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Associate leads with user companies

If there is an existing user account associated with a lead in the Submitted or Assigned state, Marketplace Managers, Reseller Managers, Resellers, and Sales Support Representatives (SSRs) can associate a lead with any company that the user is a member of to avoid duplicate user accounts. You can search for the user's companies by providing the user's email address.

To link a lead to a company

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to one of the following locations depending on your role:
    • Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > Home | Leads.
    • Manage > Reseller > Dashboard > Home | Leads
      The Leads page opens and displays all existing leads sorted into the Pending Leads and Accepted Leads tables. The Company and User columns display the company name associated with the lead, and the user's first and last name respectively.
  2. Click any lead with a status of Submitted (from the Pending Leads table) or Assigned (from the Accepted Leads table). The selected lead's details page opens. It displays the following information about the lead:
    • Company name and status of the lead
    • User name, email address, and postal address associated with lead.
    • Source of the lead.
    • Name of the user to whom the lead is assigned.
  3. Click Manage, then select Associate Company. The Associate Lead to Company dialog opens.
  4. Enter the email address of any member of the company you want to associate with this lead. Note that the field does not automatically complete for partial entries, you must enter a complete, valid email address. After validating the email address, the user name (there can only be one) and company names (there can be many) associated with the email address appear grouped in pairs.
  5. Click the name company pair you want to associate with the lead. The Save button is activated.
  6. Click Save. The following updates occur:
    • The lead's details page displays the new email address and company name associated with lead.
    • The Leads page displays the new company name associated with the lead, and the associated user's first and last name in the Company and User columns respectively.

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