New help portal for developer content
We are excited to announce the launch of our new developer portal (, which is built to host developer-focused content. With this new portal, we aim to provide content that focuses on developer tools, explores the multiple possibilities of the extensive AppDirect APIs, and empowers customer developers to manage changes using tools like webhooks.
As a first step towards achieving this goal, we have migrated all the content within the USE AppDirect APIs tile on the AppDirect Online Help page to the new portal. Moving forward, updates to these sections will be available from the new developer portal.
In future releases, we are also planning to re-factor the existing content to enhance the experience and also introduce material that will enable customers to:
- Create complete or partial headless experiences with their UI that aligns with their brand and styling while taking advantage of AppDirect’s framework.
- Introduce custom flows into marketplaces based on their business needs.
- Create automation to enable marketplaces to work efficiently with other tools and platforms in the ecosystem.
- Troubleshoot common issues.
Feature enablement
No feature enablement is required.
Setting enablement
No setting enablement is required.
No documentation updates are required.
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