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Install and configure the Directory Connector

Company Administrators can download and install the Directory Connector to complete the integration of their marketplace and their Active Directory server. The installation file installs the connector as a Windows service.

When installed and configured, the integration allows the marketplace to obtain user information from the Active Directory server, and, if single sign-on is enabled, allows registered marketplace users to log in to the marketplace using their Active Directory credentials.

To install and configure the Directory Connector

  1. Go to Manage > Account > Company Settings > Company Settings | Directory Integration. The Directory Integration page opens.
  2. Ensure the Enable Directory Sync option is set to Yes. The Installation section is hidden when this option is set to No.
  3. Click Download Connector in the Installation section. The DirectoryConnectorSetup-{version}.exe file downloads to your default download folder.
  4. Navigate to your download folder and double-click the file to start the installation program.
  5. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. When the installation finishes, a Directory Connector shortcut appears on your desktop.
  6. Double-click the desktop shortcut. The Configure Directory Connector popup opens.
    1. Enter an administrator password in the Set New Password field, then confirm the password by reentering it in the Repeat Password field.
    2. Click Show Advanced Configuration. The following fields appear:
      • Maximum Failed Login Attempts—Number of times you can enter an incorrect combination of user name and password before you are locked out of the marketplace. Default: 3.
      • Account Lockout Period (minutes)—Number of minutes you must wait before attempting to log in to your marketplace again. Default: 1.
    3. Click Update Account. Your settings are saved.

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