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Set up single sign-on

The Edit SAML topic for vendors describes Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) where AppDirect is the identity provider (IdP). AppDirect also supports SAML 2.0 for single sign-on (SSO) into AppDirect-powered marketplaces from an external identity provider. This makes it possible for Company Administrators to use their existing identity systems (Active Directory or other SAML-based identity system) for marketplace access, allowing their users to authenticate into the marketplace using their corporate single sign-on (SSO) credentials.

If SSO is available to your company, a Single Sign-On option appears under your Company Settings:

Manage > Account > Account | Company Settings > COMPANY SETTINGS | Single Sign-On

📝 Note: By default, this capability is granted to companies with marketplace access level—that is, to the marketplace owner only. The owner's customers and partners do not receive this capability by default. However, a Marketplace Manager might be able to enable it for other companies. See Enable single sign-on for more information.

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