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View subscription details

Subscription details are available indirectly through the Orders list page. Although the term subscription does not appear in the user interface, in the AppDirect platform a subscription represents a company entitlement to a product, and the relevant information is therefore available if you examine information about specific products included in orders.

To view subscription details

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to one of the following pages, depending on the subscriptions that you want to view:
    • To view all marketplace subscriptions, go to Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > Billing | Orders. The Orders page opens.
    • To view all subscriptions for a specific user, go to Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > Home | Users > user name, and scroll to the Orders table.
    • To view all subscriptions for a specific company, go to Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > Home | Companies > company name, and click the Billing tab. The Orders table appears.
      At the upper-right of the Orders table, there is a toggle between Products and Editions. By default, Products is selected, and the information on the page shows subscription summary information. When you toggle to Editions, you can view order information (see View order details).
      In the Orders table, when the Products toggle is selected, the Status column displays subscription status, not order status. This is the only place where you can view subscription statuses in the user interface. For more information about order and subscription statuses, see Order and subscription statuses.
  2. Click one of the table rows. The subscription details dialog opens. It contains information about the company and user who own the subscription, the associated sales agent (if applicable), as well as the active or most recently updated order in the subscription.
    The Order History table lists all orders in the subscription. Subscriptions can contain multiple orders, for example for purchases that include both one-time fees and recurring charges. In the Order History table, the status column lists order status, not subscription status.

📝 Note: The subscription detail information and the order history table both include billing information, although the Total Fee values in the two locations can be different for editions that include free trials:

  • The Total Fee that appears in the subscription details area displays the one-time or recurring fee due when the free trial expires: it is the edition cost and does not change if the edition includes a free trial.
  • The order history Total Fee displays the cost of the order, so if the order status is Free trial, Free trial expired, or Free trial canceled, the Total Fee value is Free Trial.

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