Listing page objects
The listing page, found at http://mytheme/listing, is the place where customers can search for and filter products. It contains two unique objects: a list of products (all products by default), and a list of filters that customers can select to refine the product list. The filters are based on product properties such as categories, attributes, platforms, and so on.
Listing page product properties
The listingProducts
object contains a list of products, as well as any selected filters, sorting, and pagination criteria.
Property | Definition |
items | Product details. See the List section in Custom page objects |
query | The current search query and/or selected filters |
pagination | Current page of search results, total number of pages, and page list (previous, selected, next) |
compare | See Product comparison page objects |
sorting | Lists the possible page sorting options (relevance, popularity, newest first, alphabetical, and rating) and the selected option |
Listing page filter properties
Filters are product categories, subcategories, and attributes that users can select to refine the product list. For more information on categories and attributes, see Organize products.
All filter items (categories, subcategories, and attributes) are included in the listingProperties
object and have the same properties.
Property | Definition |
queryKey | Term used to build query URL, for example cat (category), scat (subcategory), or attr (attribute) |
id | Category ID label (for attributes) or number (for categories) |
text | Filter label as it appears in the user interface, for example Featured Apps |
selected | Indicates whether the filter is selected |
url | Full query URL that includes all selected filters |
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