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Configure customer UI

This topic describes the settings that determine the user interface (UI) elements and marketplace behavior that are exposed to customers.

To configure the customer UI

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > SETTINGS | Marketplace Functionality, then scroll to the Customer UI section.

  2. Select the Activation checkbox to require that customers enter a phone number when they activate their account.

  3. (Optional) Select the IronClad Integration checkbox and provide the IronClad Site ID and IronClad Group Key to display the terms and conditions that the user must accept to activate their accounts on the marketplace.

    📝 Note: The terms and conditions content is managed by the legal team.

  4. Select the Product Support checkbox to hide the Policies & Support tab on all product profiles.

  5. Select the following User Profiles checkboxes:

    • Enable user profile and company profile pages - to enable user and company profiles where customers and companies can share information about themselves.
    • Enable My Settings under My Profile - to display user's My Settings information under their profile page.
  6. Select the Invite and Assign checkbox to enable Company Administrators and Marketplace Managers to assign applications to users after they send the user an invitation to join the company, but before the user accepts the invitation.

  7. (Optional) If the Import applications feature is enabled for your marketplace, the Enable Import Apps for Company Admins appears. Enter a checkmark to enable this feature. When enabled, Company Administrators can import certain applications purchased outside of the marketplace, then assign them to their users. No billing information is collected or used for these imported applications. If this feature is not enabled for your marketplace, contact your AppDirect representative to inquire about it. For more information, see Import applications.

  8. (Optional) If the Single Sign-On feature is enabled for your marketplace, the Single Sign-on drop-down menu appears. Select an option from the drop-down menu. For more information, see Enable single sign-on.

  9. Select the Marketplace User Information checkbox to hide other users' names and email addresses from customers on the Manage Users page at Account > Users > Manage Users | Users. Marketplace Edit User is displayed instead.

  10. Select the Social Media Links checkbox to display links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Email Share buttons on each product profile.

  11. Select the Logged Out Pricing checkbox to hide product pricing from unauthenticated users on all marketplace pages.

  12. (Optional) Under Device Browsing, you can select Enable device browsing for users. If this functionality is enabled, you can disable it by clearing the checkmark. When this feature is enabled, users will be able to browse their devices.

  13. (Optional) To enable users to download product versions (see Manage product versions), select Enable Web Accessible Product Versions. After you enable this setting, a user can download the product version asset to a USB or other drive while they are logged in to the marketplace, and install it on their device later as needed, even when they are not connected to a network (for example, if users work in remote areas with intermittent Internet access and need to apply updates to new devices). It can also be used to distribute downloadable applications for multiple desktop operating systems under a single product profile (for example, if a marketplace sells an application and wants to make it available on both MacOS and Windows). For web-accessible product versions to be available on a marketplace, AppDirect must configure several features. Contact your AppDirect representative for more information.

  14. (Optional) Enable Product Version Test Distributions to allow Developers and Marketplace Managers to assign unpublished product versions for testing purposes to device groups in specific test environments. For more information about managing test distributions, see Create product versions (for Marketplace Managers) or [Create product versions] [Insert link to topic] (for Developers) for more information.

  15. (Optional) Under Segmented Product Visibility (enabled by default), you can select whether or not anonymous users who are not logged in to the marketplace can view products associated with segments. When this setting enabled, products associated with a segment can be viewed by users who are not logged in. Regardless of whether the Segmented Product Visibility setting is enabled or disabled, only users of companies who are associated with the segment can purchase the product.

  16. Select Save Settings.

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