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Profile and branding

The PROFILE & BRANDING section of the Product Dashboard lists pages where you can specify how the product is displayed on the marketplace. You can include different sorts of marketing materials that may already be available from the product provider, including:

  • Listing Info—Overview information to be displayed for the product. This must include a brief product description and a logo, which are shown when the product appears in a list. You can also specify links to privacy policies and terms of use, search engine information, and categories in which the product should be listed.
  • Profile—A more complete description of the product for the splash page that appears when a user decides to view the full product profile. The profile can also include snapshots, videos, links to documentation, and lists of benefits. You can also describe specific features of the product (at least one is required).
  • Customers & Media—Endorsements from people and organizations. These can include a list of existing customers, whose logos will be displayed in the profile, and links to media reviews of the product.
  • Support—Contact information for product support. This can include a call center number, support e-mail address, and a link to an online knowledge base or other support center URL.
  • Resources—Supporting material for product use. This can include multiple PDF or Scribd documents, as well as video tutorials from YouTube or Vimeo.

For more information on profiles and branding, see product profiles and branding section.

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