Example asynchronous subscription event notification flow
An example of an asynchronous event notification flow is shown below using a create subscription.
User Bob purchases application Gizmo123. This creates an asynchronous SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER event identified by URL https://www.acme-marketplace.com/api/integration/v1/events/12345.
AppDirect calls http://example.com/create?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.acme-marketplace.com%2Fapi%2Fintegration%2Fv1%2Fevents%2F12345.
Example.com issues a signed fetch to: https://www.acme-marketplace.com/api/integration/v1/events/12345\. If Example.com wants to receive the response from AppDirect in JSON format, they must add
Accept: application/json
in their HTTP GET request. If they want to receive the response from AppDirect in XML format they must addAccept: application/xml
in their HTTP GET request. If they do not specify the content type an XML payload will be returned. -
AppDirect sends a JSON or XML response to the vendor.
"marketplace": {
"baseUrl": "https://www.acme.com",
"partner": "APPDIRECT"
"creator": {
"address": {
"city": "Cambridge",
"country": "US",
"phone": "8582312882",
"state": "MA",
"street1": "123 Main St",
"zip": "02142"
"email": "testuser@testco.com",
"firstName": "Test",
"language": "en",
"lastName": "User",
"locale": "en-US",
"openId": "https://www.acme.com/openid/id/5d1f6f79-efff-411e-abe5-0b0a01610f04",
"uuid": "5d1f6f79-efff-411e-abe6-0b0a01610f04"
"payload": {
"company": {
"country": "US",
"name": "Test User",
"phoneNumber": "8582312882",
"uuid": "dc61a736-55b6-40fc-9b5a-6b17cbe6eb62"
"order": {
"editionCode": "0D5C06DB-FFEC-43a1-A6AF-EFB7E9B17905",
"pricingDuration": "MONTHLY",
"items": [{
"quantity": "3",
"unit": "USER"
}- XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<street1>123 Main St</street1>
<name>Test User</name>
</event> -
Example.com starts the creation a new account for Bob in its account system.
Example.com returns a JSON or XML response to the original HTTP request.
Status Code: 202 Accepted
}- XML
Status Code: 202 Accepted
</result> -
AppDirect puts the subscription into the PENDING_REMOTE_CREATION state. The user cannot do anything with the subscription at this time.
The vendor sends an HTTP POST to https://www.acme-marketplace.com/api/integration/v1/events/12345/result to indicate the account creation is complete. Note that the POST body is the same object as a synchronous event response.
Status Code: 200 OK
Status Code: 200 OK
Or in the event of an error, Example.com must return a valid error code, see Event error codes.
Status Code: 409 Conflict
"success": "false"
"message": "Optional message that the user already exists"
Status Code: 409 Conflict
<message>Optional message that the user already exists</message>
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