Delete leads
Developers can delete leads that they manually created and are in the Pending Submission status. You cannot delete leads that others assign to you. Deleted leads remain visible on the Leads page but they cannot be reactivated nor undeleted.
To delete a lead
- Go to Manage > Billing & Distribution > Leads. The Leads page opens.
- Click the row for the lead that you created, is in Pending Submission status, and want to delete. The lead details page opens.
- Click Manage > Delete. The Delete a Lead dialog appears.
- Click Delete. The following occurs:
- A message confirms that the lead is deleted.
- The status of the lead is Deleted.
- The Manage drop-down list options on the lead details page disappear because the lead is inactive.
- The Edit buttons on the lead details page disappear because the lead is inactive.
- The History section displays record of the deletion.
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