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Configure shipping

Important: The documentation in this topic refers to a feature or product that is currently in Early Availability status. Features in Early Availability status are only available in production to a limited number of customers based on fit with specific use cases. For more information about Early Availability status, see Product lifecycle phases. If you would like to use the product capabilities described here during the Early Availability phase, contact your AppDirect technical representative.

This is available only in Checkout v2.

To fulfill physical goods, Marketplace Managers must configure shipping information, including a default origin address and shipping zones. The origin address is the address from which goods are shipped.

When you create an edition for a physical good that you want a fulfillment service to manage and ship, the following values must be included in the edition code:

  • The shipping connector UUID for the fulfillment service—identifies which fulfillment service is used in a specific zone to fulfill the product edition. The shipping connector translates fulfillment information between AppDirect and the fulfillment service.
  • The fulfillment company's SKU that identifies the product edition—this SKU is mapped to the marketplace's product edition.
    For more information and an example of an edition code that includes this information, see Add Editions.

To configure shipping

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > Settings | Shipping. The Shipping page opens.
  2. In the Origin Address pane, click Edit. The Origin Address pane opens.
  3. Enter the origin address details. This address is used to calculate the shipping charge and to determine the tax rate for physical goods sold.
  4. Click Save. The origin address is saved.
  5. In the Zones pane click Add New Zone. The Add New Zone page opens.
    Note: A zone is a group of regions or countries that have the same shipping rates and the same default fulfillment service.
  6. In the Zone Name pane, click Edit, then enter the name of the zone.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Click Add Country, then select a country from the drop-down list. The country is added to the zone and all regions within the country (provinces, states, and so on) are included by default in the zone. The total number of regions within the country is indicated (for example, 25 of 25 regions for France). You can use the following optional procedure to include or exclude specific regions:
    1. (Optional) Next to the country name, click Edit. The list of available regions for the selected country appears.
    2. (Optional) Deselect regions that you don't want to include in the zone, or select regions that you want to include.
    3. Click Done. The number of regions included in the zone is updated based on your selections.
  9. Add more countries to the zone as required.
  10. In the Out of Zone Message pane, enter the message to be displayed to users who don't reside in the zone, if they try to purchase a product and have it shipped to that zone.
  11. To configure shipping rates, click Add Rate. For more information, see Configure flat shipping rates.
  12. If the Inventory pane is displayed, select the action to take when the number of units in stock is too low. For more information, see Set the Inventory rule section below.
  13. Click Save. The zone is configured and you can begin fulfilling purchases of physical goods for this zone.

Set the Inventory rule

Important: The documentation in this topic refers to a feature or product that is currently in Preview status. Features in Preview status are in development, only available in test environments, and are only available to a limited number of customers who want to test the new capabilities and provide feedback to AppDirect. For more information about Preview status, see Product lifecycle phases. If you would like to use the product capabilities described here during the Preview phase, contact your AppDirect technical representative.

If you sell a physical product, you can use the GraphQL API to create an Inventory that keeps track of the number of units in stock for each edition of the product. For more information about how to set up an Inventory for physical products, see the Inventory section of the GraphQL API user documentation.

If this feature has been enabled, the Shipping settings display an Inventory pane that includes a radio button that offers two options for what to do when a product edition's Inventory record indicates that there are not enough units left to fill an order:

  • Disable purchases of that product edition.
    The marketplace queries the Inventory at checkout to ensure that there are still enough units to fill the order. If not, the marketplace displays an error.
    • If there are no units of the product edition in stock, the product card in the cart displays an error message stating that it is out of stock. The customer must remove the edition from the cart before proceeding.
    • If there are some units but not enough to fill the current order, the product card displays an error message that indicates the number of units left. The customer can then reduce the order to that number (or fewer) and continue, or remove the edition from the cart.
  • Continue selling the product edition.
    The Inventory has no direct effect on marketplace transactions. When a product edition is already sold out, customers can still complete checkout.

The setting only affects physical products that have an Inventory record. It will not impede the sale of physical products that do not have such a record, even when this feature is enabled.

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