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Add products to child marketplaces

The Network Catalog Manager can add published products in their production catalog to the staging catalogs of their child marketplaces.

To add a product to a child marketplace

  1. Go to Manage > Network > Products | Network Catalog. The Network Catalog page opens. The left pane displays the published products in the production catalog of the marketplace. The top line displays the product name. A green dot indicates that the product is published.
  2. Click a product to select it, and the child marketplaces are displayed in the right pane. If the product is already in a child marketplace, it is greyed out and In-marketplace is displayed. If the marketplace is available, Available is displayed and you can select the check box to add your product to the child marketplace.
  3. Click the check box to add published products to the queue of products that to add to your child marketplaces. A maximum of 100 products can be queued for addition to child marketplaces.
  4. Click Add. The products selected from your production catalog are added to the staging catalogs of the selected child marketplaces.

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