Build invoice line tables

Important: This feature is only available to marketplaces that are part of the Invoice Builder EAP. The feature described here is at varying stages of completion. Details and documentation might change. If you have questions, contact your . We are actively soliciting feedback from early adopters. To provide feedback on this document, contact the Technical Publications team at

This topic describes the JSON for the default invoice lines tables that appear in the default invoices, with table components (for an introduction to tables, see Table components).

You add table components to cell components.

Invoice lines appear in tables in the body of invoices. In the default invoice templates, they display product and edition name, billing period start and end, price per unit, quantity purchased, and total.

Invoice line table components define the format of invoice lines, and the content that appears in them. To define formatting, you can use HTML styles for invoice lines and Markdown markup language for the data in them. You can also group and sort the data.

In invoice line tables you can only add tokens from the Invoice line details tokens category. To group and sort invoice lines, you use tokens from the Sorting and grouping tokens category and the 'isGrouped' property. For information about token categories, see Tokens.


You can add table components to cell components. See Build cell components.

Default template JSON sample

In the Appdirect Template_EN_US default template, see lines 578-761.

To download the default template, go to .

Invoice lines table JSON schema

After you set parameters for the whole component, you define the table header and table body. The table header (top row) and table body have the same number of columns. Header defines the column labels that appear in the top (header) row and styles for the row. Body defines the data that appears in each column in the rows beneath the header row, and styles for each column.

    "type": "table",
    "data": "<repeating_data_token>",
    "style": { },
    "properties": {
        "visible": < true | false >
    "sortingCriteria": [{
        "key": "<column_name_token>",
        "order": "<asc | desc>"
    "customSortingCriteria": [
            "key": "<column_name_token",
            "order": [
    "groupingCriteria": ["<column_name_1">, "<column_name_2>", ... ],
    "header": {
        "style": { },
        "properties": {
            "visible": <true | false>
        "columns": [
                "style": { },
                "properties": { },
                "label": "<column name>"
                "style": {},
                "properties": { },
                "type": "text",
                "label": "<column name>"
    "body": {
        "style": { },
        "properties": {
            "visible": <true | false>
        "columns": [
                "style": {},
                "properties": { },
                "data": "<{{token}}>",
                "type": "<text | Markdown>"
                "style": {},
                "properties": { },
                "data": "<{{token}}>",
                "type": "<text | Markdown>"

Elements to populate invoice lines table components

Element       Type Description
table         Defines styles, behaviors, and content for table components.



Required. Defines the component type as table.

Valid value:

  data     string

Required. Defines the list of invoice rows data that appears in the table rows. Dictates the valid token categories for the table: Invoice line, and Grouping and sorting categories. See Tokens.

Valid values when this is an invoice lines table:

{{Invoice Lines}}
  style     object

Required. Defines formatting for the invoice lines table.

Valid values: HTML element names and CSS styles for the named HTML element.

All HTML styles. Only relevant styles that the Invoice Builder can render appear in the user interface preview and the PDF.


"color": "#575757"
"border-bottom": "1px solid #575757"


    object Required. Define behaviors such as visibility.
    visible   boolean

Whether table is displayed.

Valid values:

true | false
  sortingCriteria   array

Defines how the data that appears in body rows is sorted. Limited to ascending and descending sorting order. For other sorting options, use the customSortingCriteria property described in this table.

Valid values: Array or, when there is no sorting or when customSortingCriteria is defined, null.

"sortingCriteria": [] | "sortingCriteria": null


"key": "{{Cost Type}}", "order": "asc"
    key   string

Required. Defines the criteria by which the data is to be sorted.

Valid values for invoice lines tables:

{{Cost Type}} | {{IS CREDIT}}


"key": "{{Cost Type}}"
    order   boolean

Required. The order in which data in the column is sorted.

Valid values: Ascending or descending.

asc | desc


"key": "{{Cost Type}}", "order": "asc"
  customSortingCriteria   array

Defines how the data that appears in body rows is sorted. Sort order is custom, other than ascending or descending (to build sorting based on ascending or descending order, use the sortingCriteria property described in this table). When this is defined, sortingCriteria must be null.

Valid values: Array of keys and orders or, when there is no customSortingCriteria or SortingCriteria is defined, null.

"customSortingCriteria": [] | "customSortingCriteria": null
    key   string

Required. Token that defines which type of data to sort.

Valid values for invoice line tables:

{{Cost Type}} | {{IS CREDIT}}
    order   array

Required. Defines sort order by tokens, in the order tokens appear in the array.

Valid values differ by key.

When the key is

{{Cost Type}}

the Sorting and grouping category tokens (see Tokens) are valid except the following:

{{Product Type - Credit}}
{{Product Type - Non-Credit}}

When the key is


the following Sorting and grouping category tokens are valid:

{{Product Type - Credit}} {{Product Type - Non-Credit}}
  groupingCriteria   array

Defines criteria by which to group rows of data.

Valid values: Array of one or more tokens by which data is to be grouped, in the order it is to be grouped. Or, null which defines no grouping.


"{{Subscription ID}}", "{{Product ID}}", "{{Edition ID}}"
  header     object Required. Defines style and content for table header row.

Defines formatting for the invoice lines table header row.

Valid values: HTML element names and CSS styles for the named HTML element.

All HTML styles. Only relevant styles that the Invoice Builder can render appear in the user interface preview and the PDF.


"border-bottom": "1px solid #575757"
"font-family": "Arial"
    properties object Define behaviors such as visibility.
      visible boolean

Defines whether component appears on invoices.

Valid values:

true | false
    columns   array

Each text and markdown text component in the array defines the style, properties, and label for one column in the header row. Columns are defined in the JSON in the order they appear on the invoice, from left to right.

To populate this array, see the Elements to populate header columns section in this topic.

  body     array Required. Defines style and data for the table body.
    style   object

Required. Defines formatting for the invoice lines table body.

Valid values: HTML element names and CSS styles for the named HTML element.

All HTML styles. Only relevant styles that the Invoice Builder can render appear in the user interface preview and the PDF.


"border-bottom": "1px solid #575757"
"font-family": "Arial"
    properties   Required. Define behaviors such as visibility. Applies to the table body.
      visible boolean

Defines whether component appears on invoices.

Valid values:

true | false
    columns   array


Each text and markdown text component in the array defines the style and content for one column in the table body. Columns are defined in the JSON in the order they appear on the invoice, from left to right, and they correspond with the header labels.

See the Elements to populate body columns section in this topic.

Elements to populate invoice lines header columns

In the default template, the invoice lines header element appears in lines 614-683.

To download the default template, go to .

Element     Type Description
columns     array Required. Each text and markdown text component in the array defines the style, properties, and label for one column in the header row. Columns are defined in the JSON in the order they appear on the invoice, from left to right.
  description   string

Optional. User comments about the JSON. They do not appear on the invoice.


Column 1 header 
Column 2 header
  style   object

Required. Defines formatting for the invoice lines header row.

Valid values: HTML element names and CSS styles for the named HTML element.

All HTML styles. Only relevant styles that the Invoice Builder can render appear in the user interface preview and the PDF.


"text-align": "left"
    width string

Defines column width as a percent of the width of the cell that contains the table.

When there is one column, it is 100% of the width of the cell that contains the table. When there is more than one column, each column is automatically allocated an equal percentage of the cell width. You can override percentage widths.




  properties   object Required. Define behaviors such as visibility. Applies to the header row.
    visible boolean


Defines whether component appears on invoices.

Valid values:

true | false
  label   string

Required. Defines the content to appear in the header row for this column.

Valid values: Text that describes the content of the column.


Billing Period
Price per unit

Elements to populate invoice lines body columns

In the default template, the invoice lines body element appears in lines 689-757.

To download the default template, go to .

Element     Type Description
columns     array Required. Each text and markdown text component in the array defines the style and content for one column in the table body. Columns are defined in the JSON in the order they appear on the invoice, from left to right, and they correspond with the header labels.
  description   string

Optional. User comments about the JSON. They do not appear on the invoice.


Column 1 content
Column 2 content
  type   string

Required. Defines the column content type as text or Markdown text (see Build Markdown text components).

Valid values:

text | markdownText
  style   object

Required. Defines formatting for body column.

Valid values: HTML element names and CSS styles for the named HTML element.

All HTML styles. Only relevant styles that the Invoice Builder can render appear in the user interface preview and the PDF.


"border-bottom": "1px solid #575757"
"font-family": "Arial"
"line-height": "15px",
"padding-right": "12px"
  data   string

Required. Content to populate the column in the table body.

Valid content:

For text components—One or more valid tokens.

For markdownText components—One or more valid tokens formatted with Markdown markup language (see Build Markdown text components).

Token format: {{Token Name}}

Valid tokens (see Tokens):

When the header data token is {{Invoice Lines}}, tokens in the Invoice line details category.

Token example:

{{Product Description}}

Markdown text example:

"**{{Product Name}}** \n{{Edition Name}}"
  properties   object Required. Define behaviors such as visibility and grouping.
    visible boolean


Defines whether component appears on invoices.

Valid values:

true | false
    isGrouped boolean

When the table groupingCriteria uses the token in this column to group data, defines whether visual grouping occurs.

When true, data appears in this column for the first invoice line in each group and does not for subsequent lines in the group. Example: {{Product name}} appears for the first invoice line but not for subsequent invoice lines in the group of lines related to the product (when multiple lines related to the product are grouped together, avoids the product name being repeated on every line).

When false, the data appears in this column for all invoice lines (the product name appears on every line).

Valid values:

true | false