Identity provider-initiated SSO flow
This section describes the SAML identity provider-initiated single sign-on (SSO) flow for applications integrated with an AppDirect-powered marketplace. For the service provider-initiated SSO flow, see Service provider-initiated SSO flow.
A description of each step follows the image.
- The user initiates SSO by clicking on the MyApps tile.
- The user is authenticated with the marketplace (if they're not already logged in).
- The SAML response (assertion) is generated and the marketplace sends a POST request to the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL registered with the SSO product configuration.
Following is an example:<SAML\_response>
See Example C—SAML response in SAML authentication event examples for an example of the full SAML response sent to the developer’s ACS.
- The SAML response is validated by the developer.
- The user is logged in to the developer application.
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