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Update Marketplace edition code for Channel service APIs

The transfer tool and GCP run on channel services APIs from Google. These APIs require an update to the SKU management. Follow the instructions in this section to make the necessary updates.

  1. Get offerName details.
    1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > INTEGRATION | Google.
    2. Click Get Latest Offers to download the .csv file which contains the offerName details.
      Note: If you do not see the Get Latest Offers button or having issues with downloading the .csv file, contact your AppDirect Technical Representative for assistance.
  2. Update the Marketplace edition code in the product profile.
    1. Search for the offerName for the particular edition in the .csv file downloaded in the previous step.
      Look for the SkuDisplayName column, search with the SKU name (for example, Google Cloud Platform), and then go to the OfferName column to get the value.
    2. Update the edition code to match the format Marketplace edition code | offerName. For example: Google-Cloud-Platform|accounts/C01cq59o7/offers/SE7l9MPqilOaSR.
    3. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Products > Catalog | Production Catalog.
      The Production Catalog opens.
    4. Click the gear icon next to the product whose edition you want to edit, then select Edit Product.
      The Product Dashboard opens for the selected product.
    5. Click Editions.
      The list expands to show each existing edition.

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