Manage scheduled reports
After you create scheduled reports you can view, edit and delete them.
📝 Note: All Company Administrators within your company can download reports after they are generated.
To manage scheduled reports
- Go to Manage > Account > Reports > Reports | Manage Reports. The Manage Reports page opens.
- (Optional) Do any of the following:
- View the list of scheduled reports for your marketplace. To filter the list of visible reports, click Show Filters, then select the reporting frequency from the drop-down list. The available options include: show all, daily, run once, weekly and monthly.
- Edit previously scheduled reports, as follows:
- In the row that contains the report you want to edit, click the gear icon, then select Edit from the drop-down list. The Scheduled Report dialog opens.
- Edit any of the following settings: report name, reporting timelines, report start date and reporting frequency.
- Click Save Schedule. Your changes are saved.
- Delete a scheduled report. In the row that contains the report you want to edit, click the gear icon, then select Remove from the drop-down list. The report is removed, and will no longer be run.
📝 Note: After you remove a scheduled report, all previously published versions of the report remain accessible on the Download Reports page.
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