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All invoices with a balance greater than zero require payment. Following are the payment statuses:

  • Successful—An automated payment was successfully processed, either at the time of purchase or after the invoice was sent to the customer.
  • Pending—Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment was initiated but the financial institution has not yet confirmed the payment status, Successful or Failed. The financial institution typically confirms the payment status one to five business days after customers make payments.
  • Failed—An automated credit card payment was attempted and failed because the payment processor denied it. This could be for several reasons, including an expired credit card, or insufficient credit. This status can also result from failed ACH payments.
  • Gateway not available (N/A)—Payment could not be processed because the third-party payment gateway was not available.
  • Off-platform—Payment was processed outside of the AppDirect platform. You can view and manage record of these payments on your marketplace.

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