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Set a default user role

The following procedure describes how a Company Administrator can select a default user role that is assigned to all new members of your company. This setting does not impact roles currently assigned to members of your marketplace company.

To set a default user roles

  1. Go to Manage > Account > Company Settings. The Company Settings page opens.
  2. Select one of the following Default User Role options:
    • Developer—Creates products, then requests to integrate these products into your marketplace. These users have access to their company's own products and API integration events.
      Developers populate their own product profiles, subject to oversight by a Marketplace Manager. In some cases, Developers can see and work with information about their own bills, customers, and payouts.
    • Customer Support—Creates registered companies on a marketplace and invites their first user to register and activate an associated user account. They can also administer user account settings for all registered users on a marketplace.
    • User—There are no explicitly assigned roles for this user. This user is sometimes referred to as an end user or customer. This user can receive product assignments and access them on their MyApps pages.
  3. Click Save. Your default company role is updated.

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