Publish quote templates
📝 Note: The quote templates feature is now offered through Document Builder. If Document Builder is fully configured on the marketplace, you can navigate to Document Builder, and the quote templates feature within it, through the user interface instead of a URL that you enter. See Document Builder.
When users download PDF quotes, the marketplace references quote templates in Active status to generate them. When Marketplace Managers publish a previously unpublished quote template, the template status changes from Not Active to Active (the previously published template is deactivated and the status changes to Not active). You can also edit published templates. The edits do not apply to quote generation until you publish the templates again.
The following is true:
- There must be at least one published template for each language that the marketplace supports, and there cannot be more than one.
- By default when marketplace enables the Document Builder feature, the default quote templates are in Active status.
- You can publish default and user-defined templates.
- After you edit published templates, on the quote template details page you can view the published version and the most recently updated version (which are the same when you have not edited templates since you published them).
To publish quote templates
- Go to the URL of the quote template page provided by AppDirect.
- Click Publish. (The Publish button is unavailable when the template is published and you have made no edits since you last published it.) The following occurs:
- If the template was inactive prior to being published, the quote status changes to Active, the Publish button deactivates until you edit the template again, and the previously published (previously active) quote template is deactivated and the status changes to Not active.
- If the template was active and you are publishing edits to it, the quote status remains Active. The Publish button deactivates until you edit the template again.
- The Publish button becomes inactive until you edit the template again.
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