked to validate your domain secret on checkout. |
Transfer.Domain | Transfer Domain |
transfer.fee | Transfer Fee | | Transfer it |
Transfer.Products | Transfer Products |
Transfer.Profile | Transfer Profile |
domain.transfer.validation.success | Transfer successfully validated. |
domain.transfer.validation.failed | Transfer validation failed. |
csp.customers | Transitioned CSP customers and subscriptions |
translate.this.field | Translate this field to another language |
channel.branding.translations | Translations |
ImportableApplicationCategory.TRAVEL | Travel |
countries.TT | Trinidad and Tobago |
Truckroll | Truckroll |
Truckrolls | Truckrolls | | Try adding a domain from the list below. | | Try For {0} | | Try Now | | Try the Free Edition |
datepicker.tuesday.min | Tu |
datepicker.tuesday.short | Tue |
datepicker.tuesday | Tuesday |
countries.TN | Tunisia |
countries.TR | Turkey |
countries.TM | Turkmenistan |
countries.TC | Turks and Caicos Islands |
countries.TV | Tuvalu | | Two Factor Authentication |
two.years | Two Years |
two.yr | two yr |
Type | Type |
Domain.Type | Type | | Type more characters to initiate search. |
mosi.types.colon | Type of API: | | UberConference Pro license | | UberConference Pro license | | UberConference Pro license Unbundled | | UberConference Pro license Unbundled |
countries.UG | Uganda |
channel.customizer.title | UI Framework by AppDirect |
countries.UA | Ukraine | | Unable to delete answer. | | Unable to delete comment. | | Unable to delete question. | | Unable to delete review. | | Unable to display the PDF. |
lync.validate.address.UNABLE_TO_PORT_REQUESTED_TN | Unable to port requested telephone number. Please check and try again. |
User.does.not.own.question | Unable to publish question. User does not own review. | | Unable to publish review. User does not own review. | | Unable to upload the PDF. |
Unassign.voice.connection | Unassign voice connection |
unassign.voice | Unassign Voice Connection |
searchAssigned.unassigned | Unassigned |
unauthorized.request.was.intercepted | Unauthorized request (Error 401) |
unconfirmed.transfer | unconfirmed transfer |
maintenance.mode | under maintenance |
Under.Maintenance.Purchase | Under Maintenance! |
Undo | Undo |
undo.complete | Undo complete. |
undo.progress | Undo in progress... |
undo.publish | Undo Publish |
Unexpected.Error | Unexpected Error |
unit | Unit |
unittype | Unit type |
Unit.type | Unit type |
countries.AE | United Arab Emirates |
countries.GB | United Kingdom |
countries.US | United States |
Currency.USD | United States Dollar |
countries.UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
units | Units |
unknown | unknown |
Unknown | Unknown |
unknown.username.password | Unknown username / password |
Unknown.wait.time | Unknown wait time. |
unlimited | Unlimited |
unlimited.items | Unlimited {0} |
unlimited.users | Unlimited Users |
capability.dependencies.unmet.prereqs | Unmet Prerequisites: |
InvoiceStatus.UNPAID | Unpaid |
Unpublish | Unpublish |
unpublish | Unpublish |
Unpublished | Unpublished |
channel.branding.unsave.changes | Unsaved Changes | | Unsubscribe Message |
Unsupported.Browser | Unsupported Browser |
Unverified | Unverified |
group.update | Update |
update | Update |
Update.address | Update address | | Update Auto Renew Status | | Update billing info | | Update Billing Info |
Update.Billing.Information | Update Billing Information |
Update.Profile | Update Profile |
Update.Subscription | Update Subscription |
Update.User | Update User |
profile.progress.hint | Update your profile to help your colleagues connect with you. |
Updated | Updated |
updated.colon | Updated: |
Updated.colon | Updated: {0} |
customize.pricing.markup.update.warning | Updating the marketplace pricing for this product will immediately impact the published version without a need to republish. |
upgrade | Upgrade |
Upgrade.Now | Upgrade Now |
upgrade.subscription | Upgrade Subscription | | Upgrade to a professional email address. |
interaction.UPGRADE_TO_PAID | Upgrade to Paid Edition | | Upgrade to Paid Version | | Upgrading to |
upload | Upload |
brand.instruction | Upload a logo and name your marketplace. |
upload.a.logo.for.dark.backgrounds | Upload a logo for use on dark colored backgrounds (1024px x 1024px) |
upload.a.logo.for.light.backgrounds | Upload a logo for use on light colored backgrounds (1024px x 1024px) | | Upload a new Microsoft output data set and finish the transitions |
privacy.pdf.upload | Upload Application Privacy Policy (ADV) |
terms.pdf.upload | Upload Application Terms & Conditions |
Upload.Data.Set | Upload Data Set | | Upload Dataset |
migration.upload.batch | Upload Dataset |
Upload.Email.List | Upload Email List |
migration.status.upload.failed | Upload Failed |
Upload.Files | Upload Files |
channel.branding.upload.font | Upload Font |
channel.customizer.upload.image | Upload Image |
Upload.Image | Upload Image |
reseller.overview.image.tooltip | Upload images from your computer to display with the overview. | | Upload Input Data Set | | Upload New Image | | Upload Output Data Set |
upload.documents | Upload PDF Documents | | Upload up to 6 PDF files with a maximum size of 25MB per file or reference up to 6 files. If both are specified, the file upload takes precedence. |
Upload.Users | Upload Users |
upload.your.icon | Upload your icon | | Upload your screenshot here. |
migration.status.uploaded | Uploaded |
migration.status.uploading | Uploading |
Upon.making.your.first.purchase | Upon making your first purchase on the market place your company name will be replaced by the name associated with your organization number. |
BEANSTREAM.url | URL | | URLs must start with https://. For Vimeo videos, please use the embed link that contains the numeric video ID, e.g. |
countries.UY | Uruguay |
usage | Usage |
Usage.Fees | Usage Fees |
use.a.dark.color.for.these.backgrounds | Use a dark color for these backgrounds as the text is white | | Use a different phone number. |
Use.Alternative.Number | Use Alternative Number |
Use.Case | Use Case | | Use case |
channel.customizer.locale | Use different templates per locale | | Use the AppDirect network to request listing on marketplaces. |
webhooks.empty.hint | Use webhooks to be notified about events that happen in your marketplace. |
Use.your.apps | Use your apps. | | Used by |
User | User |
user | User |
Role.USER | User |
PAYPAL.user | User | | User {0} is already a member of this company. |
user.IDENTIFIER.was.successfully.disabled | User {0} was successfully disabled. |
user.IDENTIFIER.was.successfully.enabled | User {0} was successfully enabled. |
User.Assignment.Notification.URL | User Assignment Notification URL |
User.Custom.Attributes | User Custom Attributes |
User.Disabled | User Disabled | | User Email: |
user.enters.own.creds | User enters their own credentials |
migration.user.entitlements | User Entitlements |
User.Information | User Information |
user.information | User Information |
User.Information.To.Sync | User Information To Sync |
user.license | User License |
user.licenses | User License |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalUserLogin | User login |
Capability.USER_MANAGEMENT | User Management | | User Management Endpoint URL | | User Management Type: |
User.Unassignment.Notification.URL | User Unassignment Notification URL | | User with {0} already exists, please try a different email address. |
users.assigned | user(s) will be assigned |
users.unassigned | user(s) will be unassigned |
Username | Username |
oauth.username | Username |
username | username |
o365.Username | Username |
BEANSTREAM.username | Username | | Username and Email Address |
Username.successfully.updated | Username for {0} successfully updated. |
username.colon | Username: |
form.username | Username: |
migration.users | Users |
Users | Users |
users | Users | | Users |
error.message.cannot.remove.externally.managed | Users cannot be removed. If users are externally managed, please remove them from the company's directory. |
error.message.cannot.remove.owns.apps | Users cannot be removed. If users still own products, please take ownership of this user's apps before removing. |
field.hint.description | Users will see this hint under the field input on forms. |
field.label.description | Users will see this label above the field input on forms. |
graphsync.title | UserSync allows you to seamlessly manage users between Office 365 and the Marketplace |
graphsync.subtitle | UserSync imports users into the marketplace from Applications. Below are users that were discovered via UserSync but need to be updated with an email address before you can begin assigning them other applications on the marketplace. |
uuid.colon | UUID: |
countries.UZ | Uzbekistan |
validate.certificate.colon | Validate Microsoft certificate: |
Domain.Validate.Transfer | Validate Transfer Request |
migration.status.validated | Validated |
migration.status.validated.with.errors | Validated with errors |
migration.status.validating | Validating |
skip.product.settings.validation | Validation and error messaging |
AUTHORIZE_NET.validation_mode | Validation mode |
Value | Value |
webshims.rangeUnderflow.defaultMessage | Value must be greater than or equal to {%min}. |
webshims.rangeOverflow.defaultMessage | Value must be less than or equal to {%max}. |
countries.VU | Vanuatu |
BEANSTREAM.vbv_enabled | VBV enabled |
vendor | Vendor |
Vendor.Answer | Vendor Answer | | Vendor Approved Add Request |
PAYFLOW_PRO.PaypalVendorLogin | Vendor login | | Vendor Publish Request | | Vendor Requests to Add Product |
NotificationTemplateCategory.VENDORS | Vendors |
countries.VE | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
verification.code | Verification Code |
verify | Verify |
Verify | Verify | | Verify Additional Email | | Verify and Save |
manage.domain.showVerifyDomainButton | Verify Domain | | Verify Microsoft Profile Connection | | Verify Your Phone Number |
Version | Version |
version.code | Version Code |
version.code.colon | Version Code: | | Version Name |
platform.title.versioning | Versioning |
Videos | Videos |
videos | Videos |
customize.application.section.resources.videos | Videos |
countries.VN | Viet Nam |
view | View | | View {0} Setup Instructions |
View.Edit.Rights | View / Edit Rights |
View.All | View All |
View.All.Apps | View All Apps |
View.All.Products | View All Products | | View and access marketplace customers but not any marketplace settings. |
View.Certificate | View Certificate |
View.Comment | View Comment |
View.Customer | View Customer |
error.details | View Error Details |
View.Info.For.Bundle | View Info for the Bundle |
View.Lead | View Lead |
View.Live.Profile | View Live Profile |
view.marketplace | View Marketplace |
view.only | View only |
View.Opportunity | View Opportunity |
View.Product | View Product | | View Product Info |
View.Profile | View Profile |
View.Recent.Invoices | View Recent Invoices |
View.Registered.Marketplaces | View Registered Marketplaces |
view.screenshots | View Screenshots | | View your company's apps and activity newsfeed. | | View, access and make purchases on behalf of marketplace customers. |
View.colon | View: |
form.field.key.fingerprint.viewedit | View/Edit | | Viewing the bundle {0}: |
VINGate.LP.Licence | VINGate LP Licence |
VINGate.LP.Licences | VINGate LP Licences |
countries.VG | Virgin Islands, British |
countries.VI | Virgin Islands, U.S. | | Visit the marketplace to get started. |
Voice.disconnect.successful | Voice connection has been successfully disconnected |
Voice.unassignment.successful | Voice connection has been successfully unassigned | | Voice connection has been successfully updated with Phone Number |
Voicemail.Box | Voicemail Box |
Voicemail.Boxes | Voicemail Boxes |
vpn.lp.license | VPN LP License |
vpn.lp.licenses | VPN LP Licenses |
Domain.api.wait.message | Waiting for Domain API Response... |
countries.WF | Wallis and Futuna | | WARNING: This should only be turned on for channels that significantly deviate from standard marketplace editions, as it unlocks all capabilities to be enabled/disabled. Doing so will cause the edition to never receive updates to its capabilities. |
Watch.Demo.Video | Watch Demo |
Watch.the.Demo | Watch the Demo |
datepicker.wednesday.min | We | | We are sorry. This Internet Explorer browser is not supported for this feature. |
enter.csp.config.intro.text | We can do this for you, but in case you already have the information, feel free to speed up the process by entering it yourself. | | We could not find an account with that username and password. Please check for errors and try again, or sign up for an account. |
we.encountered.error | We encountered an error |
Add.Device.Not.Found.Placeholder | We have no record of {0}. You can add this ID as a new device to the selected platform. | | We have sent a verification email to {0}. | | We have sent a verification email to {0}. Please check your inbox and click the link to activate your account. |
signup.success.message | We sent a verification email to {0}. Please check your inbox and click the activation link to activate your account. |
marketplace.register.unknown.error | We were not able to create your marketplace, please try again later. |
customizer.default.options | We've chosen default options for you below. If you would like to make changes, simply adjust the pre-selected options to fit your needs. |
sample.content.marketplace.notification.content | We've prefilled your marketplace with sample products and categories. You can clear out all sample content without affecting any other products you've created by going to the marketplace manager. |
two.step.verification.code.sms.prompt | We've sent a verification code to {0}. Enter the code below to sign in. |
lync.address.error.near.match | We've updated the address for {0} with the closest address we found. Please check this address and try again. |
WESUSTAIN.weapp | WeApp |
WESUSTAIN.weapp.plural | WeApp |
Web.Address | Web Address |
ProductType.WEB_APP | Web App |
ProductType.WEB_APP_MANUAL_SETUP | Web Application (manual setup) |
ImportableApplicationCategory.WEB_DESIGN_HOSTING | Web Design & Hosting |
ProductType.WEB_APPs | Web Services |
web.navigation | Web Site Navigation |
web.use.minute | Web Use Minute |
web.use.minutes | Web Use Minutes |
Web.Based.Authentication | Web-Based Authentication |
Webhook | Webhook |
webhook.api.webhook.empty.error | Webhook not be empty. |
Webhooks | Webhooks |
website | Website |
datepicker.wednesday.short | Wed |
datepicker.wednesday | Wednesday |
Week | Week |
weekly.unit | Weekly | | Welcome to the Billing and Distribution Service | | Welcome to your Billing Center | | Welcome user |
welcome.user.event | Welcome user |
countries.EH | Western Sahara | | What is a payment gateway? |
what.product | What Product? | | What would you like to know about this product? | | When buying {0}, you'll also select and purchase which cloud provider you'd like {0} to be deployed on. Your deployment of {0} and the cloud you select will all be managed through the AppDirect portal. | | When completed, you will be able to showcase and sell the product on your marketplace. | | When disabled you can choose which editions work with the add-on. | | When enabled the marketplace will automatically invite the administrator as the company is created. This is regardless of the company being created automatically or manually after being reviewed | | When enabled, the marketplace will create companies when as it discovers new companies from 3rd party vendors such as Microsoft and Google. If disabled you will need to review which companies should be created manually under Channel > Marketplace > Unmanaged Companies |
checkout.already.own.a.domain.tooltip.p2 | When you upgrade to a custom domain or use a domain you already own, your Microsoft Office 365 Username will be updated to reflect the changes. |
form.whitelabel | Whitelabel: |
NotificationTemplateCategory.WHOLESALE_QUOTE | Wholesale Quote Emails | | Wholesales price updated by Reseller Manager, pending Reseller action. |
Width.of.the.navigation.logo | Width of the navigation logo | | will be assigned to | | with this app | | Within your <a href=" | | Within your <a href=" | | Within your <a href=" | | Within your <a href=" |
leadManagementConfigurationModalWindow.without.permission.description | Without permission from the Reseller Manager |
Won | Won |
word | Word |
words | Words |
EmailAddressType.WORK | Work |
Work | Work |
EmailAddressType.WORK.colon | Work: | | Write a Review |
write.comment | Write Comment | | Write your answer here | | Write your comments here. |
channel.branding.button.xlarge | XLarge |
Buttons.all.xLarge | xLarge Buttons |
Buttons.all.xLarge.fontSize | xLarge Buttons Font Size |
Buttons.all.xLarge.padding | xLarge Buttons Padding |
WORLD_PAY.WorldPayXMLPassword | XML password |
IMType.YAHOO | Yahoo! IM |
Year | Year |
yearly | Yearly |
yearly.fee | Yearly Fee |
Years | Years |
countries.YE | Yemen |
Currency.JPY | Yen |
yes | Yes |
YesNo.YES | Yes | | Yes, email this user's password to the following: | | You already have this app. | | You already own this product but can buy another version of the subscription. Subscription will be managed separately. |
leaving.home.designer | You are about to navigate away from the editor. Your changes may not be saved. Changes will not be visible on your marketplace until you click "Publish" in the editor toolbar. | | You are about to remove a registered phone number. Do you want to continue? | | You are here |
preview.bundle.mode | You are in Preview bundle mode. This version of your product is not published and can only be seen by you. |
Add.Device.Initial.Placeholder | You can add or review External IDs using the search tool in this table. |
channel.branding.export.desc | You can export your data, edit the theme on your editor of choice and re-import the data later |
channel.branding.import.desc | You can import a zip file to update your theme properties, this will override the current preview of your themes, templates and translations | | You can turn the guide on at any time by selecting "Launch Setup Guide" in Channel Settings. | | You can turn the guide on at any time by selecting "Launch Setup Guide" in Settings section. | | You can upgrade from one of your existing products |
use.when.activated | You can use this software once your Company Admin has approved the request. | | You cannot access your Google Apps account since your Company Admin has not finished configuring it for your company. Please come back when the account configuration is complete. |
mosi.restriction.migration.message | You cannot purchase {0} since it conflicts to a product you are migrating to. |
Completed.leads.empty.text | You currently have no completed leads. Once a lead is approved or denied, it will appear in this table. |
Pending.opportunities.empty.text | You currently have no opportunities pending approval. |
Pending.leads.empty.text | You currently have no pending leads. |
empty.state.quotes.table.reseller | You currently have no quotes. To create a quote, start a purchase for a user and save it as a quote or request a custom price. |
empty.state.quotes.table.ssr | You currently have no quotes. To create a quote, start a purchase for a user and save it as a quote. |
empty.state.quotes.table.reseller.manager | You currently have no quotes. When a Reseller requests a custom price for an order, you will see it here. |
registered.repositories.table.empty.message | You currently have no registered marketplaces. |
signup.requests.empty.table.message | You currently have no signup requests to review. Once resellers sign up on the platform, they will appear in this table. |
current.user.groups.grid.empty | You do not belong to any groups. |
account.login.ATTEMPTS.left.before.MINUTES.lockout | You have {0} attempts left before your account will be locked for {1} minutes. |
dev.nav.leave.message | You have entered new data on this page. If you navigate away from this page without saving your data, the changes will be lost. | | You have more than one product that is eligible to be upgraded to this edition. Please select the product you would want to upgrade to this edition. |
current.user.apps.grid.empty | You have no assigned apps. |
No.Images.Upload.your.first | You have no images. Upload your first one! |
channel.brandind.unsaved.change | You have some unsaved change, do you want to save them before changing template? |
Added.Device | You have succesfully added the External ID {{0}} to the {{1}} device pool. |
Activation.success | You have successfully activated your {0} payment gateway. |
Deactivation.success | You have successfully deactivated your {0} payment gateway. |
successfully.requested.access | You have successfully requested access to {0}. |
Update.success | You have successfully updated your {0} payment gateway. | | You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? | | You may have one or more reseller companies currently linked to your account. By choosing to associate a reseller to your account, that reseller will be linked to the sale. You can view resellers linked to your purchases at any time in your Billing History. | | You must have an account to continue. | | You must log in to ask a question. | | You must log in to write a review. | | You must own a parent product in order to purchase this app. | | You must purchase one of the following products before you buy {0}: | | You must purchase this product in order to post a review. |
form.paymentMethodContainer.paymentMethod.Required | You must select a payment method. | | You must sign up to ask a question. | | You must sign up to write a review. |
domain.cart.empty.cannot.continue | You need at least 1 domain in your cart to continue the purchase. | | You successfully subscribed to {0} and can start using the application from MyApps. We have sent you an email with your receipt. | | You will be redirected to a third party site |
custom.integration.setup.status.warning.MOSI | You will need to setup some additional settings prior to publishing this profile. Please click here to setup the application. | | You will still have a chance to review visibility and settings before the product can be seen on the marketplace. | | | | |
Your.Answer.colon | Your Answer: |
assignments.successfully.updated | Your assignments were successfully updated. |
mpBillingUpgrade.error | Your billing details update has failed. Please contact the help line with this id to diagnose: {0} | | Your billing information may be changed at any given time |
changes.published.visible | Your changes have been published and are now visible on your marketplace! |
your.changes.were.saved.successfully | Your changes were saved successfully. | | Your Company Admin will receive your request and can then give you access to this product. | | Your Company Admin will receive your request and can then purchase this product for you. |
manage.button.description | Your company already has this application. |
request.access.button.description | Your company already has this application. |
buy.bundle.again.description | Your company already has this bundle. | | Your company has {0} pending app assignments. Please <a href="{1}" target="_blank">contact support</a> if the assignments do not finish within 48 hours. | | Your company has already created a lead with this email address. Are you sure you wish to continue? |
Image.of.the.logo | Your company logo | | Your company name — can be different for each product | | Your company name — can be different for each service |
your.companys.domain | Your Company's Domain | | Your current company is not the vendor for this app. |
Your.current.plan | Your Current Plan | | Your Customers and Media have been saved. |
leftronic.account.setup.form.title | Your dashboards are only seconds away! | | Your documents and videos have been saved! | | Your email address is already in the system. Please register with a new email address. |
feature.saved | Your feature has been saved. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.FREE_TRIAL_TO_UPGRADE | Your free trial will automatically upgrade to a paid edition in {0} days. |
myapps.tile.tooltip.FREE_TRIAL_EXPIRING_TO_UPGRADE | Your free trial will automatically upgrade to a paid edition in {0} days. |
listing.saved | Your listing info details have been saved. | | Your marketplace billing integration does not support the display of dashboard charts. |
channel.payments.graph.empty.message | Your marketplace revenue over time will appear here after a purchase has been made. |
cannot.configure.custom.gateway.error | Your marketplace uses a custom payment gateway which cannot be managed on this page. |
Your.monthly.subscription.fee.will.change | Your monthly subscription fee will change. |
new.feature.added | Your new feature has been added. |
same.password.error | Your new password must not match your current password. | | Your Organization's Name |
Your.payment.gateway | Your payment gateway |
platform.saved | Your platform has been saved | | Your primary phone number is now {0}. | | Your product version details have been saved. Return to {0} page |
profile.details.saved | Your profile details have been saved. | | Your profile is {0}% complete. |
quotes.requested.success.message | Your request is being reviewed. You should be contacted shortly. |
request.access.not.sent | Your request to access {0} was not sent, please try again. |
request.purchase.not.sent | Your request to purchase {0} was not sent, please try again. |
request.purchase.sent | Your request to purchase {0} was sent. |
Your.Review.colon | Your Review: |
Your.savings.colon | Your Savings: | | Your search produced no results. Please modify filters or search terms to expand your search. |
reseller.signup.success.message | Your signup request has been successfully submitted. You will receive a notification at {0} once {1} reviews your request. | | Your subscription starts with a {0} free trial. Simply cancel anytime during your free trial, and you will not be charged. |
mpEditionUpgrade.error | Your subscription upgrade has failed. Please contact the help line with this id to diagnose: {0} |
mpEditionUpgrade.success | Your subscription upgrade was successful! |
support.saved | Your support details have been saved. |
your.trial.expired | Your trial has expired |
verification.code.sent | Your verification code has just been sent. |
reseller.approve.quote.success | Your wholesale price request was sent for a reseller manager to approve. |
reseller.manager.approve.quote.success | Your wholesale price was sent for the reseller to review. |
subdomain | yourcompany | | YouTube or Vimeo link | | YouTube or Vimeo Link URL |
yr | yr |
countries.ZM | Zambia |
countries.ZW | Zimbabwe |
Zip.Postal.Code | Zip / Postal Code |
zip.code | Zip Code |
Zip.Code | Zip Code |
Zipcode | Zipcode |
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