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Product features in Preview or Early Availability status

The features listed in this topic are in either Preview or Early Availability status. For more information about these statuses, see Product lifecycle phases. Feature status changes are communicated through the release notes.

Feature namePhaseDocumentation (if applicable)
AppIdentityEarly Availabilityn/a
AppInsightsEarly AvailabilityVisualize data with AppInsights
AppWiseEarly AvailabilitySearch with AppWise
Connectors - SFDCPreviewn/a
Connectors - all otherEarly Availabilityn/a
Clone an opportunityEarly AvailabilityClone opportunities
Document BuilderEarly Availability for AWS-US and AWS-EUDocument Builder
GraphQL APIEarly AvailabilityGraphQL API
Infrastructure (IaaS)Early Availabilityn/a
Integrate Salesforce with AppDirectEarly AvailabilityIntegrate AppDirect for Salesforce
Microsoft NCE products—API to transition independent legacy subscriptionsPreviewNew Commerce Experience (NCE)
Microsoft NCE products—Cross product upgrade supportedEarly AvailabilityNew Commerce Experience (NCE)
Microsoft perpetual software and software subscription productsEarly AvailabilityCreate Microsoft perpetual software and software subscription products
Physical goodsEarly AvailabilityPhysical goods
Product associationsPreviewProduct associations
Quote templatesEarly AvailabilityQuote templates

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