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Convert leads to customers

Marketplace Managers can convert existing leads created by any marketplace user to a customer. The conversion process involves creating a new company and that company’s first user using the contact information collected when the lead was created.

To convert a lead to a customer

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Home | Leads. The Leads page opens. It displays details about all existing leads.
  2. Click any lead the Pending Leads table with a Submitted status. The selected lead’s details page opens.
  3. Click Convert to Customer. The Convert to Customer dialog opens. It prompts you to confirm that you want to create a company using the information provided in this lead.
  4. Click Convert to Customer. The following events occur:
    • A message confirms that the lead was converted into a customer company and that you can now sell to and manage this customer on the user's details page (at Manage > Marketplace > Home | Users > {userName}). The message includes a link to the new user’s details page.
    • The new company is created without any explicit company access rights, that is, the Developer Access, Marketplace Access, and Reseller Access checkboxes on the company’s details page are not selected.
    • The new company is listed in the Companies table at Manage > Marketplace > Home | Companies. It can also be accessed using the View Company Info link on the user details page of the first user.
    • The new user is the new company’s first user and is assigned the Company Admin and Billing Admin roles.
    • Additional members invited to join this new company are assigned the User role.
    • The lead’s details page and the Leads page update the lead’s status to Converted.
    • If the lead was referred to a reseller company, the Leads page for associated Resellers and Reseller Managers shows the lead’s status as Converted.

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