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Product profile page objects

Product profile pages, which users access when they click a product from a home, listing, comparison, or browsing page, contain detailed product information. Product profile pages are found at http://mytheme/apps/productId.

Product profile pages provide access to the following information, accessible through tabs (sub-pages) in the base theme:

  • Overview
  • Features
  • Reviews
  • Questions
  • Resources
  • Support
  • Editions

Product sub-pages provide access to the same information as profile pages, so theme developers can design a single page for product profiles if desired, with two exceptions: due to technical limitations, the Reviews and Questions sub-pages contain extra information specific to reviews and questions respectively.

The application object on the profile page contains the following information.

configContains the following product configuration properties:
  • id: Product ID, the same number that appears in the page URL
  • uuid: Product unique identifier
  • type: Product type, for example WEB_APP
summaryContains summary information that appears in the product title bar in the base theme:
  • title: Product name
  • details: Short product summary
  • logoSrc: URL to logo image
  • productRibbon: Text and text properties of the label that appears on the logo, for example CORE APP
  • merchandisingBadges: Array of small merchandising images
categoriesList of associated categories and category URLs
startingPriceContains the following product price information:
  • currency: Three-letter currency ISO currency code, for example USD
  • symbol: Currency symbol, for example $
  • frequency: Payment frequency details
    • label: Payment frequency label text, for example Month
    • shortLabel: Abbreviated label, for example Mo
    • id: Frequency ID, for example ONE_TIME, MONTHLY, YEARLY, and so on
  • price: Product price without currency symbol, for example 15.99
  • priceCaption: Text that accompanies the price, for example Starting at
  • formattedPrice: Product price with currency symbol, for example $15.99
domainsContains data related to the domain product available on AppDirect
editionsContains all relevant edition information required to build a list of editions:
  • bullets: List of features common to all editions
  • items: List of editions that contains details about each. There are many edition properties. The following data is relevant for theme designers:
    • List of costs per unit, for example $5.00 per month per user
    • Unit limit, for example 1 per user
    • Discount, either fixed price or percentage
    • Contract duration, for example 12 months
    • Target audience, for example small business or retail chains
    • List of edition-specific features
    • Action, such as a buy button or Contact Us button
  • footnotes: Fine-print pricing information
addonProductsInformation about add-on products (see Manage add-on products). This object contains the same type of information as the editions object.
addonsInformation about add-on offerings (see Legacy features). This object contains the same type of information as the editions object.
resourcesList of supplementary resources such as videos or PDF documents, with links
screenshotsList of product screenshots, with links
supportList of support resources including links, telephone number, and email address
featuresList of product features, which appear by default on the Features sub-page at http://mytheme/apps/productId/productName/features
buyButtonLabel, styling, and action of the buy button, for example Buy Now
leadsAll data required to create a lead form (when the action is "Contact Us" instead of a direct purchase)
  • collectLeads: Indicates whether leads are enabled for the product
  • button: Lead button text, for example Contact Us
  • form: All form fields required to collect a lead, and the endpoint URL to which to post the form
customAttributesList of custom attributes added by the Marketplace Manager
navigationList of all sections or sub-pages available for the current product
recommendationsLists industry recommendations
relatedContentA subset of product data, including pricing and product rating, used to build the panel on the right of the profile page
reviewsList of reviews from users and industry sources
  • items: List of reviews
    • rating: Rating out of five
    • title: Review title
    • comment: Full review comment
    • author: Author name
    • commentCount: Number of comments on the review
    • source: Review source, if it originated outside of AppDirect
    • isCurrentUserReview: Indicates whether the current user wrote the review
    • comments: List of comments on the review. Comment details are only available on the reviews sub-page at http://mytheme/apps/productId/reviews.
  • featured: List of featured reviews from industry sources
  • rating: Average product rating out of five
  • totalCustomerReviews: Total number of product reviews
  • currentUserReview: Lists reviews written by the current user
overviewContains the following product overview information
  • title: First overview heading
  • description: Product description that follows the first heading
  • callToActions: List of actions that appear on buttons, such as Watch Demo or Take the Tour
  • image: URL to a product profile image
  • documentationUrl: URL to the product documentation
  • downloadDocumentationUrl: URL to downloadable product documentation
  • customers: Customers' logos
  • benefits: List of various product features and benefits, in title/description format
questionsList of user questions. This data is only available on the questions sub-page at http://mytheme/apps/productId/productName/questions
  • title: Question title
  • comment: Full question text
  • author: Author name and picture
  • answerCount: Number of answers
  • byDate: Question creation date
  • isCurrentUserQuestion: Indicates whether the current user asked the question
  • answers: List of answers

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