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Manage reseller access

The following procedure describes how a Company Administrator can link a reseller company to your marketplace company. Members of linked reseller company support your company's users and manage your subscriptions. This includes the ability for Resellers to buy products on your behalf, send reset password emails, and use other support tools.

To manage reseller access

  1. Go to Manage > Account > Company Settings. The Company Settings page opens.
  2. Click Add Reseller in the Reseller Access area. The Link to Reseller dialog opens.
  3. Enter the reseller company you want to link to your marketplace company, then click Save. The reseller company is added below any existing companies in the Linked Reseller Companies table.
  4. (Optional) Click Remove Link next to a reseller company to remove reseller access to your company. You are prompted to confirm the removal.
  5. Click Yes. The association between the reseller company and your company is removed. You do not have to click Save on the Company Settings page to update these settings.

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